My descent down the alt-right rabbit hole

I was about 14 when gamergate happened and had never really been political until then, but I was a cishet edgy white gamerbro and picked up the idea that SJWs were trying to ruin muh vidya games with feminism.

I started out watching anti SJW Youtubers like Bearing and Birdman. Because of this I was recommended more serious right wingers like Andy Warski, Ben Shapiro, and Sargon. At this point I was watching almost exclusively right wing content on YT and called myself a conservative.

From there I started getting recommendations for Rebel Media, which is where I started becoming alt-lite. I became a big fan of Milo and Paul Joseph Watson. Then Molyneux and RageAfterStorm. Those two were my first introduction to race realism and when I really started going off the deep end.

Out of curiosity, I visited the nazi cesspool that is Jow Forums. I found myself actually being convinced by some of that shit because every piece of media that I consumed was already very far right wing. I was in a massive echo chamber. They never really challenged each other’s views (looking at you Dave Rubin) so the only direction I went was further right.

I started watching self professed alt-righters like Richard Spencer and was even a fan of the Killstream when Charlottesville happened. The worst I ever got was the JQ and holocaust denial. For all intents and purposes, I was an unironic Nazi.

A turning point happened when I became agnostic because before that, a lot of my politics hinged on Christianity. Without it, there wasn’t as strong of a basis for my beliefs.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The next arc in my story is the beginning of my slow crawl out of the rabbit hole. This sounds REALLY dumb but I was grappling with my own cognitive dissonance one night when I said to myself that I was going to only seek the truth in everything.

I slowly lost most of the really abhorrent views because I was introduced to secular humanism. At that point I was like a slightly left leaning centrist. My YouTube feed was now mostly filled with atheist content creators. The Atheist Experience, Mr. Atheist, Cosmic skeptic, Jaclynn Glenn. Mostly center-left politically.

I was then introduced to Secular Talk with Kyle Kulinski. I thought “Hey I’m a secular person, so this guy probably has some good content.” As it turns out, he did. He did political videos through a secular lense which got me back into politics after being completely turned off from it for about 6 months.

I started getting back into politics and called myself a liberal and eventually a social democrat. I was (and still am) a fan of pretty much all the big socdem channels: David Pakman, The Majority Report, TYT, Secular Talk, The Humanist Report, and so on.

Then breadtube became a thing. It was so satisfying to see fascist ideas that I once held get dunked on so easily and concisely. I saw one Contrapoints vid and immediately watched every vid on her channel. Then I started watching Philosophy Tube and hbomberguy. I found their artistic visual style and very structured and consistent takedowns of arguments very entertaining. I appreciated that they always cited their sources and used studies with reliable data.

Around the time I started watching breadtubers, I tore my ACL skateboarding. I was basically bedridden for 2 weeks, which gave me a lot of time to just think about everything. I started questioning my gender identity and pretty quickly found I’m trans and bi.

Fast forward to now and I have graduated from liberal to libertarian socialist (not to be confused with regular libertarians, which are NOT leftists).

TL;DR- Went from cishet fascist alt-right shitlord chud to the real life incarnation of Tabby from Contrapoints.

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>Libertarian socialist

How nice to have two contradictory statements in the same name

Wow what a story Nark

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fictitious as well as homosexual

I too, watched every Contapoints video, and finally woke up to the truth: Homosexuality should be subject to capital punishment. Kill yourself faggot

Myth of the 20th Century
Didymus Sumydid
The Distributist
Tim Kelly
Canis Society Livestreams
Dr. Taylor Marshall
Ed Opperman

So you're some stupid faggot little kid that doesn't know jack shit about reality. Go shill for your tranny faggots on redddit, loser.

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Fuck off with your edgy racism you fucking underage fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you're an edgy little faggot.

Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realise that you're a fucking dickhead.
Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin faggot incel with a non-existant social life.
The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fucking comments on an anonymous fucking image board.

I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.


Cool story bro.

