If hypergamy ensures the genetic trash can't pass on their inferior genes, what's wrong with it?

If hypergamy ensures the genetic trash can't pass on their inferior genes, what's wrong with it?

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It fails to weed out the female genetic trash.

it passes only the genes of female genetic trash

Do women really know what's best? Also, men who do not form families tend to be antisocial/do not contribute to society/commit crime because there isn't much of a reason to care for the future of the society.

Loneliness increases, therefore the suicide rate increases also.

But Nature is cruel and hard to take for men raised on Jew media instead of the wise stories told by their grandfather.

Short women need to die, they give birth to manlets

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A single man can impregnate hundreds or thousands of women, while a woman can have a few kids in one brood potentially.

It is therefore more prudent, like in most creatures, to weed out the inferior males. Besides, many of the lowest-ranking women won't have children as they would rather be celebrate than mate with an uggo or something.

So? Suicide should be encouraged for the sake of eugenics.

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but they will be weed out in the next generation if they have male children, so it works out on the long run

Because men have no standards and dont refuse sex, and women are the sole deciders of it? Fucking hell, go back to Jow Forums.
I've refused more women than i've banged and im nothing special.
Stop being the loser who hopes women will pick you, and start being the guy women will fight eachother to get picked by.
In this you are lucky, because womens attraction is less about how you look, and more what your social status is, far easier to change that than how you look. Also while women peak at 24 in attractiveness, men peak around 45, you have literally 20 years more of worth than most women.
Stop being a bitchboi and go do something with your life. Fucking hell.

Civilization ends.

Cucks should be gassed

Literally nothing. First kid on the way with a propoganda poster Aryan tier girl. I'm 145 iq finishing masters in DS at a top ten stem school. 5'8 manlet, my physique is nothing god tier but I put a couple years work in myself (no roids) and left the Incel pit. Unless you're seriously deformed you have only yourself to blame.

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This exactly. There is zero reason for a man to contribute if they can't form families. Things like bride kidnapping has happened throughout history when men can't get women.

Wow that dude with the black ops tshirt, I either know him, or someone who looks really similar to him.
And guess what, he has a wife, and 2 kids. The wife is like a.... 6-7ish. Prettier than normal, fit. Guy has game, isn't even buffed but slim, nerdy, early to mid career developer, not swimming in cash.
Its almost as if life is a bit more complex than that. I myself sit between chat and normie, have a great face, need to work body, but how you carry yourself, what you have achieved, how well you are known in the community and how visibile you are matters more

Because genetics are a meme, and the most divine law of God supercedes all

How is having the superior specimen breed cuckoldry?

If men don't have an opportunity to mate they won't work and civilization will break down.

short women are the cutest, don't you dare touch my cuties

This guy gets it. Careful if you poke the 9k'ers and the self pity princesses they will get agitated from their sour grapes haze and gang up on you in full ego defense.
"waaaah, but wahman are at fault for all my problems, im an npc without agency or accountability"
I wonder if they even see the irony in their discourse, being bigger crybabies than spoiled bitches.

Because there's no guarantee that genetic trash isn't passing on their genes I. E. among the top 20 the trashy ones are 12.

Its not necessarily genetic trash. It's society telling what women want. Just because you look like Chad doesn't mean your brain is Chad. We will become retarded.

>what's wrong with it?
Because people don't change behaviours?
You must be a lefty.
With no incentive, there will be no co-operation. The incentive is to de-stabilise and overturn, not to stabilise society.
Why should the 80% do anything? They're not getting what they want.
Societies which abandon marriage, collapse and are replaced by those which didn't. In our case that'd be Islam.

I used to hate the world. Then I hated myself. Then I fixed myself. Now I hate nothing. I'm 28.

Kids. Learn.

As it stands, 1/4 of men fail to have children anyway.
The number for women is 1/10,

Is a man, really a Man, if all his existence, ego, purpose of being, ambition, and self-determination revolve around... women? Are you sure you arent talking about a 13 year old girl? Are we talking about men? The ones who are as islands and set their own pace in life? No, you must be mistaken.
Women are a side thing, part of life, not the purpose of it. The purpose you decide, and women will come if you are good at what you do, and arent some social pariah with stunted social skills.
If that is the case, and believe me its easy to fall into that pit, all you need is to be exclused in mid/highschool and bam, you dont develop social skills, please join a hobby club, sports club, gym, force yourself to talk with people an dlearn

Well, it s wrong because the 80% male that are not getting pussy won t invest shit in society. They ll just indulge themselves in a confortable selfish lifestyle because you don t need that much money to enjoy life when you have nothing to care for.

yes women do. Women have been programmed over hundreds of thousands of years to biologically sense who to breed with. Jow Forums will never have children because women can tell how lazy and weak you really are, and they don't want this DNA in their offspring.

