Why doesn’t Jow Forums ever talk about how there’s an epidemic of psuedo-chads doing roids and pathologically lying...

Why doesn’t Jow Forums ever talk about how there’s an epidemic of psuedo-chads doing roids and pathologically lying about it to try and impress and fuck lots of women

Doing roids is one thing, I’d respect anyone who admits it, but they just lie every time and it’s so obvious.

The use of steroids is very prevalent. But not one of these sociopathic pieces of shit ever admit to it. They can’t just cheat in life, they have to also pretend they’re winning by sheer merit to try and take as much women for themselves as possible.

This guy responded immediately. These roided pseudochads are constantly scanning for women in your towns and fucking them on “dating” apps. Definitely fucking women who are taken, and cucking other white men.

What would Hitler do?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Pic related is the guy lmao

The worst offenders are guys who are vegans and look similar

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>on roids
His quads are shit and that photo is internet disease. His delts are not that impressive

Have sex

This is pathetic user. Get your shit together.

He has zero traps or delts, he's not on roids. I would recommend you visit Jow Forums, but I don't want you shitting up the board.

Hes definitely on steroids. Small chest, small legs, but big arms. Hes just bad at it

shit thread and shit example but op is right. been going to gym daily and i see alot of these roided up motherfuckers and the thing is you could tell they where incel tier and got no pussy before pumping 20 pounds of drugs into there body weekly .

Exactly you don’t get delts like that just by doing delts all day. That’s not how the body works, without roids. You have to be strong in general

Weak core, no legs, spindly wrists. There’s no way to look like this without just shooting it straight into your delts.

Doing roids doesn’t give you a balanced physique unless you ingest it and workout your whole body. If you just shoot them into your shoulders and do delts all day this happens

Skip leg day much?

And Bis and tris probably

>traps are absolutely massive androgen receptors
>every single guy that does roids has massive traps
>except this guy because I'm jealous to the degree that I made a fake female account on bumble
please kill yourself user

Then he shoots it into the bis and tris so it only makes it up to the delts

The fact that he’s so weak everywhere else makes it obvious. It’s kinetics, no one this imbalanced is natty because the kinetics of the human body doesn’t allow it, you need a better core and back for such big arms

Best tell for someone being on roids is just big arms and nothing else

Post body, incel

Imagine being this much of a seething beta, just lol.
Fact is they're still willing to take a risk and some get rewarded for doing so while you stuff your face hoping everything falls into your lap.
Get that concept of fairness out of your head, there is no such thing.

t. someone who has no idea how roids work

Uh, user. That's not roids. That's actually shit genetics and a modicum of effort.
I'm not saying you're wrong, because you're not, but this isn't a good example, and it makes you look dumb.
Men SHOULD be taking exogenous hormones in like 90% of cases now. Normal is like 1000 I think, and most guys today are in the 300s. You're feminized, and lazy. As a generation, it's what they've done to us. It's not necessarily your fault, but you're so in the woods, you're not even aware what you don't know.

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roid users will sort themselves out.

See that Caitlyn Jenner? Wonder why he chopped his fucking dick off? Because he killed his natural test production by taking steroids during his athlete days.

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That's all wrong. Every word you just wrote was incorrect. And reading it has cost me braincells. This thread is retarded.

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Cope thread
Not political
There's 10 threads per day about this on Jow Forums
Go there

Roids is to men as makeup is to women.


post body

Pencil neck not a threat

Youre fucking retarded, testosterone levels are only low because men jack off all the time and don’t do hard labor anymore because it’s been reduced to slavery, there’s barely any estrogen in the environment like people here claim, not enough to have anywhere near that effect

This guy fucks. Neck day erryday.

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Sociology is politics and men abusing steroids to fuck tons of women is damaging to society


>men didn't jerk off in the past
ell oh ell
have sex

Do you think steroids make you grow only at the injection site you absolute mong? How many guys with ginormous asses go to your gym? I'd tell you to kys but you would probably shoot in the wrong spot.

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Just. Was this even English? Did you go to the school of retarded Jow Forums memes? Man this was some word unscientific word spaghetti right here. You're no longer allowed to have opinions.


