Why should the European people worship Yeshua bar Yosef?
Why should the European people worship Yeshua bar Yosef?
because white people(aliens) have no culture of their own
Why not
Man the khazar kikes who memed that image must be proud. Every D&C shill uses that as one of their top 5 images despite having no basis in reality
Let me guess, jesus was a white man with blue eyes and blond hair
Why are you trying to demoralize white people by attacking their religious traditions? Is it because you're a kike hiding behind a meme flag?
Christianity is a Jewish meme desu
If He wasn't who He said He was you shouldn't. If He was you'd have to be the stupidest fucking person around to not worship Him for any reason.
Christianity is to Synagogue Judaism what capitalism is to communism.
How many people will be separated from God for eternity because of “muh Aryan race”
Fuck your race you meme flaggot nigger. Who gives a fuck who God chose to reveal Himself to first? You are supposing that your tribe is more important than the creator of the universe. I wonder if hell will have a special place for all those condemned for this unique and autistic heresey
Young Winston Churchill?
Actually, you're mixing up the god that is properly called Yahweh, the Asian god of the Judeo-Christians with God, the contracted form of Godan which is Lombardic spelling of Woden of Germanic paganism. Godan's name was often shortend to God, but remains an exclusive god of the Aryans, not to be appropriated. Judeo-Christians can shorten Yahweh's name to Yah, but they may not use the word God. It is actually blasphemy that offends both Godan and Yahweh. It would seem that Judeo-Christians would want to use the word Yahweh given their obsession with Jews and Rabbi Jesus . It's the name that Rabbi Jesus himself would have used ( if he were real ) and he would agree with me ( if he were real ) that it's wrong to steal Godan's name. Judeo-Christians do though say Hallelujah, which does include Yah, the shortend form of their Jew-god. You will not be forgiven if you again use God instead of Yahweh.
because I'm scared of dying and the more people that buy into this retarded cope the more valid it seems to my monkey brain
literally the only depiction of him based on reality bucko.
Except for the photo
Yess just like cheddarman and the ancient hyperboreans
based Jesus keeping kikes butthurt for 2000 years
He whipped the jews, and they keep running like roaches till now.
All hail based Jesus!
And I love when Uber tells me that Jesus is coming in a Toyota.
Kill yourself meme flaggot nigger
Because he was sacrificed to pay for our salvation, user. Alone of all the religions, Christianity is the sole example of a God sacrificing his Son for the sake of his followers. All others have been cash-on-delivery in terms of divine favour.