Why do right-wingers always use the "we want immigrants but we want them to enter legally" lie...

Why do right-wingers always use the "we want immigrants but we want them to enter legally" lie? Why they afraid to just publicly say they hate brown people?

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Because the right is about lying to justify their greedy goals. It’s pure egoism, to cave into their materialistic desires.

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Define white

>implying you can't hate someone because of their beliefs
>implying I don't hate white people with shitty progressive policies

Please neck yourself.

P.S. I have no idea what race you are. Do you see how it works now?

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>"we want immigrants
What kind of a retard would say such a thing?
>Why they afraid to just publicly say they hate brown people?
Because you'll get your life destroyed, if you do that. It doesn't matter that it's true, you're just not allowed to say it.

why are people demanding brown people be let in so bad? let them in to do wat? work at amazon? can the left ever admit they want a slave wage demographic without sounding racist? or will they keep calling everyone else racist to hide their real greed under a thick layer of virtue signalling?

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Neocons love to say it. They still want their cheap labor

Except I DO have a problem with brown people entering the country, legal or not. Fuck off, faggot.

Who moves to a country doesn't like it and wont leave?

Sage this fucking commie slide thread


Those aren't right-wingers, they're ideological liberal capitalists who for some retarded reason call themselves conservatives.

Does the left honestly think immigrants will get in and be handed a $15/hour job and free housing or something? Its like they think there's fucking rainbows on the other side of the border. This isn't fucking roger rabbit and toontown.

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>Muh life destroyed
So you're an unprincipled cuck who won't standup for what he believes

>Because the right is about lying to justify their greedy goals.
Those evil nationalists wanting to keep cheap foreign labor out of their domestic markets to ensure their wages are high, how greedy!

They mean it though. They are that stupid.

>entered legally
Investigation says she didn't and she is in fact a criminal.
but keep up your narrative because it will be fun to watch yet another outright lie blow up in your faces.

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>We don't have a problem with brown people, we just want them to enter legally, bring skills we need and integrate with our national culture while being here
Fixed that for you, nigger. Whiny 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants should be deported if they can't stand the benefits of living in a Western nation. That's my biggest problem with immigrants - first gen is absolute gold and hard workers but their kids and grandkids are pure shit.

Practical, prudent, realistic. Not a cuck. Only a brain dead fool would ruin his own life for something inconsequential.

>Abusing a loophole and marrying your brother to get in the country.

Just kill yourself already.

because once we secure our borders we get to decide who we let in. and if we don't want to let anyone in we won't.

I don't think it's fair to call Republicans "right-wingers." It's like when Trotskyists call Stalin a Nazi.

>- first gen is absolute gold
Fool's gold. Every foreign worker means than one of your people is without a job or with a lower wage.

>cant follow the laws
>wonder why the country hates you

If by "enter legally" you mean defraud US immigration services by marrying her biological brother and then filing fraudulent tax returns...

>bring skills we need
That is code for "prevent wages from rising."
> integrate with our national culture
That is code for "miscegenate."

Nobody hated middle eastern people more than Obama. He set the Drone high score

she is married to her brother, came into the country under false pretense, FRAUD!

BECAUSE they say stupid shit that is anti-American. Tell me why brown people want to be in a country they hate? Why run for office when you hate everything about its government.

You skipped the step where she demonized white people and America itself

Because they are dependent on the governemnt for everything. Why do people of color need so much help? Why do people of color need their hand held for everything.

>Why run for office when you hate everything about its government.
I hate my government, but it'd be silly to ask me to leave Finland. The problem here is that she's a foreigner trying to fuck up someone else's country, not that she's trying to change a government.

Omar is a nigger not brown

>enters legally

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They point of the "send her back" chant is to highlight the fact that the country she came from is a piece of shit hell hole without a functioning government, and that immigrants should really be thankful to live in the western world.

By the way... if an adult came to the USA and expressed the amount of hatred that she has expressed towards the USA, she would not be allowed to enter.

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English, Germans, Nordics, Finns, Italians, Slavs, Japs.


It's a means to an end in a currently fucked society and economy. A temporary immigrant with high end STEM skills is of great value, and you can always just send them back later.

Also to : Blacks were perfectly fine when they miscegenated before the civil rights movement.

>i want people to come legally
>legal immigration has certain limitations
>have to have job, skill, family, some tie or need to come here
>limits the numbers to sustainable levels
Legal immigration is about controlling immigration. It applies to whites too, considering the number of eastern euros flooding some areas of the country is obscene. I'd rather 10 pajeets over one more polack.

The "you hate brown people" thing is so worn out its ridiculous. If they were brown, educated, english speaking people (many pajeets) I wouldn't even give a fuck. The problem is these low skilled, third world immigrants that don't care to speak english or assimilate.

Yes they are, they are literally trying to change the fundamentals of our government to hard leftist ideals.

