Did 33 people deserve to die for making bad cartoons, Jow Forums?

did 33 people deserve to die for making bad cartoons, Jow Forums?


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Guess they should have had sex instead of making cartoons.

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No and i hope the arsonist get maximum sentence

Sure their recent stuff wasn't really that good, but they didn't deserve death in any way.

Anime watching cheese eating french faggot

The arsonist claimed the studio stole his work. Media claims he has “mental disorders.” Set studio ablaze as revenge. 74 people working that day. 33 died. Collateral damage. Rookie numbers.

No, they deserved it for making Endless8 10 years ago.

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they redeemed themselves by remastering haruhi with 4 mini movie "books" with better animation and much, much better delivery

anime kills

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I think it's 34 now, and the cartoons were pretty good.

Shut the fuck up boomer

Press F to pay respects.

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Most of the people who worked at Kyoani were girls.

How would an Asian coroner even do his job? purely genetics? I mean, they all look the same and if fire had a few licks... that's hard for a West one to do visually.

>for making bad cartoons
that isn't why he did it
supposedly he was a train otaku (aka mega autist) and a show that kyoani made used a word that he felt that he had coined and it triggered his retard rage to the point of murder

Fucking barisaku-kun.

Don't shove this on autism? I mean, don't you need to be a stone-cold psychopath to take an action with intent to kill? Psychopaths are more mentally retarded than autists, they literally lack a part of their brain. (function wise, it's there but shriveled up like a pedo's dick at kindergarten) It could also be explosive personality disorder? I'm curious if we got a diagnosis on the guy.

>get maximum sentence
You forgot that there is the death penalty in Japan, he will get the rope for sure
plebbit tier post

nope, the guy was a delusional schizo that though KyoAni stole his novel, this is confirmed news
That shit from 2ch is another unrelated autist

Go post about this on /a/ with the soibois. Someone needs to kick the soi out of them.
No one cares about this event.

Fake news. Go back to /a/ now, faggot.

He looks autistic.

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Yet New Zealand and Orlando were? fuck off Lord Blobbulon

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As much as I like anime, I realize that it's jewish freemason bullshit. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, in particular, feeds the tranny baphomet delusion.

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Do you know who can change who you are? it's not God, it's not the Jews and it's not the Chinese. It's you. Just you. Keep your skeptic lens on but enjoy what you enjoy.

no mercy for degeneracy. kill 'em all.

Makes me think.

I lol'd

JoJo is based tho

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Yes, they deserved the slow burn of death for peddling this garbage.

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there is a demand for anime, they made anime. they made money.

wouldn't you do the same if you had animation skills? sure, your 2D epic interdimensional dragon slaying adventure may be what your passion is, but passion doesn't pay bills. Often.


that isn't kyoani, brainlet

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I respect someone who tales action rather than most the whiny bitch posters here.

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Ban assault flame.
I always said I could outdo any school shooter with 10 dollars of chain, and a few cans of gasoline.

who cares.

Who are we kidding. We're both fucked.

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That must be HBO building.

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>Ran over by a muzzie
>"At least I still have my foreskin!"
I didn't choose to move into this shithole.

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Yep. I hope I get to see Earth's endtime.

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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Beautiful and stunning tribute for the victims of the KyoAni arson attack.

Bruh JoJo literally has a nazi blender a bunch of Mexicans in a cage and he is unequivocally presented as a hero.

watch out with that though, Pakistan and India hate eachother but I don't want to be caught dead with either.

Not only that but it portrays India as it actually is, a shithole.

Kyoani is a cancer studio killing the genre. Never let evil take root.

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Jews did it

What's cancerous about it? Some of their shows have good morals and teaches family values and bonds (ie Clannad), some camaraderie and striving for success (ie K-On)

Dental records. Come on toothpaste, you should know that.

I don’t know what they would do in bongistan tbough.

They're signalling to you again. Wake up.

The fact that you know any of this tells me you should be gassed.

you mean meme flags

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unless they all eat the same and got the same genetics, the rot patterns should be different :^)

Yes but they have to go to the dentist for there to be records.

>Brit is holding the gun
Ok Ahmed

i mean all asians eat is rice and onions so it would still be hard

>This is from aoisora2525.com/kyotoanimation_20190719/ which unfortunately doesn't provide sources for every claim:
>- On the day of the attack, a film crew from NHK was scheduled to visit KyoAni's studio to do some filming for a documentary. NHK wrote about their film crew having an appointment with KyoAni in the first revision of one their articles on the fire, but silently edited that fact out a few hours later:
>- NHK told KyoAni to relax security that morning so the film crew could go in and out unhindered. That's why the perp was able to simply go in and out of the unlocked front door.
>- KyoAni's most renowned directors were all present in studio 1 that day because NHK said they wanted to do interviews with them.
>-The NHK crew actually was very close nearby when it happened, after the perpetrator ran out he was filmed by the crew's director from his car.
>- Supposedly KyoAni had locked the emergency exit on the rooftop roughly a week before because they had received complaints that some employees were throwing down cigarette butts from the rooftop.

