Imperium Americana


Attached: imperium americana.png (2100x1500, 167K)

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I don’t know what this means. Fascist America?

Dios mio...

El imperio abominacionario...

Pax Americana cannot happen. Democracy is falling apart from faction extremism. What we see in the world today is mostly a countermeasure to American colonialism in the aftermath of WW2. Resources are being denied to our industries and global population numbers mean that we'd have to resort to using our nuclear arsenal to throw back an invasion attempt of numbers.

In truth, our tactical advantage was in our industry and we pissed it away with ambitious aristocrats snatching up all the disposable income and moving it overseas. Our biggest threat is not a country. It's multinational corporations.

Here we are....crying about our majik powers of insight that we gain by diddling with our genders. We duped ourselves. Only we can fix ourselves.

Learn Latin. Nouns and adjectives have to agree in number, gender and case.

Attached: american education in action.jpg (800x600, 305K)

>*votes for Trump again like a retard*

Broke: “fuck stop these Mexicans coming through”

Woke: Invade all Latin American countries and forcefully annex them into the pax americana

>"Votes for people who call people names."

Pot, meet kettle!

Obnoxious and fat, also very loud

That's all you ever want Jow Forums to do.

Discuss instead of act.

Because you're a 1 post by this ID, shitposting coward.

Maybe... what will we do with those locals? Give them even more jobs?

there's your problem.

Our problem.

>Our problem.
Voting expecting different results and endlessly talking about the problems but not actually doing anything about it.

that's Jow Forums.

Attached: 4.png (600x624, 449K)

I actually want to learn latín, can you give me some links, kind user?

Attached: north-america-blank-map.png (2124x2182, 274K)

yeah. because posting maps like that will really get things done, right?

You don't even have a IRL group with a plan to enact that.

You're shitposting and deluding yourself into thinking you're accomplishing something so you can justify your lack of action.

Discovery of america turned upside down status quo of Renaissance era, made all the economical balance obsolete etc. The bravest and the best from the gene pool went there to colonize it. but that was 500 years ago, now its rotten degenerate shithole.


Attached: nazi-jews-and-israel-300x300.jpg (300x300, 22K)

Theres definitely textbooks and stuff out there, I cant remember what mine was but I was homeschooled in one of those coops and we learned latin for a few years. Still remember
For subjective, possessive, indirect, direct, an something else. Even though I've forgotten most of it "actively" it's been a huge boon for vocabulary.

The eagle is the single most overused symbol by governments in world history.
Not much more to it

Oxford Latin Course


Attached: 9f41fd82371fe5d13b7e49e20928d0a7.png (1200x631, 53K)

Needs more Americana.

Attached: Teddy.png (806x536, 1.03M)

I suppose that what you mean is the polarization between the matriarchal and patriarchal elements of our society. I'd say they both have their merits in different times. It's just a matter of keeping realistic.

If we have a global war coming, I'd favor the patriarchy. If we need to improve our system, I'd prefer the matriarchy.

The matriarchy has dropped the ball. Promoting homosexual marriage was the lynch pin of a divide and conquer strategy that may hurt them in the long run. They're trapped now. They'll never admit that they did an immense wrong. Too many are already working on saving face by fighting a civil war....which they seem to think they can get others to fight for them...Too bad. The old south had that problem too.

In war, people side with those who can protect them. This is where the liberal matriarchy miscalculated terribly. "The Squad", ironically suggesting "Suicide Squad" is going the way of John Brown. Liberals won't spend a dime on protecting them in their mission.

The rest is a gamble on minorities who "feel" it's right, but who also "feel" that the liberals are using them. When the bullets fly, they'll hide. I can't blame them. Now more than ever, the only people with skin in the game are aristocrats.

Liberals may come out of this alive, but there will be a cost. Homosexuality will never be acceptable as orthodox behavior though. I can't predict the deal they'll have to make with the minorities, but this one is going to stink.

Empire is a costly enterprise doomed to failure. All empires crumble. For once in your life, learn from history, Non interventionism is the only way to keep a nation viable in the long-term.

Was this a black high school?

Imperium Americana is not an ethnostate, nor is it a Empire like Nazi Germany. It is an authoritarian state, where freedoms and rights are protected, but law and order is emphasized. A mature fascist nation, if you will.

Attached: washington_capitol.jpg (650x426, 51K)

Would it be Imperium Americanus?

I watched a fascinating video on that, put in terms of energy.
The tl;dw is that when you conquer a people and take their stored energy, you get a short boost of energy to fuel your society, but you must consume more energy to sustain that society, and because of that boost past what you can naturally sustain through farming or whatever, you must continue to conquer or else run our of energy, but at the same time because of diminishing returns, each successive conquest is not as profitable as the last, and you are doomed to collapse either way. The video replaces conquering your neighbors and stealing their resources with gasoline as the fuel, but that you encounter the same exact problem.

Fascism is only viable in times of war. Existential threats are the only ones that the population will agree to direct the economy toward a single goal. Outside of that, the devolution into tyranny is certain. The only difference between your idea and the USSR is the portrait that hangs in the Gulag warden's office.

It would be Imperium Americanum

Anyone who plays Civilization knows the downside of an Autocratic state. You're going to have to work them out. Showing us porn pics of your vision of the ideal won't cut it.

Imperius Americanus. The suffix -um is used to denote direct objects. So
I threw the ball would be: I threw the-um ball-um

Sure thing kike. The Nazis were the fall guys to create a state of pissrael

>The suffix -um is used to denote direct objects

Only if it’s a second declension masculine noun that ends in -us.

Imperium is a second declension neuter noun ending in -um in both it’s nominative and accusative form and so the adjective would have to agree in case, number, and gender. Therefore it would have to be “Imperium Americanum”.

Hear! Hear!

>thy spherus doth byne yeetum