Welcome to Donald Trump's America that the rest of the world is jealous of. Welcome to his "booming economy"

Welcome to Donald Trump's America that the rest of the world is jealous of. Welcome to his "booming economy".

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What state?

>hippies camping
>hurr durr america is a shithole

Degenerate losers and drug addicts exist everywhere. I could give a shit about them, they should be rounded up and gassed. Economy is working great for me so fuck off shill.

This is how some people like to live, without responsibility, other than wherever they lay their head at night. Some would be envious of the tramp lifestyle. Hopping on boxcars and seeing the country. Based and trainpilled

So you live in a bubble like a social reject.

That doesn't look like where I live

>LA and San Fran are Trump's America


Pictured: Democratic socialist Utopia

All fields

How in the fuck do you come to that conclusion? You think because I could give a fuck less about the dregs of society that I'm a social reject? If you care so much why don't you welcome some of those human pin cushions into your home hypocrite.

>knee jerk denial
Because you lie about people you don't know and you call me a hypocrite when your narrative lies on your own assertions and conjectures without evidence you fucking faggot.

A lot of those people choose to live that way and a lot of the rest of the issue can be blamed on zoning laws that keep developers from developing. Its like the free market has a limp.

why is it always some Democrats shithole

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That "a lot" of people are in comparable to amount of people who are forced to live like that because the free market failed them when "developers" speculate on when to build and not to build to maximize profit thus out of reach of many people to buy themselves a home, hell even afford rent compared to 30 years ago let alone under FDR when he reformed the economy and introduced social services by listening to labor unions and socialists.

>lie about people I don't know
So you know the bums in the picture personally? I don't need to know them personally, I've been around the block enough times to know what kind of people they are.
>without evidence
Go out into the world motherfucker and open your eyes. You are a hypocrite if your heart bleeds for these pieces of shit and you do nothing about it but point fingers. I am intelectually honest with myself. I don't give a fuck about them, and in reality neither do you but you try to use them as a social/political lever to shame people to exert political control. KYS kid.


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So tell me, oh edgelord. Why should we care about the sociatal opinions of an admitted, antisocial nihilist?

They still believe in pizzagate and that Q nonsense as well. Mongs gonna mong.

Isn't it interesting how DEMOCRAT states have the worst income inequality?

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>Democrat run states and areas are shitholes full of crime, drugs and homelessness

Really makes you think.

You shouldn't but I'm going to express it anyway. Is my opinion any less valid because you don't like it?

>So you know the bums in the picture personally?

No, neither do you.

>I don't need to know them personally, I've been around the block enough times to know what kind of people they are.
Look, mental gymnastics to justifying lying about them. I wonder if parents failed you to taught you not to lie or did they indoctrinate you to lie about others like a piece of shit that you are now.

>Go out into the world motherfucker and open your eyes.
Take your own advice you dip shit.

>You are a hypocrite if your heart bleeds for these pieces of shit and you do nothing about it but point fingers. I am intelectually honest with myself. I don't give a fuck about them, and in reality neither do you but you try to use them as a social/political lever to shame people to exert political control. KYS kid.
Yea yea, blame me for actions you are guilty off and call me a hypocrite when your accusations are valid for you.

You're a fucking degenerate filth.

>a state in the Republic has a shitty government that leads to shitty citizens
>Trump's fault

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This right here, same shit in NY, dem districts are full of housing projects in some parts and then well off people in others, segregated by race too.

It's not like they live there because there are no options. They live there because they are worthless pieces of shit who don't mind begging for drug money, don't mind living in their own filth and don't mind being a burden on society.

>dip shit ignores families going bankrupt and people dying because they can't afford both home and medicine or even medicine because Trump revoked laws that put at least some control/leash of nickel and dime to death people.

Kek, one day you'll stop lying to yourself and stop pretending to care. Attack me personally all you want, I care about your memeflaggot opinion about as much as I care about the dirty homeless pieces of shit in the picture.

