What political affiliation are incels?
What political affiliation are incels?
How about you affiliate your brain with a lead slug? Sage.
>They think Danny Devito qualifies as ugly
That alone tells a lot about the standards of modern women.
Danny Devito, even in the most ruthless of analysis, is a 5.
Half of the world’s males are indeed uglier than him, and if they didn’t keep their eyes stuck on Chad they would know that.
>a greasy dwarf who has built a career on being gross isn't ugly
socially-conservative leftists.
Germany: Merkel is femcel
Poland: Leader of the ruling party is an Incel
he was not an ugly man when he was young, he's now a extremely rich men and his wife is a ugly jewess, another incel topic created by a memeflaggot, you trannies are really obsessed with these guys lol
It’s not that he isn’t ugly, it’s that there many many people uglier than him.
That he’s become an icon of what isn’t attractive shows that he is the cut-off point between what can at least be shown to the public.
Everything below Danny Devito you would never see in tv, but it exists.
Those people won’t just disappear, and to ignore the problem is to ask for a civil war.
There is no such thing as a male involuntary celibate. Any man with 80 dollars can hire a half decent looking prostitute.
>Fucking a bought hole
>Not an incel
It’s not sex that’s important, it’s relationships.