What can you do with this degree?

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Be a cunt!

Nothing. It qualifies you for absolutely nothing but also makes it impossible for you to get married and be a full time housewife and mom.

pay a jew's salary

Become a women's studies professor.


>What can you do with this degree?

act like a BITCH

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Ex wife had a degree based in gender studies, can confirm its how to be a whiny self hating roastie 101

Lie about discrimination and suck dick for promotions until you can force your brainwashing upon those who’s dicks you previously sucked.

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The same thing you can do with any other humanities/liberal-arts degree, which is just theorize about things, write books, teach, etc. Tbh I find women's studies pretty interesting.

and no one was surprised

You can dye your hair blue, and join the feminist movement because you can't find a job other than burger flipper with it. Then you can scream about how it's all the fault of the patriarchy, and student debts should be abolished, and American needs to become communist and let all the migrants in, and all men are rapists, and white cis heterosexual men should be all killed.

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You can get on the board of directors of any company that has over 200 employees.
All companies once they reach a certain size drink the globohomo koolaid

Satisfy people's longing for fries.

Cushy HR jobs throwing whites guys resumés in the trash.

Suck dicks and get buttfucked for money

Guaranteed 7 figure job in the Hillary Administration. Oh, wait, that never happened!

I don’t know why any company would ever hire someone with a grievance studies degree. It’s just a lawsuit waiting to happen

Complain about not enough women in STEM and then run away crying sexism because a bunch of dudes asked you why you aren't in STEM either.

suck dicks behind a dumpster

Councillors and Social Workers need to empathise with their clients.

I don't expect you to understand that previous sentence.

Women who are into this come from rich families with conenctions. They'll get them a job in anything and they will pollute the workplace with their ideology and "problems"