Holocaust deniers have no arguments against this video

Holocaust deniers have no arguments against this video.
How do you disprove the crematorium chimneys in one of the Auschwitz aerial photos?


Attached: birkaug25.jpg (1267x1010, 180K)

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>people die of natural and poor conditions
>some where killed for whatever reason
>need to get rid of bodies to avoid epidemic of diseases
>burn bodies

>Muh global warming
>Muh holocaust
Fuck off Shlomo

Nobody debates if bodies were cremated. They argue the logistical impossibility of burning enough bodies to actually reach the proposed numbers without leaving evidence.

OY VEY! Look at this death camp!

Attached: preston-crem.png (800x481, 150K)

My main problem with the holocaust is how modern politicians use it to pussh thier policies. Its disrespectful to the dead.
Also i dont like how jews get seperated from the other victims. Everybody died there together no matter if jewish, polish, russian or political prisoners

Gotta feed the crops

Good riddance

You mean the air raid shelters?

The undressing room and gas chamber are both myths. They were body storage rooms for bodies waiting to be incinerated.
Hence why they were built below ground level to keep the temperature in the rooms lower and slow the decay of the bodies.

When was this taken? 45 or later, then it's bullshit.

fuck off kike lmao saged

>chimney built in 1948 in (((soviet))) occupied zone.

>everybody died there together
That's because it wasn't about race, they were fucking communist subversives.

>muh gommunism
It was about the retarded nazi economy needing free slave labor to survive
Kinda like modern globalism need third world imigrants to survive

they had a serious typhus outbreak in auschwitz in 1942. if the chimneys werent already in place by then they certainly would have been after.

>muh slave labor
All wars then required slave labor. What do you think a draft is?

Attached: holohoax.jpg (1017x786, 171K)

If you look carefully, you'll see that the enormous pile of coal necessary to burn the required number of bodies is absent.

You can't have wooden doors on a gas chamber, silly

It's called retardation. No amount of information can change this

Attached: hoax06.jpg (720x556, 117K)

Fabricated jewish propaganda

'sage' goes in Options.

Same shill/bot/jew

Attached: DaJoooooosStartedNineEleven.webm (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Hello schizo my old friend
Sucking your own dick again
Thinking everyone's a Jewish shill
Multiplying voices every day until
They come out in a chorus of /x/-tier tardery from his brain
He's insane
It is the sound of schizos

Why would a death camp need that many barracks for prisoners?

not at birkenau... learn some basic history

when were the birkenau crematoria built? learn some basic history

the crematoria were not powered by gasoline.

this graphic is factually wrong repeatedly.
he didn't buy madagascar (it was french owned and he had never any rights to it.

auschwitz had 52 oven openings at maximum, not six. Teh SS claimed they could do 4756 a day.
usually it ran about 40 of them, allowing for maintenance, and burning about 3000 a day. Any overflow from teh mass murder could be burned on pyres.

The crematoria ovens could reduce a body to bone - having dehydrated the flesh - in about 20-25 minutes (the same as modern crematoria) at that point you can introduce a new body, leaving the bones to sinter for hours as each new body is put in.

the bodies were moved by slaves, not germans - the Sondorkommando. they had hundreds on duty to shift the corpses.

the fat man in Dachau was in 1938. it was one of his first days in camp. There is no picture of him in 1945 because he died int eh camp within a few months. He was not so fat then.

this graphic is a piece of shit, and so is anyone who posts it.

they used coke, and they had stores inside the building.

yes you can, silly.

Attached: auschwitz wooden door.jpg (300x219, 48K)

Only 1.1 million Jews died alongside 50-80 million non-jews, the "holocaust" should not be focused on.

Where are the water pump houses? A facility that big needs alot of water across all points, if only for fire suppression.

