>be me >farmer in Kansas in 1939 >some fuck in germany starts a war >get drafted >leave my wife and children behind >chest gets blown open by a nazi >last thoughts were of my family >my great grandson gets turned into a nazi by 14 year olds online
Do you ever think about the people who died for the freedom you have to support the ideas that killed them?
>fighting your own people for jews Shiggy Ding Dongly
Jacob Thomas
I'm pretty sure we have less freedom now since the end of WW2. I don't think they died for freedom.
Jace Walker
See Americans didn't give a shit about what Germany was up to and a lot of them probably would have supported their views if asked.
Aaron Howard
try >my great grandson gets turned into a tranny by 30something fags online
Ryder Edwards
>implying my ancestors had a choice >implying they liked it >implying they didn't fight for kikes who never gave two shits about them >implying my ancestors weren't treated like sandbags >implying my ancestors didn't switch sides because of all this >implying they weren't treated better on the other side en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Liberation_Army
My grandfather who actually served in WW2 seemed more upset about one of his great granddaughters becoming a journalist and getting engaged to a literal communist vegan nigger.
Americans at that time did not want to go to war with Nazi Germany as we resented the British for dragging us into WW1. There was even a movement to join the Axis but the British and FDR staged pearl harbor to get us into the war .
David Gomez
We fought the Germans for political reasons because they allied with Japan who attacked us directly. If they were alive today they would believe the exact same shit we do, minus the natsoc particulars, but the social policy absolutely.