Attached: contrapoints.jpg (1200x941, 50K)

>have sex>virgin>inceldom
>mothers basement>equality>diversity>bland food>bruh>lit>F@M>lowkey>rap music>hip hop>SIX NINE TREYWAY
>so should you be able to own nukes too?>gun nut>compensating
>BBC>BLACKED!>white boi
>synagogue of satan!
>jews are just smart
>rape>statutory rape>developed
>imagine the smell>brappt
>da jooz!
>alt right
>anti vaxxer
>tin foil
>misogynist>white supremacist
>poc>sweety>non ionizing>scientific consensus >old white men>white people
>I bet youre fun at parties>go outside>you just can't handle a real woman
>yeah well you can't yell fire in a theater>slavery was popular too, should we go back to that?
>trust the plan>god emperor>3d chess
>oof>toxic>its not my job to educate you
>return to our Christian roots
>judeo Christian
>the bible says
>HOLY>grooming>women's rights
>equal rights>egalitarianism >gender equality>70 cents
>Jordan Peterson>Joe Rogan>Alex Jones>school shootings>mass shooting
>common sense gun control
>democracy in the middle east>Iran>Hamas>Russia>China
>praise kek>kekistani
>deus vult!
>Sargon>Stephen Crowder>Ben Shapiro
>women's suffrage
>AM/WF good WM/AF bad!
>its cleaner!
>clean your room
>cant you see youre the same as the SJWs!?
>pepe is so based
>I want an experienced partner
>he died for our sins!>repent>sinner
>Nazis were Christian!>Hitler was Christian!
>Jesus wasnt a Jew>the bible isnt Jewish>based Abraham!
>they can't consent !
>socioeconomic>cultural not genetic!
>Jews have the highest IQ!
>Jow Forums was about IRONIC racism!>Reddit spacing>*tips fedora*>Autist
>christian refugees>refugees>teachers
>vasectomy>her body her choice>baby formula
>NBA>NFL>College sports
>Jerusalem>Reclaim Constantinople

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The face of mental illness, everyone. One of the 40% for sure.

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Read a book, chud.

Cool story bro

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TL;DR- Went from cishet fascist alt-right shitlord chud to the real life incarnation of Tabby from Contrapoints.

Post hog

read some books
anything at this point

You mean 40% of cops beat their wives?

Show your flag, faggot.

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The /lgbt/board calls it hontrapoint - a hon being an older trans that won't ever pass.

Why do chapofags still cite that figure? The 40% comes from either side either husband or wife.

>TL;DR- Went from cishet fascist alt-right shitlord chud to the real life incarnation of Tabby from Contrapoints.

Nice, I went from NEET to a productive member of society with a family

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The sad thing about this bait is I know it's actually happened to others.

No its your suicide rate. kek

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Nice blog post, faggot. Now go chop off your dick and commit seppuku.

Your story is boring. You need to push your limits and get you're ass kicked a few times. I doubt your sincerity in your quest for righteousness. Furthermore, your appeals to authority sicken me. You have no core beliefs of your own, and that is a shame.

Libertarian socialism is a bullshit logically worthless term. Pull your head out of your ass.

If you're not alt right you're not paying attention.

Nice how you get all of you opinions from YouTube and was "radicalized" by a shitty internet forum.

>be contra
>never engage with right wing ideology
>attack straw men of right wing ideology
>get support from big media as a "deradicalizer"

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Nothing wrong with that.

>believing this

"Breadtube" is all people like dr pizza. I watched maybe 5 minutes of this video:

The young woman in the video is using textbook predatory grooming techniques on children. CNN also had that caleb kid on to promote all this grooming shit.

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>I'm not gonna say why I'm right
>Just read a book so that I don't have to explain my statement

Fuck off

>contrapoints shilling
nobody over 100 IQ who isn't already drinking the lefty social justice koolaid would be persuaded by one of its videos

It's a copypasta you dumb motherfuckers

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Go read philosophy and shut the fuck up, having a belief because someone indocrinated you just shows how mentally weak you are, it shows you're an immature fuck.
Understand where each path leads and its impact on humanity on the long run, then make a choice.


You haven't read one book in your whole little political 'journey' you gullible dysgenic faggot. If you were to read books instead of watching those deranged spastics you would be an unironic white supremacist advocatimg for the extermination of the lesser-evolved coloured protohuman races.

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No you didn't, larper.

