>wake up
>live in Colombia
Life just ain't fair right?
>wake up
>live in Colombia
Life just ain't fair right?
What are you even talking about Colombian women and trannies are top 5
I love brown women
Are you kidding Columbian women are smoking hot
a colombian dude called me racist and threatened me with violence, was probably my first redpill where i realized that minorities will never like me.
why are colombians so mean?
I really liked this girl from columbia.One day I found out she was a whore, I cried and moved on.
Isn't that brown loli from Chile?
Can I move in with you?
Are Colombian girls are whores, except with me of course.
Only a Canadian could think that having transexuals of any quality as an export is something to be proud of.
Colombians are crazy
might as well just invade venezuela then, right?
Drink some aguardiente and go back to bed
who is this cutie, gonorrea hijoeputa?
Not sure, no one really cares about racism here, he may be an Americanized Colombian.
Colombia is hell, is also governed by right wing nationalists for too long
they are the only thing keeping your country together and you know it
>governed by right wing nationalists for too long
I'm sure if you put some leftists in power things will be just great.
Are you crazy? look at the entire world, every third world country has been governed by nationalists , do you think the arab league is led by blue haired lesbians like in Sweden? lol -cries in third world-
Only a brit would women worship and be proud of henry the 8ths incest tradition
Based petrista.
>right wing nationalists
user you don't even have a right wing party
no one does
The only reason right-wing nationalists are currently installed in most 3rd world countries is because anyone else immediately gets targeted by first-world kike hegemonists.
US is the exception in the developed world with its concerning levels of violence which can only be comparable to countries like Brazil.
UK despite the rise in terrorism , has really low crime rates
>wake up
>live in Colombia
>wake up
>live in America
>get shot
apparently he hated whites and america cuz his dad worked in a spaghettios factory
Yeah Im pretty much left wing progressive. Colombia has been governed by the centre right to the far right since the 90's or since I have memory. its been nothing but corruption and chaos, Ecuador had years of left wing leadership with correa (same culture , same race , same all) and now ecuador is peaceful , not violent like here. Ecuador is as peaceful as any other European country.
If you project a little harder I might just believe you mean it.
Neoliberalism is the real problem, i think it's way worse than communism tbqh
>Yeah Im pretty much left wing progressive
Well, I hope you get better soon.
Completely agree, hopefully we'll have a chance next election.
This is the cerrejon, the biggest open-pit coal mine in latin america (Looking forward working there). Ouwned by British/Swiss, you know how much taxes are they paying for exploiting our resources? 25%, this country is a fucking joke.
But Ecuador sucks at futbol, and they don't have a botero or a gabriel garcia-marquez
could a been a jew
You think that land is going to be useless in the future? It only looks ugly now but will be used for something else in the future. And its not the brits/swedes fault colombians are too obsessed with guaro, futbol, and vallenatos to mine coal for themselves
An insult comrade! Outright theft!
>We shall make them pay 90% taxes
>If they don't like it we'll seize their facilities
>Life just ain't fair right?
>Country overrun by memezuelans escaping socialism
>Colombian left wing is literally "maduro dindu nuffin"
>Posting on pol about being a colombian left wing.
You could predict with almost 100% accuracy that every country governed by nationalists ends up turning into a shithole.
>Right wing
>South ameica
Pic two
Could be worse - could be Venezuela.
We are as fucked if not worse than Venezuela.
I'll take countries I wouldn't visit without an armament, Alex
What do they even mean by peace here?
Here is the full report , worth spending some. time reading it, also I know many would claim this is fake news, let me remind you , no right wing organization , think tank, research centre, fact checker has accuse this as misleading.
Probably something similar to their "well-being index" where countries get more points the more pozzed they are.
Have you considered that nothing will save your country, because it's the people and not the ideology?
t. Colombian American
Like ideology doesnt affect people ?
Again you have an east Germany v West Germany experiment here Colombia v Ecuador,
One is being led by far right nationalists the other one is as peaceful as Europe. Correa was a a chavista, he was just educated.
What sort of racist shit is this?
Explain yourself spic
is this even a bad thing?
Ideology can only take a people so far. Latin American countries are low trust societies, and low trust societies experience more political corruption. Colombia and Ecuador are both shitholes, one is just slightly less of a shithole than the other. The levels of crime and corruption in areas like Bogota and Quito are not comparable to anything you would find in Europe or most of the US.
At least the coke is cheap
US crime rates 5.3
they can all move here, I will fill them with my superior baltic seed
Homicide rate-
Abysmal difference
Ecuador is 1/5 the size of Colombia
Do you know how rates work?
Its per capita , its a rate
Grab some quick pussy and make a harem.
Life's good.
I'm sure the size of the country still affects peace more than you're aware. It's harder to govern larger areas. Ecuador uses the US dollar as its currency and forces its "literate" citizens to vote by law. 78% of the population is amerinidian.. maybe the problem in Colombia is alcoholism, drug addiction, and vanity, not right wing politics. Besides, wasn't Santos on the left?
>Alabamian education
Right and poverty and violence declined during Santos administration, the country was in the right path.
The far right puppet idiots which name I forgot its now in charge and as expected poverty and violence increased.
You're retarded if you think area shouldn't be taken into higher consideration..
Maybe what Uribe started in his term took years to realize. I doubt its changed so fast, unless your sources are influencing the facts.
This list is dumb. All the countries are small in area and winters in Iceland are the worst. It has days where you can't even see the sun. You can't compare that experience to anything else on earth
communism scum, migrate to venezuela
you fuckers ever get in power, we're coming for your heads
>wake up
>you're on earth
this is just fucking fantastic
ThE InTolERaNt LeFt
>Spent 2 weeks in Barranquilla during Carnaval 2008
>shitty meme corn beer called Aguila
>the women are either 6/10 or gross goblina riceballs
>literally the shittiest cuisine I've ever tasted (spent 4 weeks pissing from my asshole after I got back to the States)
>the indigenous music is an accordion driven cacaphony of inaudible garbage
I'll take Chile over Colombia any day
lmao beaners lmao
what was the file m8?
Bwahaha that was funny as fuck
the hottest women ive ever seen are columbian
too bad they are all goldiggers
>also this is now a save the spics thread
They have some sexy negresses though
> Third world hot women are gold diggers.
Gee user?
I can never understand why there is still Japanese community in brazil when the flipflop/short wearing subhumans in the favelas live across the street.
Brazilian jujitsu