What are some based & redpilled books?

What are some based & redpilled books?

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Why OP is a faggot, by OP

The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government , David Talbot

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How to live with a huge penis

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The Torah

>being this new

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Capital Volume 1 by Karl Marx
Karl Marx on the Jewish Question
Manifesto for Breaking Financial Slavery on Interest by Gottfried Feder
Program of the NSDAP by Gottfried Feder
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
The Protocols
The International Jew by Henry Ford

Gold in the Furnace by Savitri Devi
Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola
Pagan Imperialism by Julius Evola

Behold a Pale Horse by Bill Cooper

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Animal farm

The doctrine of fascism by Mussolini

Theres also a site called third Reich originals where they sell English translations of National Socialist books that were published in Nazi Germany.

Seeing as you're Russian:
Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago and 200 Years Together

Also Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald
Nuremberg or the Promised Land by Maurice Bardeche

The German State on a National and Socialist foundation by Gottfried Feder
The Nazi-Sozi by Joseph Goebbels

Just looked up the history of the writers, is this a fucking joke? Bluepilled as fuck.

Solzhenitsyn is a massive fucking liar. 66 million death estimate when the population does not even decrease. It only decreases around the Ukranian famine and and WWII

The Naked Communist

Someone post books about the Frankfurt school and Jews pushing degeneracy. We need some stuff about the degeneracy in the Weimar as well.

>What are some based & redpilled books?

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When did you say that, I thought that was the number of people forced through the gulag system?

How do?