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i watched her vids than did pic related and im cured

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not his fault you're too adhd to read more than a paragraph.
I'm convinced anyone who unironically watches soph is either a pedo or a retard

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Delete your account.

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if real you are probably the most impressionable person outside of a toddler, think with your own head for once instead of going from echo chamber to echo chamber for your own views
also if gamegate seriously made you "alt right" or whatever made you think supporting journalistic integrity is "fascist" you should go outside more and stop going on the internet for a while

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Why are all you xenophile dysgenicists always visibly genetically deffective and mentally ill?

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Forged and non hetero normative

So you're 19?

.......Try existing for another half-decade minimum, before you form a political opinion.

get back to reviewing cartoons, Quinton

>Tabby from Contrapoints.
There will be several iterations to this. At the end you'll end up here again. Remember, we're here forever. Nobody manages to leave this place

>every piece of media that I consumed was already very far right wing

Surely even the left knows this faggot is just making shit up, some sort of corporate sponsored redemption arc

You know you could have saved yourself the trouble of typing all of that when you could have simply stated "I'm a faggot", right?

>Myth of the 20th Century
Boring low-information snoozefest
>The Distributist
Annoying tryhard who thinks he's edgy because he's trad (i.e. a normal Catholic, not a modernist fuckwit)
>Canis Society Livestreams
See The Distributist comment
>Dr. Taylor Marshall
FUCKING BASED FATHER OF LIKE 10 WHITE KIDS (model for all white Catholics)
>Michael Tracey
Faggot socialist
>The Alternative Hypothesis
Good data, homosex politics ("republican" ethnic group el-mao)
Only non-white I'd consider banging (srs)
>E Michael Jones
Disavows white nationalism, but that's a ruse. He's actually an Irish/German Supremacist and believes all non-Irish/Germans should be genocided.
>Ryan Dawson
Weeabo playing at foreign policy analysis.

Everything else is literally who.

>No The Right Stuff
>No Untz Review
>No American Renaissance
List is very homosexual.

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cuck newfaggot gtfo

Pol is doing blogs now? For fucks sake. Read the sign over the fucking door.
What's the next instalment how wanking made me a democrat? Fuck off you complete fucking spanner.

No, it actually hasn't. Everyone on the internet who says it has happened to them are Hope Not Hate shills.

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fugging kek

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Meme flag faggot quoting a bunch of no good loser retards thinks he's right wing.

Fucking Kek.

I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman who light was snuffed out far too early.
I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her.
Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for.
Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her almost comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes you and her are both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else you simply hold her in your embrace. In that moment there are no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.

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I can't even imagine typing all that garbage out in a desperate attempt to stave off the suicidal thoughts. Just do it already faggot.

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go back to your miscegenation ryan

>I started questioning my gender identity and pretty quickly found I’m trans and bi.

AHHHHH! The faggot truly is a faggot this time.
Kill yourself, user.

The funny thing is that I’m a male feminist, LGBTQ2S supporting, full in AOC socialist and I completely agree with you. If I see a Nazi I’d punch a Nazi. I hate fascism and fight it.

The left shitposting operation thread right here.

What a slide threat, its basically copy/pasting from a certain youtube video of a faggot who never was...

"ALT-RIGHT" in the first place..

Holy shit brainlet jannies, why aren't you clearing this mess up?

My most favorable comment was for Dr. Marshall. Shouldn't I actually be him instead?

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>I'm convinced anyone who unironically watches soph is either a pedo or a retard
Project much?

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So, how many more years do you think you'll live, faganon?

There's a 40% chance of you offing yourself in the next two years, I'd say.

>I'm convinced anyone who unironically watches soph is either a pedo or a retard
>There are no children on the internet

No user, you're just a low life faggot who'd probably enjoy sucking dick for breakfast.

You're probably a giant pussy too, without ever having seen one in real life, though.

>enjoy sucking dick
Wrong. I'm the active one during sex.
>without ever having seen one
Also wrong. I banged female prostitute just a week ago.

So why do jannies always delete fun threads but leave contrived bait horse shit like this up?

Stop spamming threads about this disgusting tranny faggot.

>Contra Contra Points on Race
>Contra Points: Still Stupid

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Based /ourtrannies/. Still going to get the gas though.