If you can't even manage to find a woman to have sex with you, or you struggle to pick up a woman right off the cock carrosal, then you really don't deserve to breed in the first place.

If you refuse to work, well then you can go starve in the streets. I dream of a world filled only with the crème de la crème, and there is no place for subhuman scum in utopia.

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civilization depends on all beta males contributing.
there is a reason why monogamy is universal all over the world except some nigger tribes.
being alpha won't help you shit when incels team up and kill you. this is why non-monogamic societies are more violent. having children actually lowers man's testosterone.
Other than that is a fact that females almost never select for intelligence. Hypergamy will literally turn whites int o niggers.

Depends on how you view trash. So in a hypergamy situation women will be doing the selecting which means bigger dicks darker skin lower intelligence. Is that an improvement? Hardly is essentially what's going on right now the sort of thing that pole complains about how all the white women are screwing black guys. Monogamy is critical for civilization. If you don't have it then the more intelligent men are not going to be able to reproduce. You will have a dumbing-down society and basically take you to what we currently have.

Like I said, the leftovers can work or starve. I should have no obligation to feed the hidious, the stunted, and the stupid.

Know what happens is when they get to certain numbers they start to destabilize Society. If you think all these men are just going to kill themselves you are very very wrong.


>women selecting lower intelligence
oh dear found an autist that thinks he's smart

>women actually want niggers
>the top men aren't the smartest as well

Kill yourself subhuman, and save yourself the misery.

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A high % of unmarried men makes for unstable societies as they have less stake in said society

Civilized people don't call him an alpha they call him a despot a tyrannical ruler. Nimrod. He's a bad thing. It's only slutti women who think this guy is a good guy.

Any guy who looks after himself can get a girl. We ARE mostly monogamous. Tinder Chads being 20 deep in Tinder sluts is an anomaly.
The problem is psychological. If you don't think you have value, nobody else will.

If women knew what was best, why can their hypergamy destabilize society? If women always date up, this will lead to a large amount of men that won't contribute to soceity/cause civil unrest.

Hi slut

Yes women prefer large dumb males it's a fact. This idea that this guy can be This brilliant genius is just nonsense the sort of person has never produced anything that contributes to civilization. Aggressive sort of genes are totally counter to intelligent genes. The idea that you can have both was invented by these types of women.

Because no family = no reason to contribute/care for society.

they dont sense shit, if they did they wouldnt have to gabble at the water cooler for 4 hours a day trying to determine who is the alpha of their gayass little social group

>Hi slut
>Yes women prefer large dumb males it's a fact. This idea that this guy can be This brilliant genius is just nonsense the sort of person has never produced anything that contributes to civilization. Aggressive sort of genes are totally counter to intelligent genes. The idea that you can have both was invented by these types of women.

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How exactly are you going to maintain these and Norma specs and chiseled jawline while you're studying 10 hours a day? Because that's what you need to do in order to do any real work. Most of you were just 13 year-old you have no concept whatsoever what it actually means to achieve something and civilization. So to actually be useful to civilization you essentially have to be a nerd do you have to be short do you have to be white? No but those traits tend to lend itself to that. The idea that you can have somebody that has all of this is really not so accurate and maybe occasionally you will produce a person that will have all of those traits somehow but for the most part you're not going to produce them in general. Look at the most productive societies. Jews probably the best example they're small there white their nerdy they're not exactly sexy but they're smart as hell. What people like you don't want to accept is that there is no Superman in this sense there's a verse civilization or savagery.

you can workout 30 mins a day and get pretty good physique. diet is whats most important 2bh

Women prefer guys who are MASCULINE.

That's nigger logic

Have you ever done anything productive in your entire life. Yes you can do basic things to keep in shape but look at any serious researcher anyone who's seriously does things in the Sciences you don't stay in shape it's stressful you have to compete in the world of ideas and having a chiseled jawline is really the last thing on your mind. That's just how it works this is the reality of a this isn't your fantasy world where you can be this awesome guy who goes to the gym everyday and does amazing work in the lab or something. In fact I know a guy like this cool his entire life is alternating between the gym and his university job and he's actually gay.

That is what men have done throughout history. Just doing things as simple as choosing to not work is what they do too.

so basically its like natural eugenics? neat lol.

>How exactly are you going to maintain these and Norma specs and chiseled jawline while you're studying 10 hours a day?

You fucking whiny bitch, how about you get your shit together.

One word: ADAPT, in that case work more efficiently.

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Wrong, any inferior female genes would only dilute the genetic qualities of the superior male. We need to weed out the inferior women, as well. You are very stupid, stop embarrassing yourself.

