Whites are genetically super-

>Whites are genetically super-

Attached: Latinos.png (1440x2960, 409K)

old goblins look exactly like young goblins, and its beautiful

>Latinos age slower
What? I don't understand, race is a social construct

Is that why the old goblinas eat the young ones?

Si mi amor

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This is bullshit. I had a goblina maid and she was younger than me but looked 60+. She thought my wife and I were vampires so we fired her.

Clearly they're racists.

Take the latina pill you rasis whypipo

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>She thought my wife and I were vampires so we fired her.

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>Age slower
Go eat a flower, you hippie.
Only plus of being a latino is brutality if you're lucky your parents arent total dumbfucks and you turn out smart.

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"latino" is not even an ethnicity wtf. There are indians, whites, blacks and random mixes of those 3, if they come from certain countries in south america you can further add some chink genes to the mix.

Que linda

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U wot m8?

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(((They're))) probably referring to looks

Jew detected.

They age extremely fast until 12, then slow down again until 27 and then turn into goblins overnight.

Some vampires are Jews, but not all vampires are Jews.

>Never have to lift a finger if you can get on the gibs train
>More likely to if you're brown and in a liberal state/city
I love genetics

>Unbiased study
Yeah okay sure they do.

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>2016 article
Idiots on here will still take the bait tho

>Make claim that flies in the face of all observable facts
>twist data to support claim
>arrive at conlusion likely to secure future funding
"what are we supposed to do with quadruple budgets next year?"
>keep close eye on Twitter trends to make sure it's a profitable year

>muh master race
>falls for Jewish trick for the 1,549,287th time
t. half white/half Chinese UCLA undergrad

It's because they get medicaid


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then they get fat and trashy because of their genes that code for fatness and trashiness and it doesn't matter anymore

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