This POS feminist leftist cunt thought that it was okay from 10 gypsies to cut my friends face with a broken glass...

This POS feminist leftist cunt thought that it was okay from 10 gypsies to cut my friends face with a broken glass, because they are "opressed"

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We also chose to be men boys, lets wrap it up from now

Ask her what type of men are the ones raping women. Is it European men or third worlders? Watch her brain collapse.

>Ask her what type of men are the ones raping women. Is it European men or third worlders? Watch her brain collapse.

Ive already blocked her because of her braindead replies, she is German btw, the fucking irony lmao

Ill unblock her for you juwst to post the reply, hold on

> they choose to be men

Is she implying if he called himself Jennifer, she would then feel for them, or it would suddenly become an unjustified crime?

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Its a woman dont expect any logic

dude youre not even able to convey your story and point properly. She speaks at a higher level than you despite you reasoning at a higher level than her. Kill yourself.

Lmao ur gonna love this

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Say sorry maple syrup,

Пpыгaй вниз

They choose to be men? What?

Wahmen logic

>one gypsies chimps out and beats some guy in a shop
>people get so angry they almost storm down the police station to beat him up
im glad they are not sleeping on the gypsy problem

this sounds like two mental fuckers to be honest OP. its like both of you are talking to yourself.

not politics saged and reported

Here we are coming forward, alt right is planted in all of us since upbringind, they are the once causing most trouble and shit

Neither of you are making a coherent argument. Idiot.

This. You both deserve death, OP.

You are collecting proof,you dumb motherfucker. Use that shit in court

I thought you guys had decent firearms laws? Why didn't he just shoot them?

grazia raggazi, forza ferrari

>showing sympathy to gypsies
only someone who hasn't interacted with them does this in my experience, every single gypsy should be shot

>murder is the only option left
Report her to your local police for making death threats.

She'll just claim that's ebil nazi propaganda, cognitive dissonance is too strong

>I thought you guys had decent firearms laws? Why didn't he just shoot them?

Gypsy breaks into your house, you shoot him
You get 20 years prison,
He gets sent free

I hope its an enough of an aswer

>Murder is the only option
Is she advocating the murder of refugees? Wow what a racist bigot

EXACTLY, thanks god somebody coherent is in this thread

Based austria, Live long

Jesus fucking christ. My bad czechbro. I honestly have bern misinformed. I thought you guys legit had decent laws respecting firearms and self defense.

ye might be because he is not fluent in english you spaz.

Nah. Women don't actually like trannies.

We have no open carry law, its pretty hard to get a firearm, psycho-test and shit.. its ok, thank you for understanding

Unironically report her to police and say you are concerned she is going to violently attack men

Thats what you get traitor nigger you and croats wanted german dick so much well here suck this black dick too faggots!HahahahahahahAhahhahaaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA never ally with westoids.

>Thats what you get traitor nigger you and croats wanted german dick so much well here suck this black dick too faggots!HahahahahahahAhahhahaaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA never ally with westoids.
Croatia 3 IQ

no shes right feminists and nazis are the same, retarded authoritarian identity politicians

I sad you and croats

Hello my based serbian pal.
I as a turkish man love our serb cousins

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I said you and croats*

>8/10 men born are not white
She has a point

She said that 8/10 are not born a rapist, she defo doesnt have a point

T.westoid nigger lover.

I’ve met Gypsies and every single one of them are lower than any form of human. A negro is practically a gentleman compared to a gypo.

Just remember self hatred is their greatest weakness

Arkadaş, I hate negros just as much as the next guy.

You serbs as well as bulgarians and greeks are part of the ottoman extended family, and i love you all!

Gypsies are the lowest form of lfe

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Back to africa negro

>Soo the 10 gypsies robbed you 10vs1
>it was the faul of society, they "OPRESSD"11!!!"Dsa¨§ůd

I am a proud turkish man, quiet.
Bro just stop talking to her, even us TVRK BVLLS know gypos are even lower than the Bulgarian

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I did already. its like talking to a brick wall, completely dumb, braindead, no arguments, just attacking you as a person

We had many such retards, we had a few gypsies but our great empress Maria Theresa forced every single one of these fuckers, in the German lands, to settle down or die, going so far as to steal their children and re-educate them in foster families and it worked, they became normal people, then the eastern enlargement of the EU happened and brainlets thought the eastern gypsies were the same, they couldn't have been more wrong, not many of these retards are left anymore, in a way this redpilled a lot of people, but now their "sick beggars" are already everywhere, fuck this cunt EU and it's cunt laws, Maria Theresia save us!