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That dude at 3 minutes is pretty redpilled. You can tell he was trying not to call them subhumans

>home and drug prices rise for years
>it’s trumps fault now!
Fuck off


yes because donald trump opened the flood gates in the 60s to hoards of 3rd worlders, right?

You attacked them personally you dip shit, don't cry to me about attacking you personally for you attacking them personally when you faggot lie about them and peddle your assertions and conjectures as facts which shows you have no credibility.

You're a degenerate that lies about other people that he doesn't know then offended when someone calls him out for his bullshit and for being a piece of shit that can't stop lying.

>invite in 40 million illegal immigrants who are all on welfare
>"WTF why don't we have unlimited money for the native citizens?"

>So you live in a bubble like a social reject.
>lives in EU

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How much is Brock paying you to work on Sundays, Loser?

You need to fuck off when ignoring that Trump made it worse.

How do you get a job if you're homeless? Don't you need an address of some sort?

Yes, America is so flush that even drug addicts can get loaded enough to throw away everything civilized in their lives like a roof over their heads.
OP, while being a gigantic faggot anyway, is somewhat correct here.

Yep, booming. Raise that debt ceiling.

Look an idiot who thinks that makes sense.

no country for white people

You do realize nobody is buying that , right? Try reddit or is shilling Jow Forums where the big bucks are at?

Damn niggers why cant they just go to work!

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They pay $15.50 in Seattle. These people are just too smart to get jewed by the housing market scheme up there. Attention is only brought to this because Jews are lobbying to have them kicked out.

guy looks like hoboverse ted cruz

Nobody needs to buy that, that is the fact and you can deny that Trump and his gang revoked laws that resulted in higher medicine prices, you can lie about that not happening.

Lie about me cuck for telling the fact of the matter. You can ask your government to disclose the information, just do it you coward.

>appropriate image of right wingers butthurt


I promise the government of the area that pic was taken is democrat controlled and has been for some time. Democrat controlled areas are shit. Detroit baltimore san fransisco portland seattle flint i could go on and on

Much of the homeless problem isn't an economy problem. It's a mental health problem, and a societal problem. Some people just like to be homeless. Some people are insane.
Almost no one is destitute from lack of career options.
But you knew all this. You retard.

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>Hopping on boxcars
Hasn't been a thing for a while. Or at least as much of one. Boxcars are almost entirely phased out, in favor of cargo containers - which are locked or welded shut until arrival.

That's it for me today dealing with degenerates that can't accept inconvenient truth for their world view that people they support fuck them and their friends, but will blame themselves and their friends instead of scumbags who fuck them over.

Because Democrat areas are the only ones willing to take care of homeless people. Red states literally want to round them up and kill them. All the states send their homeless people (a problem they created through their capitalism) to the West Coast who accept these people out of the goodness of their hearts.

you can't make that assertion while admitting:
>no [i don't know them]
Everyone knows you're full of shit.

Bone Spurs 2020

Stay mad faggot

>Because Democrat areas are the only ones willing to take care of homeless people.
Give a mouse a cookie. That's the crux of the homeless problem. We have them all over the place here, and at least half of them are homeless by choice. Drug addicts and crazies, or both make up the majority (with crossover from the young lazy backpackers)

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Idk why people don't just move out of these cities? Live where you can afford. It's like moving into a rich neighborhood and complaining about your mortgage. By moving, they could create a shortage of labor they naturally drive up wages to become affordable.

I make $50k/year in North Carolina. I easily save a quarter of my income. I don't move to the ghetto because it's shit, but I don't move to the white picket fence areas either. I moved to an area where I struck the balance that suits me.

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That looks awesome, post apocalyptic shit, how much to live there?

This has been a thing in Portland, Seattle, and California since before Bush was president.

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Gotta be LA, right? Not enough hills for Norcal.


Yeah you chose the laughingstock of america to represent america: California

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You're really dumb.

Because poor people flock to the best state economies. If you're going to be poor, you might as well do it somewhere that it's going to suck less.

Red state rejects invading blue states.

>analysis doesnt account for salt
oy vey

>derrr why do blue states have so many homeless people?