Because women cant figure out what is genetically superior when their Oxytocin levels are fucked up by birth control.

This. Good luck building a society. Usually the ugly guys contribute so much, to gain power (and women).

For example Joe Rogan.

Then stop working and you'll be ejected from the gene pool, because no woman, even the traditional qt you jerk off to, want a lazy fuck as husband.

Chads are losers m8.
Pussy comes easy to them, well into their 30s so they have little incentive to actually be any use at anything. They end up alcoholics at 40.
The betas are the producers of society. Everyone else. EVERY other group are parasites on them.
All they have to do is keep their productivity to themselves. They aren't the ones who are going to starve.

or just look at Hitler. or Stalin. or Churchill. Hideous manlets. Stalin even forbade photographing himself standing next to taller people.

user. I'm usually cruel here but I've had a killer day so feeling nice.
Every guy has something to attract a girl, you just need to cultivate it. Describe you. Fuck stats like height and weight. What do you do. Who do you do it with. What things interest you?

Sounds like someone is an inferior specimen. Stay mad insect.

>which means bigger dicks darker skin lower intelligence
Only in an environment with welfare.

From a game theory point of view hypergamy is better for humanity and the evolution of our race.

There is a hierarchy in Chads. A Chad, in the end, is just someone with strong masculine behavior.

You know that as high as you can climb, someone more handsome that you can, too.

Because it doesn't. There are too many distortions created by civilization to trust that hypergamy selects only for male genetic superiority (to say nothing of female genetic fitness). There is a multi-billion dollar abortion industry, for one thing. The birth control and day after pills, for another thing. And then all the myriad ways wealth can be distributed to the genetically inferior. Female sexuality evolved in the wild, not in the context of civilization, which is a masculine project that men must manage, and part of that management has always been the patriarchal regulation of female sexuality so that it does not jeopardize the project. Until feminism.

Also, keep in mind that women are retarded cunts. They pick the worst males. If government didn't give them handouts, their children would die of hunger.

This what OP is suggesting is not evolution. This is devolution. IQ will drop. Society will collapse.

We ll have beautiful looking retards with no ability to delay gratification (aka white niggers).

>They pick the worst males

Please, define "good" and "bad" in terms of males.

Because women don't pick top genetical subjects but what facebook (jew) told them to pick.

What the f*** are you people even talking about. I'm not sure how you assume from this that I have a problem getting women. We see things in a totally different way. The way the civilization grew is that this values by which women selected mate's changed. Went from the most violent person the most sociopathic person to a commitment with an honest person. Of course women value things like heights and big dicks or whatever it may be but if they are serious about finding a committed partner they know those things are actually not very consequential at all. It's a fact that if you're on Jow Forums you got something wrong with you and that's probably most of you are sociopaths or whatever the hell it was drug addicts or whatever. Do you think that your conquests sticking your dick in various whores around town somehow put you above someone like me who's talking about how civilization works. Most of you were Millennials you are retarded demented Millennials who have no idea how these things are done you've never had a healthy relationship with a woman in your goddamn life. So save your crappy advice about how to get women and I should work out or some other like that you sound like a moron

Cuz I won't be able to breed.

a man who provides value to the society he lives in and can finance raising his own children

the opposite of good ^

Men who are capable of contributing to civilization in a positive way. Not just going around exploding people and killing people and creating damage that's what we mean I know it's really hard for women today to understand how this works.


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Also, you need the "genetic trash" to be productive, not raise mayhem

Ultimately, there's nothing wrong with it, just like there's nothing wrong with science-based eugenics, or enslaving women

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It isn’t doing that though, women actually just end up breeding the most with the men who are too stupid to pull out

our brains are still these of caveman. from biology standpoint good is aggressive and strong.

from civilization standpoint, good is high iq, ability to delay gratification, high conscientiousness.

By civillization, i don't mean modern civilization. If you have agriculture, you already have civilization.

First tip, don't write essays. most thoughts can be contained to quick blurbs

M8, I drink once a month and fuck around online. K something wrong with me. My body count is 6, but I'm 28 and have a kid on the way with a beautiful wife so I'm happy.

Honestly ask yourself, what do you want? Do you want a buncha bodies, or do you want long term fulfilling relationships? BC they are mutually exclusive.

It doesn’t.

Healthy relationships don't matter. Biologically, the pair-bond appeared in order to preserve social peace and limit males' sexual competition so they could go hunt without fear for their female.

Nowadays, cooperation between males is not required anymore, as we do not live in small tribes. Sexual competition is back.

Holy shit, look at these coping retards replying to you

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Women don't sexually select for traits that are useful to humanity. If women decided who got to breed for all of human history, we would be tall with broad shoulders and faces, living in debris huts and eating acorns and bugs.

