Why is pedophilia so pushed?

>Here, a "sexy" Marilyn Monroe outfit for your little girl
>It will look nice, trust me goy

Attached: 35235.png (396x400, 399K)

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>Why is pedophilia so pushed?
the entirety of the cosmetics and fashion industries rely on it.
you're talking nearly $250 billion.

you saved this image onto your own computer you fucking pedo

So I can post it here you idiot
Are journalists reporting about murders also guilty of murder?

It's civilization-destroying.

>meanwhile on the other side of the world

Attached: 1422808378737.jpg (2048x1359, 306K)

>implying she isn't filled to the brim

Literally everyone and thing is pedo, so your hanging too

These niggers gave an ak to a little girl? Get out the fuck out of here!

Attached: cultural marxism.jpg (545x397, 79K)