How did she do it? She found a way to reverse the red pill and re-enter the matrix

How did she do it? She found a way to reverse the red pill and re-enter the matrix

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She is be sarcastic you retard

Doubtful. She's gone mental.


she aint wrong. The scientists were ex nazi germans.

She took the black pill

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How fucking low IQ are you?

so ... this is .... the famous ameriturd la creatura intelligence ... truly astonishing

>Professional edgelord says edgy stuff
who cares

edgelords are the only people who make sense these days. Faggot conformist niggers are the plague.

Bullshit. Shes done a 180 for months now

nigger... they are crypto-Socialists

If you don't even understand the kiked origins of the Neocons... get the fuck off our board

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yep yep. You must be right dude. So smart genius. 1000 IQ 48D chess Trumpturd


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>doesn't change her positions
>only turns on Trump
>"woah she is bluepilled now, unlike me"

Seeing as how you can't explain why I'm wrong I'll take it as a sign that you are retarded and realize you are retarded

>Doest change her positions
>Literally changed her positions on everything


Moe, Larry, the cheese.

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dementia runs rampant in older horses

That guy is le based black man from fox news

>Doesn't change her position
>Holds Trumps feet to the fire like he asked us to do
>Trump cucks to israel and zog at every opportunity
>No wall no MAGA
>Wow wtf anne is bluepilled now.

White people and trump

So her quote of 50 years ago racist whites went to the moon is valid and red pilled?

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It's sarcasm you fucking moron. She's mocking liberals and their anti white hatred and how we haven't gone back to the moon. I mean holy shit man, what the fuck is wrong with you? How can somebody be this stupid?

Called it, you're a post-2016 reddit transplant upset someone isn't mindlessly sucking Zognald's circumcised cock. Get fucked retard, this isn't 2016 anymore.

Trump changed his position not her. You people are zealots.

Imagine being so retarded that you are incapable of recognizing sarcasm.

What indicates that's sarcasm? Nothing of what she said screams sarcasm

She was pro-Trump when he claimed he wanted to build a Wall. The Wall hasn’t been built so she turned on him. Just like half of Jow Forums who were here before 2015 unlike you.

I've been here since 2009 you faggot

>American education

How was Trump suppose to build the wall without funding?

Then you should be able to detect basic sarcasm and understand Trump is a zionist with all talk and no action.

Her entire career. You're just dumb dude. Take the jewish cock out of your ass and come back to your senses.

based and racistpilled. finally someone has the balls to state the truth that without those high iq white supremacists ameriturds would've never left the muttcave. ann is winning again. zognald btfo

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The point she is making is that people mindlessly celebrate past Americans without realizing that views considered "toxic" today were ubiquitous then, and the people involved in the moon landing in the sixties almost all supported segregation and would gawk at today's America.
u r a smoothbrain

He had one chance with a simple majority but wasted it on the tax cuts bill.

Isnt she fucking a black dude? So based! So redpilled!

Is she? I dunno. She's barren and old doesn't really matter. Still more based than you because she actually holds Trump to his word.

So it wasnt sarcasm

That's simple majority were never trumpers who voted against him like McCain you dumb fuck

Coulter is the most based conservative I've ever seen.

She can conserve 3 black cocks in her pussy at once.

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Trump wed his children to kikes, and unlike Anne's barren womb, this will lead to mixed children of jewish heritage. Cope.

Absolutely based. Look at her conserving the white race.

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onions and floride diet ,basically new mutt murican generation

You heard it here. Let's your daughters fuck niggers. As ben said, race doesn't matter, based black son in law fucking your little girl is based

God you’re pathetic. Did you ever get your GED?

I'm white, so I'm handicapped unlike based black men

>Doesn't support Trump because he lied about 90% of his campaign promises
>You're the one who changed!

MegaPedes get the rope too

Since when is keeping you ideals and not cucking out like trumpcucks do, doing a 180?

She's barren. Show me actual proof she fucks niggers besides taking pics with them? Besides the point entirely anyways. She can fuck niggers and still be more based than you or Trump and that's saying something.

You know who says race doesn't matter? President Zognald. Israel is our greatest ally. We love spics and niggers and poos as long as they come in legally. I love black americans and pander to them more than my white base. after all we are the true progressives and the liberals are the real racist nazis. We're gonna show them that we can pander to minorities and suck jewish cock better than they ever could! MAGA

>Trump is a dictator who should of killed everyone in the senate for not approving the funding for the wall
Are ya retarded mate?

Thanks based Ann for conserving your eggs until you're 60 and they're all gone.

A true conservative would never have white kids, and would definitely never get married.

Ann Coulter is truly the last great conservative. Thank you Ann for your conservation.

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Yeah she talks about how she regrets it. Change the goalposts all you want even if she fucks niggers she's still more based than Trump.

>Control every branch of government for two years
>Can only accomplish increasing aid to Israel and tax cuts for billionaires


>Fucking niggers is based
Why did you have to discover this place via your fagbook friends?

I mean it's telling that everybody kicks the shit out of your argument so you have to resort to calling her a nigger lover. Your president is an even bigger nigger and spic lover so idk how you square that and how he sucks israels dick all the time but ur gonna attack Anne. Just because it's politically convenient and you have no standards of behavior.

