>popularity surging thanks to Trumps attacks
Congrats Jow Forums you and Trump have created another AOC
>popularity surging thanks to Trumps attacks
Congrats Jow Forums you and Trump have created another AOC
Can't wait for more tbqh.
Good. She's an Albatross around Democrats necks.
No, she'll end up saying something anti-Semitic again and the MSM will dump her like a bad habit.
Our nation is already compromised, might as well put an anti-semitic lightbulb in the spotlight for a while.
>muh anti-semitism
That's entire fucking POINT
It’s subversion of the Democrat party.
Focus on the most extreme elements and make the rest of the party defend her.
Trump has tied the entire Democrat party to the fate of a single individual who lied to become a citizen.
It's hilarious how they needed newblood so bad and it turned out to be braindead faggots, retarded spics, and inbread islamists. I can only hope it goes this well for the republicunts as the pedo kikes continue to get identified.