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Fuck I can't believe THEY actually DID IT!

Dey did it!

Ok serious talk. Are they trying to simultaneously crash the movie, gaming and tech industry to force a recession?

This is getting fucking retarded


How pathetic must your race be where the only things you can be proud of is your people throwing a ball, shaking their ass, or playing imaginary characters.

>playing imaginary characters
You mean stealing white characters?

Also black panther was created by a white dude lmao


Such a weird flex though. Why isn't James Bond an Indian woman? Why isn't Captain America actually a native American man? Why is black supremacy praiseworthy?

Imagine being proud of co-opting other peoples accomplishments.

>celebrating tar washing of white characters
Just like stealing ancient Egyptian history to stealing a bike, niggers are only good at stealing other people’s shit

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It’s not. They’re literal animals.

Created by (((white))) dude who absolutely exploited the actual writers and illustrators of the comics to the max.

Dear lord, don't they ever shut the fuck up?

White men create everything good. If there is a space created by men, women want in and they will force their way in, even if they don't have any reason or right. They just want what men have because they can't create their own space.
White people create amazing things and niggers want in. They want to be a part of the club but nobody want's niggers in their club so they force their way in. They see a white space and they invade and take because they can't create anything themselves.

The only people ov value on this planet are WHITE MEN. Everyone else is a FUCKING LOSER!

Damn talk about black privilege.
Proud of characters that were intentionally changed just to appease them.

I hope all of these movies bomb.

They won't LOL they'll be just as popular as the rest of the movies in their series. Stay seething racialist freak.


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Found the real nigger.

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>Shit just got real!
>Niggers handing over their money to rich white people making movies about niggers.

shit bout to get fucked up more like it

Is that why netflix lost so many customers? Everyone is hoarding their netflix bux so they can watch all these stronk woke superhero movies?!?

da right whitey lost we won, we kangs now

Netflix strayed so far off, I'm talking waaaaay too much for even normies.

>new Blade

LOL, we can just let them ruin all of those things.

It'll be 5 years before they forget what the story line was.

Thanks to cultural welfare, they can gloat about content they never had the imagination or intelligence to create in the first place! Blacks are so bereft of creativity that they considered stealing white ideas or having them handed to them by Jews or white liberals an accomplishment!

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Or, you know, make them feel included in pop culture so they spend more money.

Nah, the cynical thing instead.

Blacks are retarded & egotistical---they don't even comprehend being pandered to.

>people who control all the money and wealth have all of the best things.

You don't say.

>make them feel included in pop culture so they spend more money.

You don't consider that cynical?

but god forbid a white dude starts rapping and becomes successful
>culture vultures
niggers are hypocrites and live in a losers mentality

>Niggers handing over their money to rich (((white))) people making movies about niggers pretending they wuz kangz.

Thank God, it's been a long journey but they finally did it. I guess blacks are finally our equals now you racist incels.

If I build it of course I will control it, are you simple?

>new Blade
hold the phone there's a new Blade?

imagine receiving all this cultural welfare as a race that brought exactly 0 interesting folklore or fictional works to the table of human culture

Douche chills

It is time for a BASED 40K movie.

When the inquisition meets a "modern Western society" world. Every Abortion doctor is executed for unauthorized destruction of Citizens. Trannys and Furries are interrogated for Chaos taint. Criminals are routinely executed or added to military "suicide squads"

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Why is the right eagle head blind?
Are you trying to say that the Alt-Right are composed of blind followers???

>muh capeshit
>muh cartoons
>muh skin
>muh vag

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They are just memory holing everything white and European. The end goal is to pretend we never existed at all and the entire world always consisted of ugly mutts.

Go look up Warhammer 40,000 my good Poo Bear, you clearly have been living in a cave.

>Bout to have locs
What does that mean??

We need more black §oy images.

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Exactly. It's all very Orwellian. They're using collective punishment, thought policing, historical negationism, censorship, white guilt, and displacement to erase white people from the planet.

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You know damned well in a 40K movie in 2019+, the space marines would be played by Michael B. Jordan, Idris Elba, Denzel Washington, Daniel Kaluuya, with Morgan Freeman as the Emperor, and Andy Serkis as the creepy, dishonorable space marine scout who gets corrupted by chaos and betrays everyone

americans literally idolise blacks. they're like 13% of the population but based on american media it feels like they're at least 50% and all of that is pushed either by whites or jews or both.

Anime, Swiss/German/Netherlands language documentaries > Internet meme/reality/politics media > old style Italian films, David Attenborough > French circus shows, native language channel comedy > Hollywood > Asian films > History/Travel/Discovery Channel > Bollywood films > African films

Hollywood isn't needed. If they aren't careful they will go behind Asian films.

They can try, at the end of the day even they hate the skin they were born in.

i mean there is already this notion that europe was never white to begin with. Leftist will talk about it all the time, quote another activists etc. When i saw our non pozzed historians they said its nonsense, idk about others. Moment its accepted that europe had black people whole history is the moment europe cant recover from

Blacks are so easy to placate. They are like children. Put a few coons on the movie screen and they are suddenly happy.