>1 post by this nigger OP
please, for the love of fuck stop feeding this wetbrain boomer in france.
if the OP isn't posting this is a slide thread, no, you're not redpilling anyone

If these are places they're just killing people, why are they spending money on sewage treatment? Can't they just burn the offal?

source for this claim?

seems fairly unlikely..


because it was also a huge labour camp. it was built as a lbour camp first, and they merely killed the unfit for work - the children the old, most of the women, and took the fit for work as slaves. when they needed more slaves. otherwise they killed the fit ones too.

any source for that figure?

lol, idiot Lying Leaf is paranoid and thinks I am behind every anti denial post...

>we bombed box cars, whoops killed 2,000 slave laborers
>we have pictures of Auschwitz, why didn't anyone ask what these box cars are for?

That argument has already been made in the 1990s you retard.

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yeah but fuck the goyim, never forget the 6 million

Who denies that there were crematoriums you dumbfuck?

You can't have someone doubt your deeply held Holochristian views, can you, kike?
Gotta destroy the heretics.


10000040585uy20004ii30000th 'lets aregue over shit that diesnt matter' thread

Kikes are gay
Newfags are even worse

>people die of natural and poor conditions
but over half a million people arrived at the camp and were killed on arrival.

they did not die of natural conditions. they were not even killed by the appaling conditions that the nazis were entirely responsible for. they were killed within hours of arriving in the camp. never fed, never clothed, never given accommodation, never even registered. just killed.

Is this garbage on any real historical evidence or is it just biblical rabble?

and there is plenty of evidence, and the logistics are not difficult.

so no problem.

>How do you disprove the crematorium chimneys in one of the Auschwitz aerial photos?
>implying anyone is disproving crematoriums
Typhus killed many people in the concentration camps, hence why they used Zyklon B on people's clothes and had everyone shave their heads bald. The crematoriums took care of the dead bodies from Typhus outbreaks.

>and there is plenty of evidence, and the logistics are not difficult.
Actually it isn't.
Even kikes are already starting to back of off the six gorrilion estimate.

>They were killed within hours of arriving in the camp. never fed, never clothed, never given accommodation, never even registered. just killed.
And you prove all this with?
>unbiased witnesses
not really, no, the narrative of the holocost sells donations from around the world, and angry Communists have every reason to slander their defeated enemy.
>images showing these operations
from 2 miles up, a line of workers is the same as a line of people about to be killed
>personal testimony
after literally breaking their nut-sacks?
well, I guess so.

“Generally speaking, we burned 4 or 5 corpses at a time in one muffle, but sometimes we charged a greater number of corpses. It was possible to charge up to 8 ‘musulmans.’" -Henryk Tauber
[Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, p. 480-489]

Sure logistics are easy when you can just make up everything as it goes along.

Attached: Cremator_inside_the_crematorium_Auschwitz_I.jpg (310x233, 19K)

The best way of getting rid of lice is to burn all the hair and clothing that they are attached to and lice causes typhus which is an extremely deadly disease

Ofc its real, incredible logistics, 6 years are 3.15 Million minutes. in a modern day gas powered crematory a human body needs 60 to 90 minutes to be burnt to ashes. In a coal powered even more. Calculated with 60 min and 6 years it gives 2 bodys each minute and 120 oven running 24/7. breaking it to 3 years and 120 minutes per body it would be 4 body in 240 oven, ofc without maintaining them. I'm strangely amazed by that logistic effort. We we're real highly efficient evil ones.

at least S. Africa user didn't have to resort to outright fabrications when he tried shilling the holohoax.

>auschwitz had 52 oven openings at maximum, not six. Teh SS claimed they could do 4756 a day.
>usually it ran about 40 of them, allowing for maintenance, and burning about 3000 a day. Any overflow from teh mass murder could be burned on pyres.

Wow! So between listening to the orchestra, swimming in the pool, getting some dental work done, going to the theater, visiting the brothel, sending a letter at the post office, riding the horses, etc, etc...their friends were being forced to work while others were being gassed and burned. Auschwitz was one wacky place I tell you!

