I miss him

I miss him

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He'll be back one day.

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don't we all?

>killed the largest number of white people in history, and paved the way for europe to be firmly in the grasp of united state of israel

I bet you do, mutt.

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Nobody asked for your opinion, Ling.

me too

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He wasn't allowed to create a utopia because the Jews wouldn't let him. Now we have communism instead. The only thing you're allowed to choose in life is communism.

Me too :(

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Fuck national socialism and fuck SHITLER
Agreed, but unfortunately, you can't get through Jow Forums they are going to be loyal to this loser till the end of times.

Hitler would gas 90% of this board in a heartbeat.


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His spirit lives on !!!!

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>Uses jewish sources
>thinks this is convincing to anybody when there is data and thoughts about homosexuals other wise.
Hey /leftypol/

90% of this board is kikes and retarded mutts so I'm okay with that.

me too

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Could exist National Capitalism?

>Hurr if there anyone to disagree with me I am okay with people dying.

The state of Nazism and Jow Forums

>If anyone disagrees it must mean /leftypol/!

Day of the Rake, when?

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Lets see.
Hitler had a wife
Some of the authors of those sites I looked up were actually jewish (no surprise there)
It usually tends to be projection
And you forgot the books they burnt and killed a fag.
I do not know commie would you believe your own fuck buddies or from the nsdap and there given history?

Is an oxymoron.


>killed the largest number of white people
That's where you're wrong, kiddo...

he's still with us user. like the fisher king looking for a successor

hitler will always be in our hearts and minds

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So a bunch of yids and shitskins? Based

Memeflaggotry should be a bannable offense

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>Loves two insane men that killed innocents for no reason other than the fact they are failures and are afraid to be replaced.

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But it is true tho hitler was responsible for another world war and millions of men dead because of his vision of grandeur

>If it's written by the jooooos it must mean it's fake.
>If it's a memeflag it must be a joo!

Giggle Jew. For now.

You seem mad.
What did hitler do to you?

Make me cripple/pol/

>killed the largest number of white people in history
pretty sure that record would go to Stalin, no?
you sound like a jewish person getting high on his on supply of false jewish propaganda. In a practical sense, to secure the existence of white people and their children, Nazi Germany would have been a much better ally for Britain and the US than a bolshevik controlled country set on the absolute destruction of white christians.

Good bate mate

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The dude was so far up his ass it caused another world war and killed millions, but I know Jow Forums don't care about facts and love idolizing losers.
For some reason.

No, when it is written by "Jews" is will be fake--if that advances their interests.

The "jooooooos" is the made up nonsense term Jews use to try to disarm gentiles who recognize their evil.

Just thought I should clear that up.

>Go to stalin
Stalin never declared another world war helped everyone gain there homes what did shitler do?
Sucking it up to the bourgeoise?

It could. Kind of like what Pinochet did in Chile. It would be a good compromise between the Ancaps and the Fascists, if I do say so myself

National Socialism is more Capitalistic than modern America.

>implying Jow Forumsacks reveal there power level.
Do you even know what national socialism even is or do you take jewish propaganda for granted?

In a way. Hitler did privatize Germany a decent amount.

National capitalism is an oxymoron user.

lol. why do you silly kikes even come here?

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No, no, no. You don't understand. Hitler believed in a fully laissez-faire market with the exception of the press and banking. The only jobs that came from the government in other sectors were ones specifically designed for the unemployed.
It's a fucking glorious system and makes me smile just thinking about it.

No saying joos is how Jow Forumsacks or white trash blaming everything on the jews thus get mocked or made fun of.

>When they fully reveal there power level./
Oh no no no....

>Hitler did privatize Germany a decent amount.
Almost fully. People mix up Mussolini's fascism with National Socialism sometimes, they are not at all the same. I think that's where the misconception that National Socialism is a heavily regulated market comes from.

Because memeflaggots usually are

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ignore the jewish shills, anons. Stay The Course

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Which is why Nazi is still capitalist bourgeoise and it was false socialism and failed within 12 years.

>failed within 12 years
Unlike your petty ideology, it failed due to a war.

This is what I don't get I wear the communist flag because I am a communist and I do identify with the flag, but nah I must be a jew wanting the white race as a whole to be extinct or to suffer or what ever bullshit you Jow Forumsyps believe.

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Nobody asked.

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>but nah I must be a jew wanting the white race as a whole to be extinct or to suffer or what ever bullshit you Jow Forumsyps believe.
"What the frick is a Cultural Marxism?"

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Really? I never really researched Hitler much.
It didn't fail, per say. It only "failed" because the Axis lost WWII, commie

i wear the green MIGA hat
only because it has Jow Forums logo.
and is pepe color.

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Really? The last time I remember Jow Forums was discouraging other anons not to fall for this honeypot.

>a fucking leaf
fuck off good goy

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Anyone who needs the state to defend themselves must be purged!
Libertarianism is the only way!
Ask me anything and I'll btfo your cucktionalism.

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Here is something interesting what goebbals had to say about this whole issue.

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>Really? I never really researched Hitler much.
He believed in a free market in areas where it wouldn't hurt the public.
A laissez-faire market tailored to the folk's needs, boundaries drawn instead of Mussolin's style of constant supervision.

he was the last fuckin politician who acted in our favor.

have you let Adolph Hitler into your heart user?

Absolute wholesome.

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Yeah, Mussolini's style never made sense. I never really understood corporatism, user

>Mussolin's style of constant supervision.
Hence why Italy never saw any miraculous economic growth like Germany did, the amount of money required to supervise every company, from large to small, has to be harvested from taxpayers in that system of his.

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You lucky bastards if only dudley pelly or rockwell were the leaders of my nation.
I apologize for fighting on the wrong side.

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You're stupid, he would have died of old age at this point even if things had gone differently. Cope.


You miss someone you never met?

You better get to sleep early so you can worship a Jew tomorrow.


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Supervising an economy never works out well. That's why things are effed in America. It's not as bad here, but still

Wow what a desperate kike. Gas yourself haha

>It failed due to war
It also failed on it's own merit hitler declared another world war to keep running his war machine and to keep the economy stable and due to lacking of resources which is why they got annilhated by the soviets.

Agreed. Memeflags are all pic related.

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[citation needed]

All memeflags are jealous sand nigger Jews. This has been established

It was "heavily regulated" ... during wartime ... just like EVERY other wartime economy. Jews will tell you about how the NSDAP had bureaucrats attached to every German business. They will not tell you that Jews were literally planning and running America's entire economy for 15 years in the same period.