do you dare me?
well Jow Forums?
do you dare me?
well Jow Forums?
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You aint got enough hair on your nuts to down it in one go Fuckstick.
You don't have a hair in your ass if you don't.
Post pic of you drinking with feet showing with timestamp or it didn't happen.
drink it pussy. chug it. post a follow up pic as well
they really aren't that bad
I just left ops moms bedroom and hes still not drinking it, time for round two, I'll keep you posted.
Post pic of sharpie in pooper
Do it faggot.
took some sips
its like a liquid power bar for taste
Butt chug that shit
clean your fucking nails disgusting cunt
Have you grown breasts yet?
Do you feel the urge to take pictures next to a nintendo switch with your mouth wide open?
They don't taste that bad. Pretty refreshing, actually. Just don't do it more than once, user. It's ok to experiment - it's all part of growing up
I dare you to anally chug it with video.
You silly boy
That's a man's drink, you should probably put it down.
I hate this board so fucking much.
>boss walks in
>watches neckbeard air-facefuck his phone
Where da fuk is my feet pics nigga
>OP drinks Onions
>Makes him into an even bigger faggot.
I was drinking that onions stuff for awhile and i noticed my body was growing breasts and fat in general. I only had one per day but the fat content and the plant oils in that drink is massive.
I wouldn't drink it. I mean they taste great and are very filling but the aftereffects really arent worth it.
I can't tell you how to live your life, you dumb faggot. You do you.
tits or gtfo