EU army thread

Why shouldn’t the EU build up a separate army from the EU states?

Any EU citizen could join if they get through the selection criteria. The general purpose would be wars in countries not complying with EU sanctions. It could consist of up to 1 million troops, several thousand military airplanes, several aircraft carrier groups and many frigates and destroyers and of course special forces. The EU Commission would be in charge but for longer wars would need authorization from the EU Council.

Attached: BF852744-EBC9-4ED5-B913-1B39B4D4BB74.jpg (625x400, 49K)

We know what you're up to kraut. The third time isn't a charm.


Oi you sheep shagging cunt, what the hell are you doing, they have internet in Wales?

EU sanctions coming your way, limey.

EU is a marxist ZOGed oligarchy, why would anyone willingly fight for it?

Come on kraut,you can't be trusted to even have mail service let alone army.

Who said anything about "willingly"?

Don’t call me that... I swear, one more time mutt

>be german
>started 2 world war
>now wants an "EU Army"
Nice try, kraut