
Ok, so I'd like to know what Jow Forums's problem is with people from Latin America.
In my mind, they are literally examples of white assimilation of another lesser race. The Spaniards, who were full on white Europeans who had just kicked the Muslims out of Iberia, came to The New World and found these short, paganistic, dark skinned people who were quite primitive, but had shitloads of gold and silver. They decide to whoop their asses and make their lands Spanish, and then proceeded to marry into them in order to aid in their assimilation.
Sure, the Spanish became mixes of American and European bloodlines, but their culture reigned supreme! Now, 500 years after their conquest, almost all of South America and Central America follows THEIR religion and speaks THEIR language.
They literally did to the Americans what Muslims are starting to do in Europe right now, so why should we hate these people who have assimilated to Western Culture? Only because the governments of their countries are corrupt and have not done as much as other Western countries to develop their societies? If you ask me, Latinos have a western language, a western culture, western genes, and follow a western religion, so what's not to like?

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Nothing, my bro. Please send all your qts to Florida

They are one step about niggers on the racial scale. Every country is a corrupt shit hole and only a few look European white which your societies put on a pedestal for good reason. The Spanish should have genocided everyone there instead of having babies with your ancestors.

many of the "spanish" who came to the new world to settle wanted to get away from the inquisitors and away from the catholic dominated structure and go to a freer place
a lot of them were marranos also known as "crypto-jews" these people had fake conversions to catholicism so they could keep their property and remain in spain but they secretly remained jewish talmudists
the sugar plantations were a big draw for them and the african slaves that were needed for the labor when the indians were killed off by illness and abuse were another big draw
the mercantile trade in sugar/slaves was dominated by these people as was the gold/silver trade from the looting and mining operations
at the time of columbus over 20% of spanish and portugese were jewish genetically
they race mixed with devil worshipers who did human sacrifice making mestizos with kike dna

>what could Jow Forums possibly have against these fine upstanding folks?

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Sadly, I dont think that was possible. I think that breeding with the Americans was the only option for assimilation for the Spaniards because there were millions of people living in the Americas at the time of the conquest, it would have been far too difficult to kill them all. Also, Spanish people are Catholics and the Pope said all people are deserving of God, so there's no way that they wanted to kill them in the first place, they wanted to convert them.

Pol hates countries south of the border because they’re low iq, commit crime and because they migrate north. I guess it kills polacks that euros could’ve wiped out natives and had a white ethnostate that stretches from Alaska to the tip of the southern cone.

Ok you have a pretty damn fair point there, Jews fled Spain like crazy when the new world was discovered due to the inquisition, but I wouldn't think every latino is a jew, only the higher ups, Jews are never at the bottom of a society, they're puppetmasters

> I guess it kills polacks that euros could’ve wiped out natives and had a white ethnostate that stretches from Alaska to the tip of the southern cone.
Same with Africa, really. Ah, what could have been.

As has been said, basically every nation is corrupt and you have immense amounts of criminal activity at every level of society. Also, your women have a very high rate of mental illness.

ive never known any laborer jews outside of israel
ive known some who are
bankers, lawyers, ad execs, professors, paper pushers, etc
but never any farmers, carpenters, bricklayers, etc

>Now, 500 years after their conquest, almost all of South America and Central America follows THEIR religion and speaks THEIR language.
But don't have white genes.

Sure, the countries here aren't the most developed, especially compared with the USA, but there are good countries in Latin America. People are very nice here, and while you have to watch your pockets in public and be very careful at night, life isn't so bad here. Hell, it isnt Africa! I will agree with you that some countries are literally no goes though like some in Central America and especially Venezuela right now, but other countries, like Perú, are developing more and more every year and while, at least here in Perú, a large influx of Venezuelans is causing more crime, there are still very nice places in our country.

They have a decent amount, they're combinations of American and European Gene's, it's far better than only American.

I'm actually proud that countries in SA still believe in God. Spain no longer cares about Christianity anymore since every boomer and young brainwashed retard keeps thinking of Franco when they see a church.

You whites made your own first world a shithole so now you immigrate to the developing world as digital nomads.