>that’s all wrong

You think you can just grow endlessly large shoulders without doing your core? Are you stupid?

There’s nothing wrong with steroids

Cope more lankelet seriously.

If anything, steroids should be government mandated and free for anyone wanting to go human tier beast mode.

You are being a little bitch.

Which big dude stole your high school sweetie?

Holy shit you're so fucking stupid. People that take roids and sit on their ass gain more muscle mass than nattys that actually work their asses off. Post your body so we can all laugh at you

They didn’t have porn to encourage them to do it anywhere near as much

But the biggest cause is physical labor is no longer a very useful way of starting your life like it used to be when it paid well

>retard doesn’t understand kinesthesiology and is assmad for no apparent reason

Do you use gear too?

You can. I live in the gym, and I see it all the fucking time. People only want to target one muscle group, or they don't like doing certain things, so they avoid it. Roids don't work as some sort of targeted thing, like you seem to believe. You don't just inject them where you want them to work.
t. Currently on cruise at 200 a week.

Unless you lie about using them and give yourself an unbalanced physique which will deflate like a balloon the moment you stop using

Pol gymlets are the worst, completely blue-pilled when in comes to physical prowess
Reminder that to be truly redpilled you must develop mind and body, there won't be any Deus Vult reconquista gorilla warfare if you look like a pathetic twink.

you have no idea how roids work.

post body

This thread is now about awesome huge dudes who are peak strength role models for makes.

Reminder that OP is a fucking s o i b o I and thinks tiny men are peak performance and the role models young men need in this over feminine, bitch mode society.

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Absolutely wrong. Easiest tell for roids is vein distension. Roids trashes your vascular system, roid veins get these little striations that make it very obvious.
t. Sports medicine fag

Yeah IF YOURE ON GEAR that’s my whole point dumbass

So do you all lie about not using gear too?

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OP thinks weak men should be societal role models.

OP doesn't like huge units

OP drinks onions milk

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That’s caused by dehydration as well, so not really the best tell but yeah that seems to be common among them often, but not always

No, I'm open about it. Except to women, of course ;^)

It doesn't matter where you inject. The various esterified forms of testosterone enter the bloodstream and eventually interact with androgen receptors. There is a higher density of androgen receptors in the traps, delts, pecs, and bis/tris pretty much in that order.

This guy does NOT roid. Those aren't even close to 3D or cannonball delts. His traps are nonexistent and it looks like he BB curls 60lb tops. You just fell for the perspective jew, but now you look like a complete autist on Bumble and a complete retard on Jow Forums.

You put a fucking picture of a guy with wrists like pencils up as an example of steroid abuse? That kids natural or on something gay like winstrol. You're a faggot .

>Imagine being jealous of this guy's size and physique
why so manlet, OP?

You have no idea how muscles work along with apparently all these self admitted roids fags

It’s not like they would need to anyway since they have drugs

I do a shit ton of steds.

If anybody asks I tell the truth but the only people to do so as of yet (which is 3+ years) are my close friends.

user if you don't POST BODY we're going to think that you're a little sissy soiboi who's so jealous of men that are better than him that he MADE A FAKE BUMBLE PROFILE AS A GIRL

Reminder everyone in this thread: OP wanted to pretend to be a woman on bumble

Roids exacerbates the dehydration since it figuratively fucks your kidneys in their assholes.

>that's my whole point dumbass
What? What was your point? Because so far, all you've accomplished is show how woefully ill informed you are? I'm spastic fuckstick just like you are, or else I wouldn't be here. So I'm not doing it to bang bitches. I've got two kids, and it was low. So I'm correcting an imbalance, and sometimes, (read once a year) I'll blast, because I'm an adult capable of making my own decisions, and have goals.
So now you're turn. Do you want to have a civil discussion, and I'll help you learn? Or do you wanna throw a little fit?

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Can we acknowledge that OP has a catfish account on a dating app to admire dudes.

Also OP you're retarded homie, that's a typical manlet physique. The dude is like 5'6" tops.

I think hes just gay and got shut down by a Jow Forums lanklet

He just wants to have a fit, he doesn't want to get Jow Forums

Steroid use is huge in emergency services and military.