Once again, how do you get funding when traitors in your own party like McCain vote no? Seriously tell me what you would of done if your funding got denied. What do you do?

She can't have kids and she's old dumb ass nobody cares what she does.

>Loving Israel and kikes is based
You're a hypocrite my man.

Oh you mean zionist israel firsters like McCain?

Women don't care about the technicalities and specifics, only that you achieve what you say you're going to achieve.

Technicalities and specifics are for men to discuss.

Lmao at zognald fags calling her out for being a coalburner while worshipping trumpsteins nigger rappers

Will you answer the question? You are president, you want funding for the wall. Your party has the majority but traitors vote no. What now?

She became literally disgusting

So true. A real conservative would never have a family, much less a white one. A real conservative would never get married.

Look at Trump's disgusting white family. What a fake conservative.

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Don't need funding I use military funding as the chief executive of the military and my unconstitutional presidential powers on the war on terror to create a border wall.

But trump did that you fucking retard. After negotioans failed he literally sent the military. How fucking dumb are you

Anne agrees that you should have a white family. She regrets not having kids.

Couldn't help but notice you left out Ivanka and the kike.

and yet nothing has happened

it's almost like Trump is ineffective and feckless on this despite holding all the cards on purpose. Wow it's like he's actually Israel and corporations first after all. I mean it's just a coincidence that he filled his cabinet with the same old neocons right? They were the best people for the job! Especially Israeli spy Jared Kushner

Yeah she is so very regretful. Look at how regretful she looks.

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Isnt that her in the pink or am i proper stoned

yeh alright it is but the leech isn't there. He doesn't have a white family he has a jewish one.

>reduced to spamming Ann with niggers because he was BTFO
how deep will Trump take Sweden's PM dick to make sure he frees Melania's bull?

You can stop changing the goalposts now.

Imagine being an adult and talking about "redpills" like you're so weak and feeble-minded and poorly informed that one video can upend your entire worldview.

You all are comically embarrassing.

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kushner is so based that bibi stays at his place when he comes over to visit his greatest ally. after ivanka is done cooking kosher dinner they probably worship moloch together and spin the dreidel

This is what a true conservative looks like and it's beautiful.

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Anne being a coalburner is irrelevant and won't affect the world. Trump selling his soul and daughter to kikes and people like you falling for it will be the end of us all. Is it degenerate Anne fucks niggers? Yes. Doesn't mean she's wrong. If you had a shred of intellectual honesty you would understand this but you're stuck in a cult of personality.

this is some fucking Autism my friend.

Fuckin hell look at the fucking size of them kickers on her. She could walk the channel in a few steps with them shit flickers. Wow

actually it looks like this unironically

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Are you claiming that Ann Coulter is a liberal?

Haha looks like hes eating his aborted kid
>brown on the outside
>pink in the middle
This thread got me in stitches hahah

and this

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This. OP is a retard and should sudoku

Lol at the migapedes character assassination attempt.

Never cared for ann coulter or any other mainstream moderate "right wingers", but considering these boomers cuckservatives are against her she might be into something.

Why don't you post Trump with his jew son in law or kissing the ass of his Israeli-kike overlords on twitter? Oh I forgot, Israel is actually BASED for you alt-liters.


Do as I say, and not as I do. The eternal mantra of the true conservative.

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>rat catcher extols about how good he is at rat catching.
>tells you that he will remove all rats from your home. The rats will even pay for it too!
>tells you he isn't part of the rat catching guild. Hes an outsider who will do his job unlike the guildsmen.
>hire the man under contract for four years.
>years pass by.
>rats are not removed.
>he actually brings more rats in.
>some are pet rats.
>the damage to your home increases.
>he has hired guildsmen John "war rat" bolton, Mike "rats first" Pompeo, his trusted son in law and advisor Jared "ratman" Kushner.
>you, being understandably perturbed ask him why he hasn't done his job.
>its the rats and the guild! They confound all my efforts he cries. Give me more time! I will make good on all my promises!
>you like an idiot, sign a contract for four more years.

Yea man, fuck the jews. Ivanka though, phshheeewwwww

Yes have white kids. She can't have kids. Doesn't matter and is much less important than Donald being compromised by Mossad and Israel.

No don't have white kids. A true conservative would never do that. A true conservative would be 60 years old, unmarried, childless, and rage posting on Twitter all day.

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She needs to be sold to ISIS as a sex slave and then get burned alive. What a fucking race traitor.
Discusting. How can you even fall for someone looking like literally shit?

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She doesn't know about Kubrick

>be migapede
>love dragon energy, candice Owen's and all other based black men in maga hats.
>mark lavin, Michael savage, and all other based jews.
>unironically use blacks to character assassinate someone.
>unironically use jews to character assassinate someone.
You are a golem. You have no will or thoughts of your own, everything is fed to you via approved channels.
You are also under the assumption that anyone actually like ann. The bitch is a dried up used roastie. Everything she says better anons have already said.
That all being said, shes only being posted because she rustles miga jimmies. Look at you, your jimmies are so rustled you searched and spammed pictures of her with niggers.


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Cry more for your president.

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