Is there anything worse than crossing paths with a femoid during a /nightwalk/...

Is there anything worse than crossing paths with a femoid during a /nightwalk/? All she would have to do is scream rape and my life is over. Especially since I am autistic and ugly. The jury would have no mercy. Men are hopelessly oppressed in this globohomo society.

Attached: 01w.webm (640x480, 2M)

Just don't rape her, why is this so hard?
Have sex.

If she cries rape, you best at least grab her tit before you go to jail.

I feel like a good lawyer could get you off if you were absolutely free of any guilt. The criminal justice system sucks but you just gotta spend a lot more money on it.

Also its easy to appear harmless. Text on your phone, make like you're on a phone call, hum or whistle like a faggot, Even acknowledge her and say hellloooo like a fag. Chicks are disarmed around fags is what I'm saying.
Act more gay.

> I am autistic and ugly.

Are you though? I bet you could talk your mom into giving to a rim job

Where do you find a webm of a girl walking by a cameraman. This has to be a porno. I require sauce.

I'm serious, just be liberal in the streets, conservative in the sheets. It's a great way to redpill or evade normalfags depending on what your circumstances are.

just look serious and cross to the other side of the street like you would with niggers

females are the niggers of nightwalks

it looks like every casting couch video from 2003-2006. Like the first thing you see on redtube.

>go for nightwalk
>Walk past cute girl
>She smiles very brightly and says "Hi"
Too bad I'm practicing semen retention and have devoted my life to the Lord.