Attached: The Reality of Auschwitz.jpg (2000x1481, 543K)

Ok. But to work the other way, not all were claimed to have been gassed and burned. There are "mass graves" where bodies were dumped without burning. Give your best numbers for what they could have done, then start looking for mass graves and other events that could match. And if the numbers don't show up, there is a reason to officially doubt.
There is always a reason to doubt, that's what helps us learn.

Where's the chimneys?

read the link you mong. it cleary says there is very little evidence for it at all, but there is a little in contemporary documents.

point is that deniers are taking crap and making even more crap out of it.

but they had enough capcity to burn everyone in the entire camp ina few weeks. far more capacity than any other camp. adn Auschwitz controlled its typhus problem quickly and quite well. the crematoria, adn the plans to build further crematoria that they didn't get to build because the war overtook them - are far more than necessary.

lol, he said "gorillion"

hasn't anyone told him what it means?

>deniers are full of crap that's why we prohibited all forms of discussion about it and fund huge smear campaigns whenever some chemist, professor, engineer or anyone has the guts to talk about it.

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>the plans to build further crematoria
They had blueprints nigger!
Just like Saddam had Aluminum Tubes!

>There are "mass graves" where bodies were dumped without burning.
A lot of them in the east, filled with Jews, mostly in todays Ukrain, and in former German territories filled with Germans.

Aaron, what if I told you that I believe in the Holocaust, but that it wasn’t Hitler’s fault and as a matter of fact, the Jewish elite coerced him into doing it?

>half a million
>3 years of active gassing
>3 chimneys

Attached: 1438362661354.jpg (236x199, 5K)

>adn Auschwitz controlled its typhus problem quickly and quite well.

You're so full of crap, Auschwitz suffered immensely in 1942-43 because of typhus outbreaks, even German guards and physicians died because of it.

Fine, but do the math anyway. If you want to be serious, be serious.

What? You're not expecting the earth to be stained with poison around those chimneys, are you?

wouldn't that still leave a whole ton of bones?

Us Poles were not communists yet still were murdered en masse

Holocaust didn't happen. And even if it did, it was well deserved.

You spew bullshit left and right



well, they didn't have to kick Kremer in the balls to get him to write his diary talking about it at the time it was happening. and they didn't break his balls after the war when he freely testified, with no torture.

but you just go ahead and pretend that everyone in the entire SS was tortured and they all caved in and agreed to tell the same story because they were all really just whimps and pussies.

you go ahead and pretend that Oskar Groening, who had death threats from retarded neo nazis for telling the truth, and then was tried and convicted on his own testimony, freely given, that he saw the gassings and the mass murder, the selections and the massive theft, the whole thing - you go on pretending he was bullied into it by kikes.

or go ahead pretending that every eyewitness is either a jew plant shill, all in cahoots, or tortured to silence and lies. go ahead and deny the forensic evidence - that even Leuchter and Rudolf proved the gas chambers were used, although they spun it with lies to cover up their unfortunate results - go ahead. Just keep lying. you will feel so much better for it.

'muh torture'

fuck off

See It happened, but the Jewish elite wanted it to happen. They trapped their Jewish brethren in Germany and told them to revolt, which they did.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Hitler didn’t want to kill Jews.
Hitler was the good guy from WW2.

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Math is good because it can't be compromised.

that shit was a long time ago dude, if you're not focused on the money and who made it then get on to the genocides happening today all over the world

well obviously they could never have put two bodies in one oven could they... oh...

Attached: buchenwald crematorium.jpg (258x195, 12K)

Oops, wrong picture.
Whatever, it works, I guess.

typhus kills about one in ten in healthy people. it is only extremely deadly when people are ill fed, unhealthy, over worked, cold, and badly treated.

