Is being a family man as good as it looks?

Is being a family man as good as it looks?

Attached: bb.png (1418x2253, 2.49M)

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When your wife was taking the picture, did she know the 'help' had tried photobombing the photo?

Its better

That's not me, hence my question.

She may not be white, but she seems good.

I envy you guys. I'm trying to get there, but not being there yet is depressing sometimes.

If you don't have any hobbies or aspirations to do something productive with your life, I'm sure it's fine.

What's more productive than earning a good living and supporting a family? I'm sure there's still time to do your own thing while she does hers. Just don't marry a clingy ballbuster with BPD (i.e., 90% of American women).

owen breastfed all his kids

Attached: owen.png (363x214, 144K)

This shizo is gonna murder his whole family one day if Amy doesn’t leave with the kids soon.

The best things in life absolutely suck to do.

He doesn't look very happy to me

meme flaggots everyone

Attached: 1562686043659.gif (292x323, 1.16M)

My wife had post partum depression and her stupid bullshit almost led to me being arrested and losing everything. Thankfully Chicago cops saw through her bullshit.

If you plan on having kids, be sure to research involuntary commitment laws in your state. I learned about this from my grandfather. He had my grandma committed twice for post partum psychosis. Begin collecting evidence as soon as the kid pops out because you might need it.

i dont care

fuck you

and fuck all niggers

and mudslimes

and kikes


we nmeed a real lolocaust this time

I wish i knew, turks and westerners took all our girls.

>made up disease

Wtf. More like she is a crazy bitch who needs to be on a leash.

Most men are lucky to end up with a wife he can tolerate after a few years. Many only stay because the alternative is being separated from your children.

that's fucked up
how did turks end up in Ukraine?

>made up disease
You are likely one of those faggots who thinks he can pray the gay away. Psychosis is a real thing, just look at some of the schizos posting here.

This is like a Chris Benoit before photo.

You put hobbies before perpetuation of our species?
Fuck you.
Choosing not to have children is like stopping 10 levels through a 100 level video game and being content with playing the same fucking level till death.
Choose hard mode or fuck off.

I married a 6/10 English Welsh Irish girl 28 years ago today. Three blue eyed 125+ iq kids. I dealt with the ppd. It’s all good but could be better. The grass is always greener
t. Eastern European background.
I also redpilled her

Fwiw her dad was president of a liberal arts college. Now I answer any problem in town with niggers

I tested at 142. My kids are right around there.

Careful kraut. You might wind up in jail.

I put it off for too long. I'm 38. Not completely out of the game, but it's going to be more difficult finding a suitable wife and mom. I have an ex that would have made an excellent mother, but I broke up with her to pursue my own selfish interests. Wife up a good woman and have as many white babies as you can. Hobbies and fun are good, but it just doesn't compare. You'll get to 40 and realize that even though you did a lot, you haven't accomplished anything and you don't have much to show for it.


I posted an Entire fucking thing for you Op about how good it is to be a family man. I can't possibly do it again so in a nutshell

It's the best and do it right fucking now moron. If you're reading this and you haven't taken steps to become a family man than go fucking die already. srsly I wrote some seriously eloquent shit before it was posted and removed like that. holy fucking shit. wow. just wow.

Yes, make sure your parents and her parents live closeby so they can help. Always involved grandparents while raising kids, it will improve your and your spouses life infinitely and all the grandparents love it.

Although I did get stuck with a stupid woman until I kicked her to the curb I did not have to suffer the fate of being a “dad”. To hell with that shit. Let Maury sort that shit out cause I ain’t the dad.

Assuming you’re not LARPing, you’re doing God’s work user. Good job.

Yeah, it's great. Once you have children you stop being so precious and worrying about dumb shit. It's part of natural development like puberty, don't put it off.

On finding a wife, I honestly think you could be happy with any woman, you just have to treat her right and she'll respond in kind. They like to be taken care of and paid attention to, if you get one young enough as you both grow you'll get the same interests so you'll have stuff to talk about. Just make sure you instill in her that honesty is the most important virtue. Never lie to her, tell her the truth especially if you're embarrassed. If you keep her in love with you she'll always be okay with your short comings as long as you're not an idiot, and knowing you have to tell her the truth is a good way to be motivated away from dumb choices.

ok so here is the best re type I could do OP

Let's talk about the benefits of fatherhood (motherhood for the 1 femanon here).
I'll start;

Having children has been the most annoying, worrying, hair tearing out experience of my life. But by the same token; early in the morning when I awake to start my daily excercise routine I kill my wife on the forehead and watch her sleep peacefully knowing that she is safe and secure with the life I have provided for her. I walk in to the rooms of each of my young children and watch them sleep in their innocence and realize how close I am to god through them. I realize what it means to be a man and to have something to protect and fight for. I know she will raise my kids properly and every day when we are all awake we spend ever minute we can together. nothing in life could have ever made me be more of a man than having a family

Let's hear your success stories of Family life. Lots of black pills going around about the degeneracy of women and although I do agree, I managed to find a faithful; loving christian GF amongst the rubble. I'm sure you can too user!

How about find a suitable young lady, see if she is willing to learn u and take interest n your interest and you both do things together.. Don't settle for a stubborn old lady.. Then teach your children the things you both enjoy doing.. Not rocket science guys

being a family man is based and bearpilled

Psychosis is a jew term made up to pilpul people into thinking their absurd behavior doesn't need a noose.

It's not all sunshine and rises but much better than the alternative of having your family line end with you and being a pathetic soi cuck

wtf is that gypsie skank and his retard child

Don't settle for a slut either.. Drop her fast.. Know your worth..

It's good and bad at least you can try to give your children a good life

Very worth it. It’s not always easy, but wouldn’t change a thing.