Should the US invade Sweden and Norway?

Tell me why this isn’t a brilliant idea.
>weak population won’t resist
>has oil and timber
>hot women
>we can practice expelling shitskins

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51st and 52nd states no voting rights.

We would be greeted as liberators.

Lots of niggers in Sweden and Norway.

Norway retains sovereignty in exchange for oil Nigger fueled engine donated by Ben Garrison to solve energy crisis

We’re going to expel them.

Yes we should. It’s not your decision. Norway gets no sovereignty. They are going to be an oil producing cuck state.

Think about landing in Scandinavian soil and all that pussy! We’re going in!

Take the oil and give them a diesel engine that is powered by ground up niggers.

Fine. This will be good for you as we will sell you cheap oil. We’re going to get the price down to £1 a gallon