Why do uneducated working class whites vote against their own economic interests?

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>why can't they be bought off like whores?

We are sick of propping up blacks and browns.

Because the conservative media is gatekeeping and keeping the proletariat down and you should go dilate

But we don’t. It’s greatly in our interest for spics, niggers and Jews to gtfo


Why do you claim to know what's in someone else's economic interests?

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Kind of a lose lose situation, either you’re dealing with Shlomo who wants to replace you or put up with a captitalist system that’ll reduce all workers to fry cooks working long hours for crappy wages otherwise >muh socialism

These people don’t own a single lot of land and speak of “my”. You’re just a nigger working the land, to keep a roof over your head and maintain your daily supply of diabetes medication lest you perish , there is no “my”

Temporarily poor billionaire kings :^)

What is my economic interest?

How do you know this is my economic interest?

At what cost will this economic interest be?

Because both parties offer economic policy counter to their interests. GOP get most of the White votes because they are less overt about undermining ordinary White well-being (they still do though, obviously).


>implying voting for jobs to be outsourced overseas, affirmative action, and reparations for niggers is more in their economic best interest

Because not everything is about money, faggot.

Nigger lives don't matter therefore that slogan is too politically correct and very offensive to me. Allowing hordes of migrants here goes against my economic interests. Saged.


This is when you know you're winning. The left has been fucked in the corner so hard since 2017 that they're resorting to Jesus and Bible references in cartoon form as shit tier propaganda. lmao. Feels really good.

>depicting americans as white with blond hair

Who are you to lecture me about my interests?

>This faggot hasn't figured out that (((they))) run the global monetary system so it literally doesn't matter who wins.

Im only here for salt and will support whoever helps me achieve that goal.

Why do white liberals vote against their own interests? They do everything they can to boost non-whites at the expense of their own kind.

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no more shit skins

Very good question.
Maybe it's because they take pride in working for what they have.
Maybe it's because they're brainwashed by shotck tactics and would rather let a million die from hunger and contaminated water than let daesh cut another head off.

What you call their best economic interest is being a ward of the state, being dependent on the government for everything and as a result giving the government complete control over your life.

Commie lives don’t

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Why do you post this thread every God damned day?

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Aw fuck yeah

>getting the population of my country replaced by brown subhumans is in my economic interest
Maybe, in the sense that I'd be rich by comparison. But I'm not interested in that kind of economic advantage, for the same reason I'm not interested in being the absolute ruler of a stinking radioactive pile of shit.

>why do the goyim not accept entire hordes of dark skinned sava.... I mean people.

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OP needs to walk down any MLK blvd about midnight of any day to see how equal people are.