Trump prepares to invade Sweden

demands release of nigger

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-21 Trump says he is working to free rapper A$AP Rocky from Swedish custody.png (1349x705, 412K)

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lmao what a shithole

Attached: hello i am huwhite41.jpg (680x383, 102K)

looks like the usa passed them on the shithole scale

Trump already tried pandering to blacks and failed. He's just flailing now.

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Democrats, RINOs, corrupt DoJ, FBI officials, activist judges, radical activists professors and their media lackeys are direct threats to the National Security of these United States. Trump should offically invoke the Insurrection Act, declare Martial Law and use the military to round all of them up to be tried in military tribunals in Guantanamo Bay for their attempted coup, treason and sedition, and when found guilty, be executed upon conviction. The military will be able to give them unbiased trials behind closed doors, free from press influence and political shenanigans. We have got to stop playing games with these demons, the Democrats will hide behind the Constitution until they have the numbers to destroy it. When the demographics shift, there will be no peaceful solution to this mess.

This is the ONLY way Trump can genuinely save this Republic.

why is he defending a fucking dindu?

if you watch the video he really dindu nuffin.

>Kill tons of whites just to save some disgusting nigger who probably wants to fuck our women
No thanks, let the Swedes treat that filthy baboon horribly. I’m not helping the same race that genocides white people in South Africa.

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All niggers should be in prison, society would literally be safer without them. Throw spics in there as well just in case.

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I'm okay with this. Americans should be untouchable by anyone.