>Dear lord, don't they ever shut the fuck up?
not while in a movie theater

The Witcher has big black cocks

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>Trannys and Furries are interrogated for Chaos taint.

you misspelled "Incinerated"

Back at it again stealing things white made why are african AMERICANS like this again? I can tell you no one in fucking Africa gives two shots about muh representation.

caring about tv characters in real life...why

Gimme MUH representation!

>le 13/50 demographic
>literal herd mentality (98% voted for Obama, 90% for hilldawg)
>objectively a detriment to society, get more from gov gibs than what they give back in taxes
>90% of areas where they're a majority turn into ghettos
>responsible for the US's higher violence rates compared to the average Western country due to Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, St Louis, etc
>even when there's virtually no whites and no police presence they form gangs to have an excuse to kill eachother
>mutha africa is a failure across the board aside from a few cities governed by a rich elite
>no contributions to the US aside from jazz, rap, basketball
>literally the same if not more levels of violence no matter which country you put them in
>think you be thriving and you be running this shit when hollyjew puts coons in movies
I think it's telling that both left and right have a white man's burden mentality when it comes to niggers, only that the former insists on treating them like children who dindu nuffin and the latter sees them as the bumbling retards that they really are
beyond pathetic

>Captain America is black

say what

diversity spinoffs are popular at the moment and thats ok guys

>Why is black supremacy praiseworthy?
Because it’s the opposite of White

I went to school in the north of england in the 90s, there wasnt a single nigger at the uni. not 1, not even an exchange student. The niggers were always in europe is a myth

>can't create anything of their own so they have to steal the work of white men
/The perfect analogy is the little nigger kid with the computer where t says he invented it, as in, he built it using consumer parts.

Easy for you to say. You're Italian. So far, it looks like your country hasn't jumped on the SocJus bandwagon yet.

Found the nigger

When the biggest success you can accomplish is painting white things black.

Yeah, real fucking tiresome.

and they're constantly accusing us of making everything dicks.

It must be sad you need all ur validation from Hollywood and pop culture.

yeah at the end of endgame steve goes back in time and then lives the life he missed out on in the 50's. He comes back as an old man and gives his shield to the black guy

situation in italy is the same as any other western country, i.e. the intelligentsia of judiciary, universities, philanthropists, actors and writers all push for the retarded sjw talking points and, as of recent, a discount russiagate of their own against Salvini
the judiciary in particular is a fucking issue because they keep fabricating excuses for the boatniggers' crimes
the only difference is that the average person so far has been immunized from this, either that or they really dont give a shit about yaaaswoke twitter talking points. its still shitty when you see our current ''''''far right'''' party having the boomer viewpoint of ''letting them come legally'' and ''I dont see colour''' bullshit

This is worth asking. Also, note that tax write-offs can subsidize losses against production budget.

Exactly this. It's about completely changing history because it's problematic that the past 500 years of societal advancement has come almost entirely from whites. So they latch onto something, claim they deserve it for racism, then later claim it was always theirs to begin with.

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Fugg I guess I’ll just have to go back to being superior alone n sheit oh fugg

I see. So the Italian far-right isn't what they claim to be. No wonder you're disgruntled.

It's so empowering for black people when jews make white characters black.

>Fragile white guys

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Blade got two Oscars? WTF, have I swapped world again?

>So the Italian far-right isn't what they claim to be. No wonder you're disgruntled.
Any White man that opposes accelerating the destruction of his people is literally Hitler. Which is far worse than eating children.

We need more diverse history movies.
Schindler's List with a black Amon Goeth.
JFK with a Latino Lee Harvey Oswald.

Because they like to shove themselves forcefully into everything because muh representations. Even in things they belong in mostly because african Americans don't have a sense of culture due to how out of touch they are with their roots and it's easier to just claim find on someone elses culture.

>our communities are in utter shambles but rich diversity hires are getting richer so this is a victory for us

How does being blatantly hypocritical feel?

movie theaters accept EBT

Do blacks even enjoy any of the content they're being shoehorned in? For instance, I can't imagine any black women ever appreciated stories like 007 or The Little Mermaid. How funny that suddenly it matters because Hollywood let them representation.

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no they dont and they show it by not buying tickets or merchandise.

This and more

That's what I thought. They love to gloat about their representation, yet they have no appreciation for any of these stories or characters. They don't even try to come up with their own content.


Nappy nog hair

you know full well that they would pozz it just like they did with star wars

These “people” are actually so retarded they think starring in desperate, bastardized cape-shit spin-offs means they have achieved something.

There is absolutely no hope for the American pavement gorilla.

White People haven’t been relevant since WW2
Just admit it’s over!

just like niggers, can't come up with your own shit so you steal it from whites

And when they do they ignore it in favor of capeshit