I'm naturally curious, and when I learned of the Anne Frank forgeries, I started digging. So many lies from witnesses. A roller coaster? Masturbation machines. There were a brothel, pool (some question this, but there are diving boards for the love of pete), orchestra. Why? Just doesn't make any sense why you can't question it.

ok, firstly the death total was about 5.5 million, so you got that number wrong.
secondly not all were burned in ivens, so that number is way wrong. probably no more than a million were burned in ovens, million and a half tops.
thirdly the time needed to burn a corpse individually to fine ash is not the number you need. you need the time taken to dehydrate a corpse and burn the flesh off, so you are left with bones, which can be left in the oven while a second corpse is put in on top. that is about 20-25 minutes

you also need to reckon that about a third were children, half were women, often very small women, and indeed small men - little polish peasants, all under five foot 2 inches.
you also have to rmember that they were in many camps - not jsut one. auschwitz had 52 ovens, but they had ovens, and pyres, at every camp and hundreds of sub camps. .

the numbers rack up quite quickly when you can burn a thousand bodies on a pyre in a couple of hours..

> More than a thousand prisoners were killed during the bombing of Nordhausen by the Royal Air Force on 3–4 April 1945

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kindly be more specific. what do you think is fabricated? I have sources for everything... unlike deniers.

yes it was a huge place. 120,000 prisoners in over 30 camps adn sub camps. A research lab, and dozens of factories. it fuflfilled many functions. central sorting area for slaves - hundreds of thousands were sento on to other slave labour camps - adn of course disposal of the unfit to work, the 60% Goebbels talekd abotu liquidating, the the ones Hitler said had to be shot.

they even had thousands of ordinary Polish women taken for slave labour at Monowitz, who were not even political prisoners, just forced laborers.
it was a crazy place.

Of course it can. But it's more difficult as sources age and pass on to alter.
I don't think anyone expects prisoners of war to be treated well. Especially while Strat bombers are destroying your supplies and your army is on a fighting retreat.
The first number was a decade earlier, and it was likely six million, because the number six is a mental tick for people who believe that six is the devil's number, and seven is the number of good.

>you can burn a thousand bodies on a pyre in a couple of hours..
Except you can't. This process leaves bones and makes massive clouds.

oh I think that is a bad thing too. I think they should be carefully shown the error of their ways in public, and ridiculed for being idiots.

which basically is what happens in the end. no denier has ever been able to sustain their ridiculous claims for any period of time. they all realize they have made huge errors, or believed liars.

And you would think that, because you're emotionally invested in being a victim.

no they had patents on new designs, and there are letters about commissioning them. they also had designs for better more efficient pyres, which would have been built in circular pits lined with firebricks, designed by Prufer of Topf and sons - there is correspondence about them, but they never got built. the war turned against them.

Why would they have wanted an advanced oven system that could burn thousands a day, when they already had ovens to burn over 4000 a day? no other camp ever needed that capacity.
the answer is simple - mass murder. they kept making the bodies adn needed to dispose of them, by the thousands daily.

>no denier has ever been able to sustain their ridiculous claims
You ignore that these people are often fired from their labors, stalked, sued, and harassed with death threats by jews, and not occasionally assaulted, sometimes "killing themselves" to escape the torture.
It's utter bullshit to say they quit and then casually mention that their harassment (or imprisonment in Germany) isn't part of them ceasing their claims.

I would say that my name isn't Aaron, adn that you are as delusional as those who deny it...

lol, "hitler was a pussy that the jews coerced into mass murdering jews, because he really loved jews and didn't want to hang them all in the square in Munich at all..."

>patents on new designs
They were designing more economical ways of doing things in Germany?!?!
unheard of, clearly this is nefarious.

I am mocking your religion, retard.

>Why would they have wanted an advanced oven system that could burn thousands a day,
What was that thing that was going on just a few miles away?
They called it... Eastern Front?

>adn Auschwitz controlled its typhus problem quickly and quite well. the crematoria, adn the plans to build further crematoria that they didn't get to build because the war overtook them
Evidence for that?

four. They had four huge crematoria and gas chambers, with multiple oven openings. they also use pyres, they may indeed have burned as many on pyres as in the ovens.

this is basic fact about the camp. you should know this if you have done any research on the subject at all. perhaps you should read some history?

Attached: Bluprints crem2.jpg (760x451, 72K)