Because that's where the red states send all of their homeless people. The homeless people they create through their beautiful system of capitalism which supposedly meets the needs of all people.



Shit people will always be shit.

95% of the jobs created in their "booming" economy are either ride-sharing or food-delivery jobs. People are forced to work 3-4 "jobs" like this just to afford to pay rent. Burgers are great at creating illusions and playing with people's dreams, so that's what's happening here. 80% of their GDP isn't even based in the real economy it's all speculation in the stock market or other questionable financial instruments.

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Oooor capitalism will always churn out a poor class and blaming them for it is sociopathic.

I think a lot of states bus their poor and homeless to the west coast. The homeless are okay with it because these states spend a lot more on them.

If I were a state Governor, I would make a law that dictates new arrivals are not eligible for any federal or state assistance for 3 years upon moving here. That way the only people who move here would be people who know they can take care of themselves.

After 3 years you become eligble again, because sometimes life throws too much at you at once. I've heard of some people with shit circumstances in life. The drew a bad hand beyond their control. I'd maybe put a limit on the aid you can recieve as well.

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God even the shelters are bougie

Plot twist: it's San Francisco and that guy makes $80,000 a year.

you do know the general homeless population chooses to be homeless and the composition of individuals with drug addiction or mental illness are extremely high

you're just another social climber, brownie point hoarder, sheep in the herd, yes-man, virtue signaller, chameleon, opportunistic turncoat, .... your typical uppity liberal slimeball

And Trump isn't doing jack shit to fix it.
People were hurting in 2016 and they are still hurting today.

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I always wonder what the income conversion rate is from area to area. That combined with the cost of living should cue you in to where the best places to live are.

If he makes $80k there, doing the same job he would make $50k in Tennessee. If Tennessee's cost of living is more than 38% [(50-80)/80]cheaper then it's to his advantage to move there because his dollar will go further.

Then again all of this is in flux so the people are always lagging slightly behind where the jobs are going. Otherwise why move to an area? I think this is how it works, I'm not sure?

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>Thinking economy translates to shit tier class propering
Imagine being this retarded

It's more of a question of how involved should a government be in helping people. Because this costs resources which come from other people.

We could solve a lot of homeless problems if we wanted, but the candidate won't get re-elected because he ignored too many other people's wishes.

American culture leans more towards individuality than other western countries. For better or worse you're on you're own. Whether that's fair is a matter of moral perspective.

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Oregon checking in.

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>hippies camping
more like drug addicts being enabled to exist because of faggot liberal policy.

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Colorado red?

>Red states want to round them up and kill them
(And that’s a bad thing)

The economy is good..still alot of lazy,degenerate, mentally ill, junkies who refuse to work and live like upstanding people....fuckwit


I’m watching hobos ravage a back alley in Trudeau’s depressed Canada right now. They’re enabled and created to exist outside of society and the economy.


They let "homeless" (aka BUMS, HOBOS) just SHIT IN THE STREET and PITCH TENTS WHERE THEY WANT. And the reason why these people live on the street is BECAUSE LIB-TARDS LET THEM. more like "Enable Them".

There's a simple solution. BULLDOZE their fucking camps, and KICK THEM OUT OF TOWN until they are WILLING to OBEY SOCIETY'S RULES. because it ALL boils down to that ONE THING: *THEY* *DO* *NOT* *WANT* *TO* *OBEY* *THE* *RULES* !!!

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good one! you deserve a beer!

>Boxcars are almost entirely phased out, in favor of cargo containers

exactly and I believe the containers were designed with railroads in mind (for that very purpose)

You're using homeless drug addicts to attack user.

Instead how about you get off your fucking high horse nigger and show us your flag and while you're at it how about you do what you preach you hypocrite.

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Welcome to the PRK, where housing prices are out of control, and has 25% of America's homeless, but has a super majority of democrats. Why don't the super majority of democrats in that failed state try and pass some legislation to help these people? Oh wait...they already tried to, and it was shot down by the same liberal elite that is trying to blame their states problems on Trump.

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