And thus pol is destoryed

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I wonder if whoever drew that was a kike

i don't get it.
Jow Forums has nothing to do with race.
stop responding to stormfaggie memes.

>he gets his moral compass from comics, video games and movies rather than politics, history and philosophy

I wasn't aware pol was a race.

this is about chins?

*stares in Himmler*

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How big is his dick though?

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Day of the oven is coming.

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But grease lightning is right, jews are awful.

the left can't meme.

all this spam is so tiresome

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>why yes, i'm british, how did you know, was it me accent?

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What’s McAfee doing there?

>when some black-haired greasy wop tries to tell me that i'm not white.

>med vs nord

The Chad quebecois vs the Virgin English Canadian.

>win an argument in your head
>draw a comic of it like its real

All that onions

If you dont have a chin, grow a beard. Its unsportsmanlike conduct but people decimate the chin less anyways

One of the most cucked comics I've ever read. Preacher ain't even preaching, his girlfriend looks like a crack whore and his best buddys are a failed an hero and a methhead vampire.

Pfft in your dreams mutti boy

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Go back to Honduras.

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Have sex


Context? Someone was just minding his own business and Trudeau started ranting at him?

I’d be too embarrassed to show my flag if I was a shitskin as well

>lives in country built by whites
>still thinks shitskins are superior

Nigger mentality


>Cherry picking historical figures
>Your best ones are the worst
I could say the same for any race


Is this comic supposed to be anti-jew?
It is true that all the zionists are always the worst examples of their race with their non-existent chins and big hook noses, always banding, weird jew eyes.
White people look like the guy on the left.

die paki

Himmler always seemed part Chinese to me