>It's a means to an end in a currently fucked society and economy
How is the economy fucked from a normal citizen's point of view? Is there something he needs done that he needs to hire a foreign employee for? Is there some essential function of the state that requires foreign labour? No? Then it's not the citizen needing that work. It's a large company. Typically a multi national one.
>and you can always just send them back later.
And how has that worked out for you? You've already lost your capital. Literally.

obvious its her skin and not what values she holds and ideology she promotes

Conveniently white people that ignore Asians working for same wage and do better.

>woman enters legally and becomes congresswoman
Ilhan Omar came in probably through immigration fraud perpetrated by or assisted by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services. That's how all those Somalis wind up in Minnesota.

Omar is not her real name. She was handed off to another family named Omar because her real father or grandfather was involved with some atrocities in Somalia. That's how she was able to commit further immigration fraud by staging a sham marriage to her brother to allow him to jump the queue and get him into the US.

>Right - the rights greedy goals... and not the lefts obvious penchant for cheap, no obligation labor force

it's out of fear of being called racist.

I wonder if this is the case of portraying half-brother not related by blood being portrayed as brother related by blood from same parents married in country that isn't illegal while brother/"brother" having American citizenship.


>How is the economy fucked from a normal citizen's point of view?
No normal training of skills, literal paying for training before you can start a job (university). This puts many people off or makes them unable to even start many careers

>Is there some essential function of the state that requires foreign labour?
Healthcare, if you'd like to see a doctor tomorrow for your urgent medical problem rather than next week. If you'd like to spend a few hours in A&E rather than 12.

>And how has that worked out for you?
We have governments who willingly fail to provide the basic functions they should. Do you normally base your decisions off of what someone isn't doing properly?

She didnt enter legally. She married her brother and entered under a fake name

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What investigation? This is unironically a fake news source

All the D&C fags are Jews.

We'll be openly saying that before this is all over don't worry

She is a socialist who refused to assimilate to American culture. So basically she is a traitor who managed to get elected by other traitors residing in America.

>Citizens aren't allowed to criticize the government if they're brown

Then you shouldn't complain either

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>No normal training of skills, literal paying for training before you can start a job (university).
And how exactly is the immgirant going to solve this for you?
Wouldn't be fucked up without all those foreigners leeching off it. And that's obviously a problem you can't solve by bringing in more foreigners. Now, you might say that the problem is the ageing population, but that's just bullshit, because then you're literally advocating for replacing the population with another one. Besides, if the old people didn't make enough children, they do not deserve quality healthcare themselves. They can't live hedonistically without children and then expect that foreign labour will come and wipe their asses, when they're old and miserable.
>We have governments who willingly fail to provide the basic functions they should.
Indeed, they are spending so much money on immigrants. They have nothing left to give to their own.
>Do you normally base your decisions off of what someone isn't doing properly?
What are you even trying to ask here?

Why was it ok for Trump to abuse loopholes to get his wife and her parents into America?

Westernized black and brown people can be cool I have had some black and brown friends through the years. They will be very appreciative if you use your white man “superpowers” to help them out, and some will be very loyal to you as a result. I only have a problem with illegals and elites intentionally trying to displace whites. If you sacrifice some of your time and gain trust, some of them will fight along our side. Some are just gonna nig, but there’s nig white as well. If it’s up to us to be the stewards of humanity, we should act like it.

people who say they want legal immigration are just right leaning normies that haven't swallowed the racial realism redpill yet. Once they liberate themselves from that mental prison, they'll realize how relieving it is to be open and honest with their true self.

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Well they're certainly not leftists. So what are they?

Lel I kekd user

m8 none of these fake principles matter. You and Ilhan hate historical America and white people, and we hate you. That's the fault line.

Because white people aren't irritated to death by other white people.

>what is the pledge of allegiance to the United States
She's a traitor and should be exiled.

Globalists. Do you even Bilderberg?

Anyway, stop defending the Tower of Babel, it will fail, just like every other time.


What has she said that's anti-American? Trump's whole campaign slogan is "make America great again" which implies he currently hates America. Americans chose the shift away culturally from what they were in the early 1900s, to force that changed to come back against the will of the people would be anti-American.

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>And how exactly is the immgirant going to solve this for you?
Skill shortage, meet skill

>Wouldn't be fucked up without all those foreigners leeching off it.
The problems still exist in 99% white areas. The population is large and there are few doctors and nurses due to the barriers to entry being not just education but also financial. And your child can't fix a genuine health problem you fucking retard, they can wipe your ass and that is all.

>What are you even trying to ask here?
As in, is your philosophy a reactionary one or one founded on pragmatism. Do you decide you don't want any skilled labour immigrating because the system is currently fucked, or because you have decided pragmatically that it has no benefit at all? I think it is obvious you are just a reactionary.

I said immigrants, not citizens. Children of immigrants shouldn't get automatic citizenship and shouldn't be regarded as citizens because they rarely are for the dominant white culture

>Citation needed

Best type of muzzie dune coon desu.

