Trump isn't going to win in 2020

Trump isn't going to win in 2020.

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He will likely lose Florida due to felons having voting rights again.

I'm going to laugh so hard when he finally loses and Jow Forums gets flooded with threads made by triggered Zionists.

These are based on polls rather than social media trend analysis? That's how Trump won last time. He'll win Florida and Nevada narrowly.

He lost Nevada last election by a considerable margin. He will not win Florida.

Then the water boils over. It's a win/win for me.

Trump is the only thing stopping a full blown race war so that's alright by me.

>caring about (((polls))) a fucking year and a half before the election

Trump hasn't even begun to Jeb!-ify the dems yet, and the 2020 nom won't have the advantage Hillary did that the whole "DRUMPF'S A RACISTNAZIFASCISTLITERALTURBOHITLER"dead horse hadn't been beaten completely to death yet. 4 years later and dems still have literally no campaign issues besides "Fuck Trump!"

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Flip AZ, NH, and MI and it's an accurate map

Arizona is going BLUE baby
Wisconsin will stay redarded

The Felons have to pay all their courts fees before getting their voting rights back
FL is safe red

Arizona will be a barely red state, like .2% red this time around. MI is going back to blue since Trump hasn't done anything for that state and they've lost more jobs under him in his first term than Obama.

NH will stay blue because it is a blue state.

He brought back steel. Rust belt will universally swing toward him.

He didn't bring back anything to the rust belt.

There is no reason at this time to think Trump isnt reelected.

Iran is helpfully giving him an opportunity to knock off an upstart country that burgers have hated for almost 50 years.

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>Arizona will be a barely red state, like .2% red this time around
pls, this is the state that elected Sinema. 4 more years of demographic decline on a border state, it's lost. Sure he failed in the rust belt, but don't count out the increased racial polarization that's bound to happen. If whites feel like they're being attacked, MI might stay red.

Shut the fuck up MIGA bitch

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They still have a Republican Gov.

Doesn't matter, it's analogous to the Texas midterm race wherein Beto was 3 points away from an upset and Abbott just coasted by.

True, well it doesn't matter since Trump lost anyways. I've already panic bought a few 80% lowers for when Harris passes her executive order.

>Harris passes her executive order
I see her in the same light as Obama, a lot of talk but impotent. She's straight establishment at the end of the day. Warren on the other hand. Not a bad idea either way though.

>considerable margin

Hillary won it 47.9 to 45.5, about 2.5 points is flippable, at the very least the Dems will have to campaign there. This time around Trump is going to have significantly more money and there won't be a NeverTrumper senate candidate there sabotaging things on the ground.

if the Dems are dumb enough to nominate her then Oregon and Minnesota will be the swing states, Nevada will be long gone.

More Californians have moved to NV.

She's likely going to be the nominee since Biden is getting Jeb'd by her.

Conservatives will walk on their knees over broken glass in a thunderstorm to vote,
if they believe in the candidate. They will not walk on their knees etc. in 2020.
Trump is going for moderate votes, and it's a mistake. In 2016 mods and libs were so overconfident due to skewed polls and MSM that they split their votes and stayed home.
2020 will be record no shows.


If the dems want any chance at winning back the rust belt (the election) they will nominate Biden.
Anyone else, it will be a landslide for Trump.

This doesn’t take effect until at least 2024. The bill is requiring a huge amount of paperwork and prep and even implement, and not all felons are eligible. They have to pay their court fees, which will keep most out of the voting populace well beyond 2024. Get fucked

The only reason he won was because of the white fascist movement

We know he no longer has that support.

Biden would be a harder sell since he is Obama with white skin.

Obama didn't do anything positive for Black people, but they still voted for him

He won because of baby boomers.

People are more informed about politics now than ever before. They see bullshit now more than ever. Obama was a lot more likeable than Trump ever has been.

When the left wants to decriminalize illegal immigration and double total government spending to extend the welfare state to illegal immigrants, you think people are going view Trump as the soft candidate?

Trump is ramping up the twitter rhetoric again. He moderated during his term to become more appealing to centrists, who now are more open to him. He'll start riling his base soon again. He only just began with the "send them back" talk

>white fascist movement
if this movement was big enough to impact elections other politicians would appeal to them, a few hundred people larping with Richard "cia" Spencer on the weekends are not relevant in a national election.

Reality is that Trump has substantially increased his support and improved his image. He's going in to 2020 with substantially more money and support from his party this time around. The Dems need someone better than Hillary was, and they need more money and influence than Hillary had.

This. Just look at Jow Forums, it’s gone to shit since the election. Trump is fucked.

*george soros whips out his shekels*
psshh, nothin personnel goyim

Dems have Sanders and his only real competition is Biden who surely can’t make it in the long run. I guarantee you that Trump will be going up against Sanders in this next election, just look at how leftists abandoned Hillary last election in favor of Sanders.

Most felons I met are cinservatives as bad as it is for PR

I mean they dont like faggots, dont like paying taxes, hate feminism and so on, but my expereience is anecdotal i suppose

MAP IS GAY so wrong

"C H A N G E :Maybe it will work this time"
I can see it now

trump is barely going to win.

I remember all those predictions he was going to lose by a 90% margin.
The harder people insist he's going to lose the more you encourage people to go out and vote for him.

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>FL and PA going blue

Lol, you guys are going to be in for a rude awakening on Nov 3

what if the harder we insist the dems can't win backfires and makes ppl vote for them and they win

found the jews.

It would be a walk next year, if he hadn't fired the guys who got him elected and gone full retard with his shiksa daughter and SIL. A lot of us voted for him despite her.

Because dems vote primarily on the promise of free shit. Seeing something may be difficult is enough of a reason to give up immediately. Which is why they always try demoralization, because it works on them and they can't fathom why it wouldn't work on someone else.

Appalachian and Rust Belt native here. The mining machinery company my dad used to work for went from laying people off under Obama to a hiring boom and mandatory overtime under Trump. Tell me again how Trump hasn't done anything for the rust belt.

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Also felons aren't the type to vote.

It will be an easy win foe bernie after he scraps the electoral college

if elections changed anything we wouldn't be allowed to have them