Hungary is offering women £30,000 to have more babies so that the country does not need immigrants

Imagine this happening in a cucked country like Germanistan, Swedistan or Bongistan kek

Attached: 1563683508533.png (835x1200, 351K)

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If you need more workers how is paying women to take time off work to pop out babies going to resolve the problem?

Because Hungary does not need more workers you dumb nigger.
This is just an excuse to keep the future German welfare parasites out

we get Kindergeld in germoney. In some cases even till you're 25

I know Ahmed. That's why every "german" I saw at my Uni was a nigger

Untermenschen ich bin so deutsch, unser Familienname und Wappen stammen aus dem 16. Jahrhundert.

It's called planning for the future. It's the thing you leafs don't do when you keep shoving massive dildos up your ass.

That's not a good thing, retard.
It's dysgenic.
It encourages low IQ Whites to turn their women into baby factories.
There are better solutions.

what its stopping gypsies from abusing this law?
