This is the guy who killed anime by setting fire to the Kyoto animation 1st building., say something nice about him

This is the guy who killed anime by setting fire to the Kyoto animation 1st building., say something nice about him.

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If it really was his plot and they stole it, it was very sophomoric work.

He'll get the death sentence, just as he deserves.

will literally getting the rope

"You die now!"

if they stole his shit, then i can't really blame him. act like a fuckhead, get killed.

MOre likely he wrote something trivial and it was very vaguely similar to all the generic stuff Kyoni produces, and he assumed it's plagirarism. Stupid people will do as stupid do

>girl falls in love
>guy reciprocates love


He looks like the average Jow Forums poster

you are just a whiteknight cukc. kys.

>killed anime
Stop teasing, user, my dick can only get so hard.

>a whiteknight cukc.
You still have much explaining to do for the Lauren Southern fanboy, Finnknight (who I think probably killed himself).

>This is the guy who killed anime

No. He, along with 99% of Japs, are a victim of anime. The studio has a whole supply of pathetic jap men ready and willing to draw cute girl cartoons for a meager wage for the rest of their lives.

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Most of the studio's employees were girls.

>asian masculinity

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is that really true

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only mal-adjusted nerds watch anime cartoons


Humor me, what do grown-ups like you watch?

You are doing god work, and saving the west in the same time, i can only say thanks for everything.

Mal is a shitty site, user.

KyoAni also used to pay some of the highest wages in the industry.

watching the boxing right now as it happens

Nothing. It's great.

he hated women

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Akira Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu, etc...............

Gook Moot don't look so good nowadays

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How do you light a place on fire and yell "shine!" and not think to bring a Iori Yagami cosplay?


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japs can burn in hell


They already are in hell. Just look at the lives of most of the "men" there. It's why they have a forest dedicated to suicide.


Not all heroes wear capes. Anti degeneracy gang rise up.

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hes a hero who stood up to feminist whore trying to take over anime

KyoAni was part of the moeshit anime ghetto. I've never been on /a/ but I know how bad KyoAni's reputation is for producing boring pretentious pointless crap with decent animation, among weebs. Anyway the people who died were STAFFERS. The competition for those jobs is so fierce that they've probably been replaced already.

He did the right thing. All feminists should be killed. I hope he inspires future feminist murders.

I think the top 5% of anime is ok just like avatar the last airbender. I grew up on ghibli movies same as Disney so maybe I'm bias.

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those japs sure know how to hold a grudge.

>Action happened that promotes anti-degeneracy in a country flooded with degeneracy like mine

Literally do not care about studio or the people making the anime. Anime is shiny and appealing on screen, but that does not change that on the norm it degenerates people and societies around it.

Whether guy did it because of this reason or not, it only made society better. Good on him. I feel no shame for his actions.

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this man is a hero...amine is cartoons for mankid...maybe it time to stop watching cartoons and be a man

Anime is dead so who cares

I was thinking the same thing. Kek!

Beautiful and stunning tribute for the victims of the KyoAni arson attack.

feminsts ? elaborate please

He looks like the kind of guy who would set a manga office on fire in an anime

Based degeneracy-remover. Literally japanese Brenton Tarrant

Huh... I bet that has 66 upvotes on a respected and well informed bit of Reddit with a userbase with no relationship with petty inceldom whatsoever.

Looks it up. MGTOW. Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear.

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You think jap women hoping on the dicks that dropped the nukes on them won't have an effect on their society? White women are no where near the sluts that are slope women. There is a reason why a good portion of the "men" there dedicated their lives to anime.

nothing is more dangerous to the system than a angry manlet.
Literally, manlets are the #1 threat to society, if every manlet decided. They could simply collapse the system by tomorrow.

guys, its almost like when normies started watching anime it became shittier. woah!

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You just sound like a dude that can't get laid. And the racism RP probably isn't helping your case with the ladies. Plus you give a shit about anime. It's easy to assume women are only fucking the top xx% of guys when no one wants to fuck you.

Get off the internet. If you can't do that get off Jow Forums. If you can't do that, at least get the fuck off pol and r9k. This racist and anti women bullshit is poison. If you can't do any of that, enjoy your self fulfilling prophecy.

Quoting MGTOW shit like it has any basis in reality. "Slopes". Fuck off.

>dyed mohawk
>calls others degenerate

he did the motherfuckin right thing

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>didn't kill /a/
he only made a few animefags sad for 3 minutes

>say something nice about him.
He's a man of action

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Hit the bricks you dumb roastie.

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He did it all because they added some OC girl Tuba scene in his favorite lesbian anime.


I'm guessing you meant the bottom definition? The one that says it's a term used by incels?

In all seriousness, I had seen "toastie" used before but I never looked it up.

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No, the ony really significant shit they made was K-on and that died down almost a decade ago.

>killed a bunch of lame asses who make moeshit

The mans a hero, regardless of that not being his reason.

Muh sacred studio

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thanks for BTFOing weebs and their eastern degeneracy

Murder is much worse than an accident, you false equivalency wielding retard.

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He wa' a goo' boy, he wen' ta church, an' won tyme he uh helped hi' sistuh climax wen she wuh havin trouble producin enuh blow fa be livin large n sheeeiit

He killed the studio that killed anime in the first place. Shonenchads will finally rise again to our rightful place as kings of anime now that the moe usurper has been vanquished.

From what I heard he entered it in a contest, not reading in the fine print that the studio has the right to use anything you submit because by submitting through a contest you forfeited your rights to it.

So assuming that's true, he did this over not reading the fine print.

all 34 people that were killed stole his thing?
you are retarded

KyoAni hadn't made moe anime for a decade at this point.

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Ok people.
Truth is: He shouldn't have killed them. Anime is terrible culture.

I'm sad about both. The top because it's a loss of history and culture, the bottom because of the loss of human life.

So he got jewed, I’m glad he stood up for himself. Maybe now these faggot corporations will learn not to fuck with people.

Christcucks are the narutards of /po/

This is of course assuming it's true, and you're taking the word of someone unstable enough to do this. For all we know it was in his head.

He is not wrong, if you have read some 5-10 light novels for example you have pretty much read them all, most anime genres are similar, and the same thing could be said about young adult novels and romance novels for teenage girls.

>deliberately chose to work with people who steal other's works
>expect not to suffer any consequences

the faggot did it for the wrong reasons.

>Shonenchads will finally rise again
This, but unironically

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lmao baby reddits first day on Jow Forums

>0 deaths vs 33 deaths
nigger brain saw fire and fire and thought you really had something

Where's all the liberal faggots to demand Japan ban lighters and chains

Country smokes too much to ever get rid of lighters.

Paper and origami board is a christian board?

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he looks like elliot rodgers

>only police officers and bodyguards allowed to carry lighter
>people forced to use only vapes
>Japan now smells like birthday cake fruit loop churro

The thing is, he'll most probably go not guilty. If he manages to convince the court that he's retarded, the court will set him free.


>he loves to watch big sweaty niggers pounding eachother for cash
most anime is garbage but i watch it because nearly all western media is jewed and my favourite sports are boring/repetitive now

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kyoani deserved to burn before this.

I'm happy

What the fuck did you say to me?

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not the case, he was able to logically plan his attack, came all the way to Kyoto by train, and had the mental capabilities to strike at the perfect opportunity
This piece of shit will get the rope