This is likely how anime studios will deal with their competitors in the future--death note levels of complexity to a purely cohencidental consequence of happenstance which benefit all other competitors such that the actor is neither identified nor suspected. Studios will claim this is horrible, but on the other end their 2020 lineup now looks better than anything KyoAni will ever produce again. Sure, they'll pick up some extra bucks from donation money and increased sales of their old products...but those are mostly pirated anyway, and now the market continues on without them.

That 33 is the official number dead only points to who orchestrated it all. Qui bono?

To be fair everything they made was god awful cutesy moeshit. I did however enjoy Full Metal Panic!

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>employees tossing cigs off roof
>we could put an ashtray up there or tell them to smoke outside of the building
>nah, let's lock the only exit point in the event of a fire on the ground floor
It's just too convenient.

it's 34 now

The real number doesn't matter, the point is they're signalling by using it.

Were they hot?

Thanks for the info
I'm betting he got something out of it, money for his family or in exchange for their lives etc.

They were self-proclaimed feminists.

reminder that only kikes, boomers, and normies hate anime

That's most 1st world Asian women (men).

>talking about people

he didnt just burn it down because the cartoon was bad. the company was sexist against men, and women constantly walked all over the male employees, and making shitty cartoons just drove the guy overboard.
i dont think anyone deserves to die, all should recieve equal opportunity to change
but since this is Jow Forums: they will burn like the kikes they are

you just took that shit out of your ass

I think one of them was his favorite and the fact they took they made a fanfic-tier adaptation of the source material pushed him over the edge.

>cyberpunk-tier corporate warfare begins with anime studios

They said that the LN division will be the end of KyoAni, but I didn't even imagine it would be this bad.

This has been going on in the aviation industry for decades.


Roasted roasties.

It's not like studios have a hard time finding work, and KyoAni wouldn't be direct competition to most anyway since they were adapting their own IP for years instead of doing contract jobs. If anything, it would be a media subsidiary of one of those Jap conglomerates.

>bad cartoons
The KyoAni studio was one of the best and most of their animes were really good.

Don't know why, but to me the most disgusting thing in the pic is that the fat shit of a woman is naked but still has her shoes on. Makes me want to puke.

Their work promotes anti-marxist ideals, unlike the shit promoted by Netflix and Jewlywood

Shut the fuck up boomer. No one cares about your boring "elite" animes tho.

>wouldn't you do the same if you had animation skills? sure, your 2D epic interdimensional dragon slaying adventure may be what your passion is, but passion doesn't pay bills. Often.
No, anyone who spreads degeneracy for money earned themselves a rope with the bankers and the rest.

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that is based


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kanpai, mon ami

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they were worker

he will get death

>a hero
A shitty hero no one gave a fuck about, sure. When he pulled the pin on the Stielhandgranate there wasn't a teary eye anywhere. Just an idiot getting what he deserved.

Japan's death row is a fate worse than death from what I've read with prisoners having practically no contact with anyone, rotting in jail for years without knowing when they're gonna get executed until they're being walked to the gallows, not being allowed to even move inside their cells for most of the day and being purposefully held in tiny, damp, bug infested cells if they object to any of this. Human rights groups frequently raise a big stink about Japan's treatment of death row prisoners since it's basically psychological torture.

Disney and Netflix are behind all of this. With Hollywood backing.

They lost competition and the last decade is full with sudden deaths of anime industry professionals.

They tried to buy it and Miyazaki has made nothing since they bought him.
They tried to copy it and GITS movie turned out to be crap, same for (((western anime))).
Now they hire CIA's, who looking for the extra job, after the ISIS project was cancelled by Trump. And CIA's condition shahids for them to throw at their competition.

> It's not like studios have a hard time finding work
Hollywood, Disney and all their online broadcasting outlets is in the shitter right now.

this is unit 731 country after all

roasties feeling toasty about now

u wot

Suicide bombers are usually selected from homosexuals. These kind of people crave authority and to be used/damaged/etc. Even better if that is a degeneracy for some omnious cause.

They conditioned this one with the idea, that studio was full of plagiarists.

And in case anyone asks, yes female studies faculties are basically shahid training centers. You will see them bombing the fascist infidels in the next decade.

Apparently the faggot did it cuz of the studio copying an idea from a novel of his

>be on death row
>don't get treated well

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