Why have children when you can't even support yourself?

Why have children when you can't even support yourself?

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why not just grab them from wypipo?

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The fuck is universal credit?

why not?

what would i have to lose if i dont have anything at all?

>Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. It’s paid monthly - ortwice a month for some people in Scotland. You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income or out of work.

>drowning in debt

He spent all his dole money on football betting

Because my ancestors survived wars, famines and plagues, and I’m not going to let some jewish usury system end my family line. WTF is wrong with you OP?

This is what you have extended families for.


Shouldnt have killed himself. Now those kids will be in the care system to be abused physically and sexually be pedos and pakis. Unironic idiot.

Wish those kids all the best.

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>I’m unable to care for my kids
>If I kill myself my kids will have a better life
Yeah right.
Those 3 kids will end up in a Muslim house getting Muhammad’d up their ass holes.

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>stop having kids goy
>stay down goy

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Because a bunch of rednecks and kikes told you so in a Turkish Guitar Building forum.

yeah sure just have no kids right white people. fuck that I'll nigger it up as much as possible to have as many white kids as I can. it may be a net drain on society in the short term but it's a net positive long term and someone has to start doing it.

>The government won't feed my kids
>better kill myself, that will help the kids
What a complete douche bag.

Lol whats the point if half of Christians would deem this picture as heretical anyways? If god does nothing soon I'm going to start killing those he should...

he would have sold them in sex slavery, children are property of parents eventually.

Try actually getting a fucking job instead of living off benefits like a nigger.

First thing that crossed my mind.
Those poor kids are going to be put through the system now. Another two roasties and a beta, just like that.
Fucking asshole.

overpopulation means people who are most willing to live in squalor will have evolutionary advantage. niggers and spics.

>beliving in jesus but not actually obeying what he says.

This image is satanic voodoo.

how those kids will be raped and prostituted by mudshit. he couldve just started robbing people for money like nigs do.

Seriously what the fuck.
>I’m struggling to give my children a good life
>I know, I’ll kill myself effectively end any and all chance of a good life for them
I mean, was he a fucking junkie?
What man with the privilege to tuck their children into bed every night could possibly commit suicide?
There’s nothing more rearing of strength than having children. To hold them, teach them, to bring them up in your image. Nothing makes more of a man out of you than that experience.

Hard to believe anybody could be so fucking weak. I’m so disappointed in our race.

child on the left is a qt
would die in race war for

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cultists, man - fucking up spirituality since Constantine.

yeah, how could you do this with kids? pretty sad

Jesus Christ, is every fucking brit on welfare? Fucking weak man. Gods I am glad my ancestors got the fuck out of that shit hole.

People have no self control and love to have unsafe sex.

Imagine not being a deist... God when we get in charge i'm going to genocide you religious fuckers.

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Waiting for a handout? Hahahah not a Dad just a pussy.

The evangelical autist just spams his retarded nonsense in random threads. Report and move on. You can tell when he gets banned, because he has to wait a few days to get a new proxxy, then same shit.

what the fuck is universal credit? thats not a thing leaf. this is why you niggers arent considered a real 1st world nation

Of course his mom isn't going to take them in. Europe deserves the takeover its experiencing.

ayy more orphans for pedo jews

Hopefully the grandparents or aunt/uncles are around

Why would anybody kill themselves instead of just becoming a mountain man?

whites/asians are K-selection when it comes to breeding, shitskins are r-selection.
K species have fewer offspring but invest more time and resources into them. nogs are an species. they have more offspring but invest much less in them.

if you cant afford to keep their mother at home, and you can't keep them out of public schools, you're doing the wrong thing by having kids. doesn't matter how many white kids we make if we raise them to be kike-controlled zombies.

probably for the best


But same cute loli

Phillip Teardrop

>single white father
>kills himself at the first challenge of his life
>leaves behind 3 kids who will know grow up to fuck niggers
Weak white men are the downfall of western civilization. Kill all weak men


because having children is worth more than your suffering

He looks part Indian to me

white pussies can't stand real life



>Ever heard of having a job & losing it? Most people in the UK live paycheck to paycheck (Maybe 2if budget well) cause of the cost of living is really high with low wages.

It's is very hard for people to live in the UK, our social services are dealing with countless shitskins to worry about people like him.

This is just sad.

Children are an extension of yourself

Can I have the loli now? ;)

must be why theres so many dumb fucks.
Stop reproducing.

Lmfao that artist needs to learn perspective

Why did he do it? Seriously, they could be poor or in the street but at least together.


>reproduce when you can't afford it goy
>get divorced rape and deal with it goy
You fucking retard.


at least become a criminal first before suicide. might as well have some fun in life

>This man got to breed.

>Why have children when you can't even support yourself?

imagine being mad because the STATE is taking too long to pay you to care for your own kids.

Dumb fuck, minority women are masters at getting the gibs. He should have axed one how to do it.

Poor whites are leftist. Sympathetic for their children, not them.