KyoAni fund raiser double the expected amount in 3 days

Good job anons, I know some of you had something to do with this but I know shit Had not expected this kind of support. But, what will they do with the money? I have a feeling 1.8 mil will be enough to cover the damages.

Attached: gofundme.png (1162x638, 77K)

Funeral expenses

Almost 2 mill just for funerals of 20 people?

I personally don't really care about burnt roasties.

Attached: bad1.png (150x160, 20K)

Yikes, someone didnt get pussy in college.

Yakuza money laundering, nice.

>retards actually giving money in
These companies have fucking huge insurance policies for these types of disasters. Why on earth would anybody donate to this?

this wtf

>see charity
>think about donating
>realize it makes more sense to support them by buying their products
>1000 IQ wojak.jpg
>look up Nichijou Blu Rays
>remember I am poor and will always be poor
>spiral into depression

It's not just that, it's the fact that people are donating to a "gofuckme" donation drive that's being collected by a third party, not directly from the kyoanime company. You have no idea how the money is exactly going to be distributed to Kyoanime. The third party collecting the money can pocket a portion of it themselves.

I've seen so many gofundme scams that my personal rule is to not donate to any GoFundMe drives that's not directly connected to my friends or family, no matter the sob story. Just buy a wallpaper from Kyoanime's their website or something.

>doesn't list where money is going
>thanks for the donation goy.. uh i mean guys
>i'll just put this in an offshore account don't worry they will get the money i promise

Getting pussy in college decreases your value of pussy. Learn basic economics, lefty.

wasbt it like 30 people?

the fact an anime studio burning down gets more donations and attention from retards than a historical church getting burnt down really says a lot

yea just about

Came here to write this. A fundraiser for a big corporation is retarded.

Notre dame got millions as well, and no one died in its fire

>letting Chads get monopoly on pussy
>being this cucked into believing having some devalues it
Guess can't have beer or Cigarettes anymore

Go back to r*ddit

We live in a society

bugmen are loyal to their anisoy

That $60 BD is the localized one which Sentai makes all the money on. The $100 BDs in Jap is what they will actually get money from.