Anyone else who voted for Trump in 2016 want to see him lose in 2020 just to see us fully accelerate towards peak clown...

Anyone else who voted for Trump in 2016 want to see him lose in 2020 just to see us fully accelerate towards peak clown world?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>everything I dont like is le edgy clown world

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no it would be a million time more satisfying to see the outrage when trump BTFO's them AGAIN

yes. Let us have Kamala or one of the other fools. I want this place to crash as quickly as possible.

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So you essentially want to see Israel win again... interesting

Wouldn't it be peak clown world for the most unpopular candidate in history to lose the popular vote by 3 million people and then get re-elected?

Jow Forums is a zionist board you filthy antisemite

He fucked with the wrong tajikistan breakdancing forum. He shouldn't have betrayed us. Now, we will show him true power and utterly annihilate him in the general. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

and Trump has proven he is the Zionist candidate.... and you want to see him win again?

>i’ll just use an unflattering caricature to discredit the other side because I have no argument beyond ad hominems

>he betrayed us
You only speak for yourself.
Still voting for Trump over our enemies.
Nice try, faggot.

Trump is going to win. Dems are fuckin losers like the fags here pushing the "Zion Don" thing. If Dems want to win they have to run on something other than their hatred of white people.


They're all zionist, only difference is Trump is the least

based and blackpilled

saying life has no meaning, everything is shit, but also aggressively defending a very specific political ideology is a retarded low-iq position.

clown world is a very stupid person looking at smart people's ideas and trying to copy them and failing badly but not realizing it because they are so stupid.

imagine actually believing this... yikes

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Republicans hate whites too. Do you not believe that just because they don't say it?

I don't give a shit about accelerating anything. I'm just simply never voting for a crypto-kike ever again. If your a republican who's main selling point isn't "Fuck the state of Israel" Than you aren't getting my vote.

Trump may as well be president of Israel at this point. Get fucking real, you blithering retard. How much is his campaign paying you to post this brainless drivel here?

I'm not Republican. Dems hate white people. This is how they are perceived. They will continue to lose as this perception grows.

I'd rather have Trump than any of the other democrats right now.

What if SHE runs again?

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You don't get it, we already hit peak clown world. The libtards are kicking and screaming now as things get corrected. This is why Trump won in the first place. Pic related, peak clown world example.

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Holy shit I laughed more than I care to admit.

>I don't understand the clown world meme.
It's not nihilism faggot. It's simple recognition of the insanity and absurdity of the world we live in.... and laughing at it. If you can't understand that this place isn't for you.

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At the photo not the text

>I'm not Republican.
So you're not voting Trump?

Republicans vote against white interests. People will notice, and they will increasingly be seen as an anti-white party in the future.

No, he's obviously controlled by Zionists but he's 100x better than any alternative candidate

that is a cope

>t. zionist

>be seen as an anti-white party in the future
But Dems are seen as the anti-white party now and that's all that matters.

>I'm still voting for someone who has not only not held up his promises but has gone back on them and gone out of his way to go against what he used to say and believe
You fucks are just as dense as every Yang chink

literally every person that posts honkler is a 17 year old faggot with no real world experience

The only acceptable options are
>John McAfee because he would actually cause a collapse due to his sheer insanity
>Pat Little, no need to explain
>Hulk Hogan because why not
>Tucker Carlson

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>i don't actually believe it is a clown world i just like edgy memes

What will happen in the next couple years?

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>literally can't handle the best time to be alive in human history

go kys

I'm not but who else are you going to vote for?

The president only has limited power Trump is doing what he can, keeping his Zionist donors happy while not dragging the US into another war for Israel (yet).

The only alternative is revolution.

That all depends on whether or not Americans will continue choosing to get ass fucked daily or not.

I mean I want him to lose because he's a kike and I've never been more ashamed about my vote. I should've just written in Ron Paul like I always do.

>The least
Peak cope. Peak not understanding the ramifications.

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No because I'm not a retard zoomer that was too young to understand what was happening during the Obama years.

Weak. You chickened out.

if immigration does not stop then republicans will find themselves incapable of winning another election. which means any political power of white men apparently will cease to exist in this country.

now what happens when an entire ethnic group of people are deprived of their political power?

Nah, I don't want to lose my job

Get out of slide threads and get in a real thread faggots

If he wasn't such a kike puppet he might actually be a decent president, he needs to be redpilled on the USS Liberty, 9/11 and just generic jewish traits.

Still compare him to the Dems line-up, which has 1-2 not completely awful candidates who have no chance of winning. The rest are pure cultural marxists and far-left commies.

>no argument against clown pepe like how it was originally promoted by retarded accelerationists
Truly the left cannot meme

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From what?

I couldn't care less, though I do wish that Trump loses 2020 just to see the absolute SEETHING here on Jow Forums as well as all the elaborate conspiracy theories and HABBENINGS threads that would be created in a shill free Jow Forums


>The US has reliable voting demographics
Don't be racist goy

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Trump stop shitposting AND BUILD THE WALL

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fuck yas

i cant wait to get my sons cock off and put him on HRT!

Trump does not deserve a second term and if Republicans are not going to run another candidate then I want the most cancerous Democrat to win

Dude he knows he's in on it. He went on Alex Jones and talked about the dancing palestinians.

Mein Tuckenfüher is the only option.

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Acceleration doesn't work.

All you're doing is accelerating your death.