>I started questioning my gender identity and pretty quickly found I’m trans and bi.
sounds like you traded one flavor of kool aid for another

hey don't group us xenochads in with faggots like him user

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Imagine being such a brainlet whatever YouTube video you stumble across dictates your view on the world

I don't even read this to know that it's another "turn back poor user" psyop.

All I hear is : "Stop laughing at us!"

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There are no such thing as a "xenochad," for a xenophile to be a 'chad' is an oxymoron. All racemixers must be killed.

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Nice larp. You'll never be a woman btw.

You stand for nothing. At least we stand for us and ours.

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You sound like a credulous moron who believes whatever is fashionable to fit in.

All I can see from this is that you cannot make your own mind up and are incapable of formulating your own opinion, you are only able to swallow what some YouTube podcasters shove down your ear.

What's even the fucking point of your thread??

>Implying you can bluepill yourself after the JQ
Hehe nice try mossad we're getting ready to genocide you in retribution for your attempt to genocide us

Lmao what a faggot

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>The worst I ever got was the JQ and holocaust denial. For all intents and purposes, I was an unironic Nazi.
>A turning point happened when I became agnostic because before that, a lot of my politics hinged on Christianity.
Now as an atheist, this is the most unnatural progression ever.

>I was about 14 when gamergate happened

stopped reading there. you're still too young to understand any of this. go play pokemon kid.

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nobody cares faggot

But yeah, I too took went for a little dip in the lolbritarian->fascist pipeline thanks to gamergate. I don't know what exactly my politics are now, but I know they're definitely on the left, if only for self-serving reasons (work fucking suck)

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Nice psyop fbi

All the below are YouTube channels worth watching with fairly frequent uploads with either Alt-Right, Identitarian,New-Right,Dissident Right, Pro-White, Anti-Globalist, Christian, Conservative, Pagan content or any combination of these to different degrees. I would argue that all these terms can be assembled together under the one term "Alt-Right"

Red Ice Tv
Asha Logos
Millennial Woes
Counter Currents - Recently DELETED by Jew Subhumaqn Niggers
No White Guilt
Resurrection Europa
The Iconoclast
The Red Elephants Vincent James
Heel Turn
American Renaissance
Jean Francois Gariepy
Dr. Steve Turley
The Way Of The World
Black Pilled
Mark Collette
Black Pigeon Speaks
The Great Order
Mark Dice
Survive The Jive
Aaron Kasparov
Earthling Carl
A Swede Speaks
Squatting Slav
Amazing Polly
Lauren Rose
Arya Sattya
Blonde In The Belly Of The Beast
Bre Faucheux
Brit Girl
Brittany Pettibone
America Pride
Third Positionist
Cato´s Speech
Computing Forever
Borzoi Boskovic
TRS Radio
Daisy Cousens
Dopamine Drip
Carolyn Emerick
Lauren Southern
Alternative Hypothesis
Identity Evropa
Lacey Lynn
Laura Towler
Matthew Drake
On The Offensive
Philosophi Cat
Red Pill Germany
Sydney Watson
The Duran
The Next News Network
The Truth Factory
Thulean Perspective
Stefan Molyneux
Vertigo Politix
We Are Change
Willem Petzer
Critical Condition
The Golden One
James Allsup

>millennial woes

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What you trannies don't get, and why you're wasting your time with your campaign to spam Jow Forums with your nonsense, is that no one here cares about story time. We care about facts and data, you wont win over right leaning people with anecdotes because right leaning people just lower in trait agreeableness and we're less empathetic and more judgmental. So no one gives a shit about your personal uturn. It's all about making actual arguments that are accurate to reality.

The people you're listening to on YouTube, they're just wrong. It's that simple. They're feeding you rubbish that makes you feel good but isn't actually factually accurate or backed by data.

Contrapoints debunked
And again

Pakman debubked
And again


Remove the "a" from agnostic and you become based

Get some gnosis my gnigger

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>not national socialist unironically
Wanna know how I know you didn't came from here?

Please tell me this is a troll.

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You're right in that it's pointless, you're wrong in the reason. right-wing people are driven primarily by pathos. You can't argue a person out of being a racist or a nationalist.