Why is it okay for white people to genocide Native Americans and steal their land, but not okay for Africans to genocide whites and take back land that was stolen from them?
Why is it okay for white people to genocide Native Americans and steal their land...
are you talking about South Africa?
There was no Native American genocide, mitochondrial DNA sequencing proves it
When did niggers have land? Better yet, what would niggers even do with a plot of land?
Wow, the spics really are brainlets.
people dont like you because of your personality. change it, fag
Doesn't matter if niggers don't know what to do with it because that still doesn't give whites the right to steal it.
Ahaha man that pic is hilarious
Niggers don't farm
It wast their lad SA was pretty much empty all the nuggets there now Andre Bantu who went south when whites made it nice. The blacks there are immigrants
That never happened nigger. The native American genocide is a lie. Read the culture of critique