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>Acceleration doesn't work.
>All you're doing is accelerating your death.
Pick one

>implying it won't be a controlled slide into oblivion

>the left can't meme


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Autist detected

You faggots do understand that accelerationism is a Marxist concept? The idea that somehow a clown world breakdown will lead to fascistic or ethninationalistic rise just isn’t borne out by theory or facts, including german history and Hitler. The essence of accelerationism is that it exposes the economic and moral deficiencies of late stage capitalism and elite power structures. What inevitable arises is a proletariat led revolution. I can guarantee fascists will be the first ones against the wall.

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Acceleration is supposed to end in you winning, in some kind of "revolution"

That's not how it works. All it does is let the leftists take over even further.

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>Acceleration is supposed to end in you winning
That's cute

Yeahh, the proletariat cannot wait to start rallying being your retarded open borders drag kid globo fuck party. What are you even doing here?

>Anyone else who voted for Trump in 2016 want to see him lose in 2020
Yes, I would like to see him lose in 2020 unless he does something meaningful to remove millions of spics before election day. I'm not going to vote for a Democrat, but at this point there is little difference between Trump and any Democrat. The uniparty is real and Trump revealed the sham once and for all.

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South Africa.

Look at the Democrats agenda, they're not simply for more immigration this time, they're for open borders. There's no turning back the clock once they get power.

You realize Obama deported more illegal immigrants in his first four years than Trump has, right?

wtf i love child drag shows now

No, and neither did you you lying shitbag.

So? A republican party unwilling to deal with the border and immigration will lead to the democratic party in power anyway. Might as well kick this tailspin off early so we can get everyone in the right on the same page.

>saying life has no meaning
>everything is shit
It is
>aggressively defending a very specific political ideology
Not everyone with clown world is a right leaner, just most happen to be.

Fear the peak.
Once you're on top, you can only go down.

IDC anymore. Give me allies. Accelerate.

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>tfw nonwhites in Oklahoma went red both genders
Featherniggers best niggers

>Implying a leftist takeover wont end EXACTLY how an accelerationist wants.
>using small brain pngs
Peak clown irony

No. Him winning will accelerate us faster when Antifa chimps out and goes full anarchist. Him losing would mean 1984 in the United States, with little to no resistance.

>just to see us

Not part of your pathetic delusion

Do you feel in control, Muhammad?

They're getting it anyway by 2024 permanently. May as well just pull the trigger at this point and get it over with. It's more entertaining that way than the slow grind of attrition we have today. The happenings will accelerate, and it'll be fun finally watching everything burn quicker. We have a gun aimed up in our proverbial mouth. All we need to do is get it over with and finally pull that trigger.

god I love how stupid right-wingers are. "n-no its just a coincidence all the clown people are nazis" that's really what it's come to, make no argument to defend your beliefs instead just deny that they exist?

It's true Trump isn't dealing with it effectively, but I don't forsee this crop of Democrats even attempting to deal with it like Obama. In fact, they'll probably encourage more illegal immigration.

It's best to let whoever will devolve the country the fastest. Better to do it while whites are somewhat the majority.

You have a brainlet-tier understanding of the meme, and miss the point of it with your shallow perception.

I can see that perspective. Even if all illegal and less desirable immigration stopped tomorrow, the west would still be in a mess due to those already rescinding here (and their offspring). Yeah, I can see why it might be better to let shit hit the fan.

This is bad

It will be peak clown world if Trump loses but you won't know about it. The media will cover it up. I call the Obama era the big sleep. America has just woken up the past 2 years.

And what if we're stuck in peak clown world forever? Do you really want that OP because that would be really gay.

Timeline without Trump is timeline without habbenings.
No tx.

I want to see him lose so that /ptg/ has a meltdown.

I'd rather take the chance, we have a better chance of breaking the clown world revolution with the current amount of whites now than we do in another 10 years

>best time
If you believe this there is no helping you.


In my big leftie brain, the future of USA (and by extension, world) politics can go one of several ways:

1. Dems put up some soulless neoliberal lizard person. Repeat of 2016, and Trump win 2020. Four more years of intensifying liberal hysteria and right-wing entrenchment in American political institutions. This is the Joe Biden reality. Then in 2024 it'll be one of two extremes. Either the left-wing backlash is strong enough for labor to capture the DMC and fight against American institutions (constitutional rework?) or four years is not enough and Dems put up a Elizabeth Warren puppet, locking world civilization in a one-way ride to hellworld.

2. Dems put up some soulless neoliberal lizard person. Their campaign is slightly more competent than the Hillary shitshow and they win. This is the Kamala Harris reality. However, this means four more years of facile progressive neoliberal rule from the "center". In 2024 the GOP puts up someone who combines Trump's unabashed nativism and xenophobia with vaguely leftist sentiments (think the Tucker Carlson brand of conservatism). This blend is unironic, real, honest-to-god fascism, and this time the guy pushing it will be competent enough to actually see things done.

3. Dems put up Bernie Sanders. He wins, easily. However, he is unable to do anything, and the supposed right of a "socialist moment" in the USA turns out to be a mirage of ultra-liberals. Labor continues to decline, and as the inevitable recession strikes working class power is obliterated. Bernie plays socdem mediator for the mostly voiceless bottom half of society, but nothing else. He loses 2024 (if he isn't dead by then) and we go into hellworld.

4. Dems put up Bernie Sanders. He wins, easily. He is unable to do anything, but he manages to reframe politics in a materialist fashion. A mass movement is built, and working class power is institutionalized. 2024 is full on socialism-vs-fascism, and socialism wins.