You can't openly say you're on them or you'll be fired.

I believe this might be where it stems from.

OP grow up

where you inject does have an effect, tons of guys clearly shoot it into their arms and ignore their core completely and it’s obvious

>mad for no reason
>on something “gay”

Another rage roid fag

Yeah i definitely was under the impression it causes dehydration from.... basically... having eyes

>where you inject does have an effect
Oh yeah dude, intramuscular injections only affect the muscle you inject it into. That's why when you get flu vaccines you have to get dozens of injections in every muscle in your body.

You just go to gyms to get them? Seems weird. How do you even know it’s good?

Like, what determines good quality steroids? Color? How well it works?

He's got strange roundedness to his delts for being so weak looking.

Fucking hell my neck is thicker than his and I'm natural.


Hey everyone, I found a video of OP

Basically every guy in the gym juices and lies about it
I don't know why but yeah they do it. Look in any gym locker rooms trash can and you have a good chance of seeing empty tren/test vials

Again everyone lies about it. It's an insecurity thing . Same reason why so many normies say circumcision is great. They think acknowledging reality is weakness . Dumb normies obsessed with flexing/macho posturing 24/7, no wonder these guys end up with 4 heart surges by age 50. I couldn't imagine living life so stressed out and obsessed over appearances

Lmao I was just seeing what there is to compete with. It takes about 2 seconds to realize that basically 60% of men on dating apps are chads

You people should have a desire to learn about and understand the mechanisms such as tinder which are destroying society especially if you want to join in on it

I didn’t say that but it does have more of a localized effect

It drives me fucking nuts, because that's what they all want. They just want to throw their little tantrum, and bring everyone else down to their level. Except here's something they don't know: even with test, it takes work. A lot of fucking work. So no matter how you cheat, you're still putting in time. And chances are, before they started gear, they put in even more time.
So I guess I'm supposed to feel bad, because they can't take care of themselves? And lack dedication, so everyone else should? Physical fitness is something literally everyone can do. You might not be able to fix your dumpster fire of a face, but it's easier than ever to be Jow Forums. The tools are there. It's just up to you to pick them up.

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>even with test, it takes work
Lmao if you run test you can lay around your sofa all day and still drop in body fat and gain muscle mass

You have no understanding of human physiology

Lol the weak should fear the strong, that guy is fucking tiny and the fact that you think he's on roids shows how much a low t phaggot you are. I can just imagine you now struggling to bench 145. If you have been lifting for 2 years aren't benching 3 plates yet give up.

>You people should have a desire to learn about and understand the mechanisms such as tinder which are destroying society especially if you want to join in on it

Or, you know, and I'm just spitballing here, maybe actually try to find a wife. There are 14 words you need to uphold, and you don't find a woman to give you 4+ kids on fucking tindr you degenerate shitbag. If you're looking for a support group because you couldn't get your dick wet after you found it, you're in the wrong place.

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>Lmao I was just seeing what there is to compete with
>60% of men on dating apps are chads

Chads aren't real, user. The guy in your pic isn't even very attractive, facially. He's a guy that tried harder than you ever will, and he didn't even need roids.

This still doesn't explain you making an entirely new bumble account to try to hook up with men. Still a little suspicious of that one.

Absolutely you'll experience lower body fat and heightened muscle mass, but it's not going to make you a bodybuilder unless you actually go lift weights.

Sure. But the difference is obvious, and your timeline on any gains will be way longer. And the second you stop, you'll lose all of it. The only thing you'll have accomplished is increasing your risk for heart disease.

I buy it online from legitimate steroid laboratories, I know it's good because of the clear gains both visually and in my lifts.

I didn't start in steds until I'd plateaud hard for months after being at the gym for years. As soon as started the steds everything shot up and I still haven't plateaud again.

Honestly, the level normies think are achievable natty are ridiculous. It's clear as day to anybody who has gone to the gym for a decent amount of time that I'm on steds, but 99.9% of the unaware masses assume it's just hard work and diet (which, TBF, is still a major part of it; steds aren't a magic potion).

