Faggots BTFO in Białystok, Poland


Attached: ahahahahhhah.jpg (956x593, 154K)

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Too bad that the faggots all look cute and dress nicely, while all the counterprotesters are subhuman trash

bump for anti faggotry

noice :)

This is most disquieting. My German boyfriend, was about to move to Poland with me, but he says he's now concerned with the level homophobia and xenophobia present in this parochial country at the moment. This is sickening and you people find the whole event somehow exhilarating. That's the way democracy dies - in the flames of hatred, hostility and bigotry.

Attached: 1563381890643.jpg (864x1280, 262K)

It looks like a doom screenshot when its not enlarged.

bialystock... isn't one of epstein's parents from there originally. they have those bagels/english muffins too. and Max Bialystock in the producers. just what is really going on with this place

Show real flag Canadian. This level of shitposting is beyond that is a Polak.

I hope they beat you both to death

życie w kalifacie to powód do wstydu, a nie dumy...