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She didn't enter legally. She committed fraud by marrying her brother. It also has nothing to do with the fact that she's black, it has more to do with the fact that she cheers on radical Islamists and violent black-bloc faggots whilst disparaging the country that made her a fucking congresswoman.

Why do people confuse republicans for people who vote republican because there really is no other option and the other choices are infinitely worse?

Aka, hypocrisy is ok if they're white. That's all you had to say.

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>Implying there aren't right-wing and left-wing globalists

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> ilhan omar
> brown

Are people calling her brown because she’s muslims? People are fucking stupid.

But historical America hates brown people. Our country changed to integrate brown people. Those changes are American too. Why the fuck would anyone, especially immigrants and blacks, idolize the American past?

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>to force that changed to come back against the will of the people would be anti-American.
The will of SOME people. Obviously not everyone agrees with you. And quite frankly, I give the opinions of Somali refugees and amnesty hispanics absolutely no weight. I don't believe they've gotten their political influence through legitimate means. I don't believe that they could. When you're using foreigners to displace my people I don't see your coalition as representative of America. You are anti-American. You're xenophiles. The gloves are off.

>Skill shortage, meet skill
Your solution is absolutely brain dead retarded and thoroughly immoral to boot. If you have too few doctors, you train them. You don't replace your own people with others.
>And your child can't fix a genuine health problem you fucking retard, they can wipe your ass and that is all.
Why not? Is your immigrant somehow smarter than my child? I doubt it. If you shit skins can be trained to be doctors, so can my child. Your financial "argument" is absolute bullshit. We have the resources to train all the doctors we'd ever need.
>I think it is obvious you are just a reactionary.
I think the problem here is that you are too stupid to comprehend the simple truths I am telling you. If you have this horrible problem of having too few doctors, you simply train more of them. You do not import immigrants to do it for you. If these foreign countries were prosperous enough to train these precious doctors, so are you. You are trying to solve one problem, and you'll create a million new ones. Or, if we are being honest here, you're neither solving this problem nor trying to. You import foreigners, because you are genocidal, and you're not fixing doctor shortages, because it's quite obvious that a shit skin doctor has just about the same competence as a 6-year-old white child.

TLDR; Your problem is made up, your solution immoral, and you deserve to get gassed.

>Our country changed to integrate brown people.
I wasn't consulted on this. And brown people hate us and America. Why would I want to work toward a future where people who hate me have power over the country I live in?

How is it hypocritical, retard? Yes, it's okay if they are white. Just like it's okay for a human to eat a pig, even though a human does not want to be eaten by a pig. That's because humans do not really care about non-humans, nor should they. Just like whites do not really care about you subhumans, nor should they. There's nothing hypocritical about it.

>Our country changed to integrate brown people.
And that was a mistake of genocidal proportions.

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If they're legal citizens via US laws then you don't get to decide if they're "really" American. You're stance is anti-law and order and blatantly anti-American. Do a better job making your ideology more welcoming to Hispanics and refugees instead of complaining.

I'm feelin your rant. Fuckem. They wanted a racist enemy, they got one. No one ever told them to be careful what you ask for.

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we need the workers bro who else is going to pay our pensions and social security. whites are just too busy doing heroin and suicide

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Or we just change the law, like you faggots did.

>I wasn't consulted on this
That doesn't matter even remotely. You were born into a nation with a history and a set of laws that you had no part of. Every single human being experiences this. If you don't like it, leave.
If you wish to change it, then go ahead. But you can't then complain when you supposed enemies do the same. You obviously hate brown people so why wouldn't they push back against you?

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It's hypocritical in the face of US law. Pigs and humans aren't the same. Blacks, whites and Hispanics are all equal under our laws. Don't like it? Leave.


Sure. But what would you charge it to that wouldn't violate the Constitution?

I feel the same.
My whole point is that the details are unimportant. You hate us and we hate you. That's the fault line. No amount of cucking on our part will make you people treat us or our country with respect, and whether a third-world, turban wearing, camel jockey communist comes here legally or not is pretty irrelevant. I still want them gone.

>Blacks, whites and Hispanics are all equal under our laws.
Laws != morality.
>Don't like it? Leave.
Now that's hypocritical.

>>Woman enters legally
Is that what they call it now days?

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What was the point of this?

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Your an American therefor retarded, open a book befor you make yourself look like an idiot

Go back to Israel

Hi, Sargon!

What's even the point of the constitution? It's words on a piece of paper, and the founders recognized that. From my view things like the Civil Rights Act were unconstitutional but it's been going strong for 50+ years. The rule of law only matters in a society where everyone respects it and each other enough to follow it. That's not the case in modern America. The only thing holding society together is momentum and a gargantuan state apparatus.

She didn't come in legally though, she committed marriage fraud. SHE MARRIED HER BROTHER.

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fines and laws dont apply to illegal "human" trash

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