How does it feel that you took our boys to your country so they can breed your wiminzz?Are you proud of letting us fuck them and thus making sure every turk is at least 5%serb?

>We had many such retards, we had a few gypsies but our great empress Maria Theresa forced every single one of these fuckers, in the German lands, to settle down or die, going so far as to steal their children and re-educate them in foster families and it worked, they became normal people, then the eastern enlargement of the EU happened and brainlets thought the eastern gypsies were the same, they couldn't have been more wrong, not many of these retards are left anymore, in a way this redpilled a lot of people, but now their "sick beggars" are already everywhere, fuck this cunt EU and it's cunt laws, Maria Theresia save us!
They came here, but we are hunting them down one for one, human trash.
Thanks Austria for your service.

some gay person said gay stuff, guys let's analyze it which totally isn't gay

btw i'm not having sex or going outside today, just yelling on the internet about meaningless trash

Only way to survive is to become a slav bvll you always were or you can continue being a faggot w*stoid and watch your nation burn.Choose wisely.

>to become a slav bvll

How do I? Im already slav, id love to join some larger movement


I guess your women were very pretty at the time.
Depending on where you are in Turkey turks can be 5% to 90% of anything.

At the east you will find kurd untermenche but in the west you will find people who are ethnically as european as any greek or serb

Enjoy the vacations in istanbul, brother!

Please talk croatia, id love to join


Answer me

>arguing with women
Why even bother OP?

Please tell me how to

So true. Turks stole so many women, Armenian, Greek, Circassian, etc. just to upgrade their degenerate genetics.

Never met an actual gypsy. I've met plenty of fucking 'Travellers' though and they're all fucking cunts.

Please tell me ill fly right over

they area all the same dirt scum

The EU has made self-defense illegal across the entire continent. That's why they jailed ASAP Rocky. If he had beaten the shit out of the Muslim completely unprovoked, he would be free, but because the Muslim attacked his bodyguards first, he will probably die in jail before trial.

What, no that isn't the case either.
Also, Armenian and Circasian wouldn't be an "upgrade"

There is no single Turkish ethnicity, they're simply a mix up of many many different ethnic groups.
As with any multicultrual society you will find those who are at the top to be european.

Find any image of ottoman royalty and you will see they are very european looking. Pic related

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some travelers can be cool, but its just to find out where you live. then you find your lawnmower missing

>Find any image of ottoman royalty and you will see they are very european looking. Pic related
Also manlets lmao

why are you talking to this garbage, cut ties immediately you doofus


It's the greek genes

I did lol, it was like talking to a wall.

Not really, im 191cm, and 1/4 german

Armenians and Circassians are billions of times the DNA that Turks are. These original mutts belong somewhere between a sewer and pond scum. There is literally a cultural phenomena where Turkish scum raped their way to get still below average looking. Armenians are hit as shit, the ones who weren't infected with Turk DNA.

cringe no one cares about your cope fantasies

That doesn't mean anything. It can simply be an anecdote. One of my cousins is 2m.

Also, 1/4 german, 3/4 what?

Circasians, perhaps. But armenians? Lmaoo fuck no. Sub 95 iq brainlets responsible for giving us the Kardashians and anita sarkeesian

And again, TURK is NOT one ethnicity.

>Be Texan
>Have multiple negative interactions with gypsies that wouldn't fuck off

How the fuck am I even able to have this happen to me? I live in the fucking middle of nowhere in the country. How did they make it here? WHY did they choose here? Holy shit they must have been the worst gypsies ever to have to flee this far. oh wait fuck i forgot in the middle of writing this that for whatever reason a bunch of czechs migrated here forever ago and opened up kolache shops for whatever reason. maybe they had family members here

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>gays and trannies are born this way
>but men choose to be men
actual mind virus


Actually they are braindead

oh no, the wheel is spinning but the hamster is long dead. feminism is a mind virus.


He just got her to admit shit and has proof, he can honest to fucking god call the police right now and report her as a major threat.

>He just got her to admit shit and has proof, he can honest to fucking god call the police right now and report her as a major threat.

forza ferrari kys

Armenians were blonde before you infected them with your subfilfth DNA. Literally original Europeans migrated from Armenian highlands. Turk is not one ethnicity, it is a cesspool of the lowest order of bile.

I will


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you lost the moment you didn't just say "Kill yourself" and block her.


I did that sort of thing later lmao, they are so braindead its like talking to a tree


Portugal based, thanks bro

>men can't help it
>when they see a woman they have to threaten them
Man pictured threatened me because I'm a women.
Let's lock up all men.

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Truth! It will set you free!

>feminists are more bigoted than even the most ardent nazi

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