Fuck off we are full, druggie gringos.

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El peruANO señores

I find it funny the word "Peruano" is a slur here, lmao.

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Eso es una gran lástima. Pienso que el catolicismo es algo que se une nuestras culturas. En Latinoamérica, Dios es importante para cada persona, hace vida mejor. Espero que la gente de España, los Padres de Latinoamérica, puedan volver a Dios.

I’m sorry to be born in a degenerate country where 100k a year is middle class

wtf why

I see Colombianos as great friends of Perú, there are slurs like that for people from any country, no me importa mucho

I just want a qt Latina gf to make mutt babies with.

Capital is all you have against us, who really is the degenerate here attached to the material world.

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there is no culture below memexico

I said America is an overpriced degenerate country...

I beg to differ lol

They're parasites who expect gibs, but won't take responsibility for that 96% of slavery.

100k is poverty-level in Cali.

And you can live like a feudal lord in South America on that much

Yeah you're completely right, making $10,000 a year here (about 30k soles) is an above average salary. With 100k a year you can buy so much

I have no problem with a Peruvian in Peru.

Only because of the trickle down effect from the tech giants and Chinese students. If Mexican migration increases that might shift to another part of the country or even abroad.

race mixing kike

What about a Peruvian who learns English, loves the USA, and legally enters for a better life? (Which btw is really hard to do, gotta have a crapton of papers and if you aren't accepted gotta wait 10 years to try again)

If it's a Castizo or Criollo I wouldn't care. But then again I am not American

>Ok, so I'd like to know what Jow Forums's problem is with people from Latin America.
My ancestors created the United States. I do not like spics coming here and gaining citizenship and impacting the future of MY country. I can't go buy a home in any spic country and expect to be a voting citizen, so why should I tolerate their invasion and takeover?

Other than that I don't mind them. They make good food and are generally nice people. But they SHOULD NOT BE IN AMERICA. FUCK OFF.

Be gone, Stormfag

Actually you could. Argentina even offers free healthcare from what I have heard. Up to question how good that is though...

Socialism is cancer

I completely agree that illegal immigration is not good, and it makes things a lot harder for the rest who play by the rules, but do you think that a latino that enters legally is on the same level as an illegal alien?

why is the two countries in between Brazil and Venezuela not considered part of latin america? Ive seen similar things on other maps, like those two countries are not considered part of south america politically or culturally

go away we don't like you subhumans also don't call iberians white when they're as white as nafris

Well one of them is literally owned by France, and the other speaks Dutch, therefore not latin

>do you think that a latino that enters legally is on the same level as an illegal alien?
Yes, I do. They do not live up to the American ideal that my minutemen ancestors marched to Concord to create. No spic, no even one born here to immigrant parents, will ever be my brother or countryman. They are all invaders and should stay in their own countries that their ancestors created.

This country was created for ME and MY PEOPLE, not for spic invaders who don't like their countries. America is a white European nation and that's how it should remain. Remove all spics by any means necessary.

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They actually used to be pure white! How times have changed..

>Ok, so I'd like to know what Jow Forums's problem is with people from Latin America.
Race mixed people can't trust each other to form a working society

Paraguay ?

I've always seen America as a place for the downtrodden and hardworking to go in order to make a life for themselves, but I respect your view on America. It is primarily white, and it is a shame that people are entering who do not respect that glorious American culture

Uruguay is the White one

Ur gay ?

Too small.


>Working society
It is basically ANCAPistan here.

>I've always seen America as a place for the downtrodden and hardworking to go in order to make a life for themselves
Well that view is globalist propaganda and isn't what the people who created this country fought and died for. They created the United States as a country for enlightened white people to live in a free and prosperous society together, specifically away from the globalist diversity pursued by the British Empire from which they were breaking away.

No but the projection is stronk in you

>Argentina even offers free healthcare from what I have heard

Correct Hans. Our economy is going to hell though

Intended for Englishmen. Something that people seem to forgot.