And how do we get the welfare money. Follow this thought exercise with me. We get the welfare money from the government and how does the government get the money people build what we call civilization and it creates value. So in other words we rely on so-called beta males to do all the work of civilization while the alpha sociopaths basically run the place. How on Earth did this happen? And why don't the bait has just become sociopaths to do you really think that for 5in of height is going to make the difference about whether or not they can do these things? Of course not anyone can take on these behaviors and reap the same benefits even is inconsequential in short terms they are. And that's the problem you can even see the people in this thread who are the women because you can tell by the way that they view the world. They don't understand where the value actually comes from and Society where the money comes from the only see what they get personally. Normal non sociopathic males understand that you need to have certain things in place and certain efforts need to be made in order to have civilization otherwise welfare is not going to be possible and yes all of the Chad Letts will die. So who is really in charge? The sociopaths or the ones that are building? It's the ones that are building their the valuable ones in the society. So for as long as you have that graph up on top on the right hand side you're going to have a big problem society's going to break down. If you have the scenario on the left then you going to have build up Capital will be built technology will be developed buildings will be erected excetera excetera

what you call "the genetic trash" contributes more to society than chads.

what incentive has any Chad to study, invent, or create something. He gets pussy either way...


>we would be tall with broad shoulders and faces, living in debris huts and eating acorns and bugs.
basically, Africa?

Even through you just made all this shit up including the percentages, its still a 10/10 post. Good job. Made me laugh

We would basically all be Africans. In fact in Africa this is how most societies run they don't really have paternity there. It's been known for a long time but African societies are matriarchal. They know that matriarchal is equivalent to savagery.

Becuse if most men don't have access to sex they become violent since they cannot compete. Violence then becomes the only way to earn respect and female attention that they normally wouldn't get.

With the increase in violence comes the increase in crime. When crime is ripe and common society and state become unstable. Monogamous societies are much more stable becuse more men have access to sex than don't, and most men can compete without resorting to violence.

You dumb Conte. Where is the money for the welfare going to come from? Have you noticed yet that virtually every so-called the first world nation is in the midst of a gigantic financial crisis? Of course not because you think because Chad is fuking you everything is perfectly fine.

Not sure you want that since white women prefer niggers. If white women want the most genetically fit men, that means that niggers are superior. Otherwise, stop your fucking coping. If you're posting on this board, you are by definition a subhuman. Genetic elites have better things to do than shitpost against incels.

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There needs to be a category between Chad and normies.

>tfw between normie and chad

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The fact I can't marry multiple women. When they ride the cock carousel they all become roasties.

It's exactly how things work and African societies the men don't live very long basically what happens is who's ever the top dog things all the females that season has around of kids those kids are raised and they fight each other to be the Top Dog on fight the other adults who might be currently the top dog. I'm sure you hear people refer to women as bitchez. A bich is a female dog the reason why people call a woman a bich is because she's behaving like a dog. This is how dogs breed. Humans Breed by selecting a partner carefully and having children with them and committing to that person for life.

>Nowadays, cooperation between males is not required anymore

Says the country invaded by niggers with banned paternity testing

Oh but you white French have the biggest dicks in the world so it guess you’re righr, nothing matters except sexual selection

Stupid fucking cumbrained frogs

I 100% agree, just going by his own terms.

If betas are "genetic trash", and are denied their humanity on the basis thereof, there's nothing stopping us from calling roasties "moral dumpsterfires", and treating them as such

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getting a gf is easy just bee yourself

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Ah the middle class! What are middle-class values? Personal property marriage children. Those people are very important to civilization when you don't have them then civilization completely breaks down. You will not have a function Society with a handful of sociopath and a bunch of Mongolians digging ditches. It's fucken amazing how Far We've degraded. Millennials are utterly useless.

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>just be more efficient bro :^)
Get out of your fucking la la land, humans do not possess infinite resources, they neither possess infinite time nor they posses infite energy. There's only so much you can do, and you have to manage your time wisely. (not spend it on your fucking huge useless muscles, which wont be inherited by your children anyway)

Why are you even talking about welfare? It's like you consider in some way that all Chads are living on welfare whereas betas provide the money. That's a stupid vision of the world, given that being a Chad is just a behavioral trait.

>If hypergamy ensures the genetic trash can't pass on their inferior genes, what's wrong with it?

Society colapses because you get a majority of angry, frustrated men that realize getting a decent job is not enough to have a meaningful life, women get more of those important jobs in positions of power because they have the emotional and sexual aspect of their life fulfilled, and the result is what we have now.

Eugenics isn't an end goal on itself, it's a tool for us to achieve better outcomes.

so basically the most based thing an incel can do to rise up is murder chads?