Bro I lived with a guy who did roids and failed lmao.

I know it still takes work but it’s still sociopathic to lie like this unless so effortlessly like they usually do

I don’t get the pointless non sequitor of sucking off roidfags

Roids are enabling the rat race of hypergamy to an unrealistic degree. Have fun expecting your wife to stay faithful as she hits the wall from having kids, when she’s one swipe away from some guy like this who has cum and gear up to his eyeballs and is totally natty

Too busy replying to bait threads instead of researching and learning truths.

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Anyone who runs test for the rest of their life will have an easier time making gains

>Lmao I was just seeing what there is to compete with. It takes about 2 seconds to realize that basically 60% of men on dating apps are chads

Good hygeine, working out regularly, and a decent job will put you in the top 95% of men so long as you aren't hideous or deformed. There's no reaosn to worry about your competition until you can say that you are the best you can possibly be. Keep in mind that this insecurity you have is not only creepy, but also extremely unattractive to women.

I see plenty of Chad larps everyday. There nothing but just larping cucks.

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Where do you order from? I'm trying to shop around a little.

These dudes are going to end up with a micro penis.

Dude who cares

Roids fuck your body up more than they help

Which steroid lab? I'm trying to find a new source

I just don't get your angle here. What is it you expect to happen? You clearly aren't in favor of marriage. Because it's SO OBVIOUS o woman will stay loyal. But you can't get laid on tindr. So.... What? You just wanna be angry? Why not channel that into improving yourself to get laid? What even is this little tantrum of yours?

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If anything Ive overtrained. That’s another thing about roids. Natty guys can easily over do it and hurt themselves and make no progress by literally trying too hard. Roidsfags just get gains by virtue of doing drugs. Get a grip you narcissistic sociopath


That doesn't happen. Your balls shrivel, but your dick will be raging, if you've got low test normally, so it should actually be slightly bigger. I'm serious. Bigger erections.

Roidfags are way more likely to injure themselves because when you juice, muscle develops faster than ligaments can strengthen . So roidfags start lifting heavier and heavier weight in a narrow time span and take a trip to snap city

cope harder
love, Jow Forums

>There's no reaosn to worry about your competition until you can say that you are the best you can possibly be

And you’re assuming I haven’t tried

The sheer malice and anger just proves Jow Forums is full of roiding sociopathic normies I guess

>if anything I've overtrained
Post body

Risk of injury for enhanced athletes is WAY fucking higher. Your muscle recovery increases. Guess what doesn't? Tendons. You ever see a bicep let go on one end and become a fruit fucking roll up? I have. And it's fucking horrifying.

I'm using SIS Labs now, used to use Southern Ghost but the quality started dropping.

They get shut down pretty fast in the UK so I'm pretty much using a new site everytime (I usually buy in bulk to last 3 months or so). Best bet it's to hit eroids and check out the most trusted sites that deliver as locally as you can get it.

>You clearly aren't in favor of marriage. Because it's SO OBVIOUS o woman will stay loyal.

Dude what?
>bro why not improve yourself
>what is overtraining

I’m just resting and shitposting. You seem kinda crazy though. That first part didn’t make sense. Women are obviously loyal in marriage? Wut? 50% get a divorce which are mostly initiated by women

>lying to impress women
where tf have you been? I had a negro roommate and this is literally what he did every weekend. Hit the clubs with his car he couldn't afford and take some dumb hoes to the hotel. Women are not smart, they are not difficult game to hunt. They are easily impressed and have almost no ability to make rational decisions even without alcohol. Add alcohol and they're basically walking, talking holes.

Real chads don't need to workout, though it's a good practice - however only morons and incels take steroids.

I still appreciate the heads up. Thanks, man.

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Are you going to post your body, user? I want to see what all of your intense training has got you.

Ok but overtraining still is different. Your body only has so much vitamin D to make into cortisol and testosterone unless you inject some. Roids enable you to surpass the limit

It’s still true for overtraining in general. Calm down

A sedentary guy on test will literally develop muscle mass faster than a natty working out on an optimum routine. You wont look like guys who work out every minute every day while on gear, but youre delusional if you think youre working harder for the same reward.