Eat it.
eat it
You have quite a huge asshole judging by the size of this turd.
You've been eating a lot of beef user
That had to hurt.
eat it faggot
I, too, pickle my turds.
Clean it, janny. Do it for free.
I've seen bigger
>back when drugs were good
congratulations on your new black baby boy
I know everyone was expecting the flag to be India, but nobody is really surprised that a bong grabs their gigantic turd out of the toilet with their bare hands.
Thats a big log. Im proud of you son
only white people do this
O lawdy, dem white folks was racis!!!
I murder, rape, and molest widdle childwuns, but those white folks jus be racis!!!
I steal, thug around, and abandon my own childwuns while molestering their childwuns, but theys jus racis!!!
I butcher mah owns peeples, but dem white folk made me do it wif racism!!!
My ancestors was never slaves, but because other blacks ancestors were slaves, I should get reparations too!!!
I never was a slave, but I wants my gibs!!!
Those white peepo jus be racis!!!
I call white peepo, cracka, honkey, white bread, marshmallow, etc. but only us mixed (white and black ancestry) niggas can do dat, cuz we not racis!!!
We part white, but we can't be paying us our own reparations, cuz dat would be racis!!!
I can't be expected to take responsibility for my own stupid choices (looting and rioting, etc.) cuz dat be racis!!!
Ever notice how niggers are full of excuses and play the blame game while being even more racist than Adolf Hitler himself?