I find it to be very nice here, the economy is doing very good too now as well. Sure it isnt the US, but people are happy

>no u

I thought the British Empire was imperialistic, they didn't see themselves on the level of the people they were conquering, they just wanted to use them for profit and resources

Mind explaining why your people voted that? I mean you are basically suffering for quite some time now and while except for one all of the Eastern European states now harshly reject communism and socialism while you guys actually have a higher average IQ than many of them

Dear OP, what do you think of the Pacific alliance

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>t. brown subhuman

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Remember how liberals brainwashed your country after WW2?
Well, the commies did the same to us after we lost the falklands war

Es bueno para todos, sería mejor si fuéramos más unidos

fuck off, nigger. Latin people are the biggest racists. They demand everyone assimilate into their culture while refusing to assimilate into others.

basically what said

LOL I cant really defend Mr. "German" Nazi over there

there's too many of you here

Colombia? no thanks

I would still care fuck you stupid turk 25% shitskin is a alot

The word ''Colombiano'' is definition of nigger here xD

It's a story never told in the West so nobody knows it. I will read up on it. Thx + good night

Your problem is Argentina's brand of populism, peronismo, which is just pandering, not commies

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Communists have brainwashed the common man to believe that the current model works, and that any idea of economic liberalism will destroy us. We have the worst of both the left and the right in this country, with unpayable taxes, rampant cultural marxism, a crappy economy and the common problems of both third world and first world countries combined

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Calm down Chang your underwhelming rage-boner is showing

I fail to see how this qt is a threat. Do you guys really have those btw?

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Peronism went full commie after Peron died.
Before that, it was a shitty latin american version of fascism, but not what I would compare to modern left wing populism

>Now, 500 years after their conquest, almost all of South America and Central America follows THEIR religion and speaks THEIR language.
Catholicism and Latin language were never our religion and language if you go according to your logic. Who do you think imposed Catholicism and Latin into Iberian peninsula? Was it the natives? Did the natives of Iberia gave their gold and silver freely to Rome and Roman legions?

Now, 2000 years after their conquest, all Iberia speaks THEIR version of language. 1600 their religion.

why are our governments so corrupt though?
how did europeans overcame this?

Lets ignore the balkans and Russia

This. Living in argentina is pure agony.
I'm seriously considering moving to europe soon
At least there I won't have to deal with third world problems

Rampant corruption is the usual outcome of a country populated by injun - crypto jew hybrids

You may be right about the race mixing stunting Latin America, but I just can't agree that the Spaniards ONLY came to pillage. Sure, at the beginning it was like that, but after the main conquest people flocked to Latin America primarily to convert people, to assimilate them. I do believe the religious people here, of which there are plenty, have very good morals, in contrast to that passage's description, although there still is a lot of crime. My last point against that is what other solution was there? The Spanish had neither the time, nor the resources, nor the want to slaughter the natives. There were far too many and the Spanish thought it against God to kill them instead of converting them

Why user?

Because it’s a massive failure that lower IQs and prevent scientist and engineers and scientific inventions for being discovery

Not latins thats tye wrong map western Europa is the only latin world

Yeah, same here. I've been thinking about moving as I'm soon with uni. I've been thinkig about europe, I have the italian nationality so I can just go to any country in the schengen area

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> Implying we did

Kek. Our corruption is different. You get taken aside and one tells you that your career track may be severely impaired if you do x instead of y

You need a population that is rabidly anti-corruption. There is plenty of corruption here

Not really here in Perú. They exist, but aren't so common, especially in the Andes. Everyone near Cusco looks like an Incan

Wasted trips

how does this guy explain the differences between european white countries? because not all european countries are equally successful

Did you already get your citizenship?

Sad. I would have wished for you to have that. Sorry to hear bro

The differences between european countries can by explained either by decades of communism of non european admixture

Burn this entire subcontinent down! Please God hear me!!!


Well after that much time I'd just consider your culture to be completely different than that the Romans conquered, that old culture is long gone, and your culture us now that of the Portugese, made independently from the Romans since after their empire fell

I'll get it by the end of the year. It was a bureaucratic mess, and I only managed to get the possibility to do so because I have a friend who works in the italian embassy, but I'll get it soon.

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stop posting walls of text u fucktard
insecure mafia wannabes, every single fucking one