Is this black vote appeal attempt?

Is there some reason to give a shit about this guy?

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I wonder if Kanye would come out if say, Riff Raff had been arrested. Hmm . . . I wonder.

Sad thing is, say, Eminem wouldn't go to the president if Riff Raff were the one in Sweden. Whites don't even tribalism and it will be our downfall.

Pandering 101

Dumb fuck. Not that I give a shit about this loser jungle bunny. But you people are fucking retarded. Kanye didn't come out for the nigger. His wife Kim Kardashian did, and the nigger in question is actually the father of her sisters niglets.

god has that beat. Miscarriage: 50% of all fertilized eggs.

1 of our famous celeb americans got jumped/vandaled/attacked/harassed/ by a pack of swedes, that were running around like ANIMALS with total disregard for civility and human deceny.

also the swedes were grabbing womens brappers.

of course.

"grab em by the brapper"

the absolute STATE of Sweden.


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It's deflection. Can't call him racist if he's appearing to try hard at rescuing a nigger rapper.

Kanye is his buddy

I watched the video and they weren't doing anything but the towlies wouldn't leave them alone.