Red states cause homeless

Fly over America loves to blame California for the homeless population but we just end up with them. Most homeless come from red states who can't adapt to new technology and global economics. Blue state industries: green energy, tech, research are creating the new job. Red state industry: oil, mining, farming are on life support by 'muh socialism'. Automation is going to wreck the unadaptable red states factory, mining, shipping, and farming jobs. Good luck with that, we will try our best to clean up your mistakes as always. Someone has to help American workers it sure wont be the right.

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why break it down by state and not individual? after all, its individuals that you are claiming cant adapt, not states
is it because blue individuals are piles of shit that hide behind numbers?

Coastal states where financial decisions decide to send the industries overseas where there are no enviromental regulations nor labor regulations. In turn it causes extreme poverty in the former industrialized areas. Tldr enjoy reaping the fruits you coastal cosmopolitans have sewn. Eventually these impoverished masses will purge you jews.

>this fat

Do you know how expensive it is to maintain the calorie intake for that shit?
I seriously believe you need actuvely work to become a hobo in the US by now

Most California homeless are from other states. They come for the climate. Very few places outside California are 70F year round.

>red state
>blue state
>black state
>jew state
but all states are full of retarded mutts. maybe it's time to abandon ship.

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When we form bands of raiders I'm going to Hollywood.

900 calorie gas station burritos are only a dollar, user. A head of lettuce is at least $2 if not $3. One apple is only a little less than the burrito.

Yes, weak willed faggots like you should leave.
You'd just die if anything dramatic happened.

You're getting it all wrong. The Left pushed to shut down state-run mental insitutions for decades because of real abuses that were taking place and the lack of accountability instead of reforming the system or implementing oversight. Now ALL states send their homeless to the South during winter and then the homeless get sent back during the summer months. New York was in a lot of trouble as was california and chicago for giving their homeless 1-way bus and train tickets to the southern states for years. Everybody looks at these mentally ill people and decides to throw money at them, like, really, why do you think these mentally ill people need 600+ USD per month? Everytime a homeless is found dead in the south they always have thousands of dollars tucked in the underwear, coats, shoes etc.

Money isn't going to solve the homeless epidemic, homing by mental institution will rehab these mentally ill retards and make them contributing members of societies like in the past.

That's the fundamental difference between Left and Right. The Left thinks $$$ solves everything, but the Right knows it doesn't.

I live in a red state and I know a few homeless people that bum around in California. They all come from moderately wealthy families, but they're going through a "drifter punk" phase. The common belief among them is that it's easy to get by as a homeless bum there due to the pleasant weather. They could easily find a manufacturing job here, but they won't get one due to laziness, drug abuse, and some sort of anarchist "down with the corporate system" ideological bullshit.

nice try tyrone, but I'm not sticking around to pay your gibs. i have to go breed angry hapas for the north american invasion force that's going to exterminate your black ass for the greater grory of china.

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Living from pity in general is absolutely disgusting, or at least it should be to anyone with an ounce of self respect. Grow some balls and take what's rightfully yours, rob a bank, hell, even suicide is a more dignified alternative.

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We give out free food at food banks, churches, etc. It's impossible to starve here unless you're quite literally retarded.

You do realize your idea of cleaning up our mistake is to take in a bunch of homeless people into your cities, which have a high cost of living due to how prosperous you are, give them a bunch of free shit, then throw up your hands when the die hard parasites refuse to change?
I do not deny your programs DO help a lot of people, but you are building larger and larger numbers of people who refuse to change, and are slowly turning your cities into shitheaps like we are seeing in Seattle, LA, San Fran, etc.
Enabling a homeless druggie's lifestyle does not help them.

Correct, well done, /thread



That's a flat out lie. Only something like 12% of the homeless in California are from out of state.

What this user said. You get 3 square meals per day of real food. Only alcoholics and meth heads starve because they aren't allowed in most shelters. Sometimes the REALLY bad shelters will let them inside to shower and eat with the rapists and pedophiles though.

>Red states cause homeless

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what if one day the homeless army starts marching

tell them to go west, that's where opportunity lies

Over here being homeless equals being skinny as fuck, cant understand how they manage to get so much food. Like the caravan of fatties, wtf.

just for that comment i will tell them to march north,
you've really done it this time

>automation will wreck the shipping industry

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The would be fine if blue states didn't create artificial barriers on them making those jobs go to other, foreign lands.

This, everything is about the individual until it doesn’t fit your faggot narrative, neoliberals in their infinite snobbery look down on rural and poor folks for not knowing how to put themselves under surveillance through the newest smartphone yet do nothing to reach out to these people. The opioid crises is depopulating areas of the rural US and all neoliberals do is keep those borders wide open so more shit and come busting through, I know missionaries who do mission trip to fuckin Dayton, Ohio and those small towns in NorCal in an effort to help them, what have you done neoliberal? Besides actively try to replace them with cheap labor for your corporate masters? I wish I can scalp every single on of you, I try to help these people, I let friends and family members trying to get clean stay at my place as long as they can, all I see in the “”left”” side of the aisle is snobbery, elitism and people who deserve rifle fire

>t. unionized rural boi whose lost 5 friends and family members to overdoses and the dangers of being homeless

BULLSHIT. They come to the west coast for the gibs me dats, not being arrested, and the nice weather. Arrest them and charge them for every crime and they will fuck off. They come here for the $1000's they get a month in services.

You can buy like 2500 calories for $5 from the dollar menu or like $2.50 if it is gas station food.

states need to bring back exile. start by denying felons and druggies licenses and rental rights.

>Visa Import Workers are more valuable than anyone in California
Fact, which means you're a useless faggot, but we just like proving what we already know.

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They are almost universally drug addicts, drunks, and nutcases(normally from drug use). You can offer them $15/hr cash for easy manual work, and they will tell you to go fuck yourself, or MAYBE work for one hour then ask for the $15 and go get high.


And Californians bring their filth to flyover country. At least bums don't vote

I've been to the west coast. I consider that to be "flyover country". It's a shit hole. I read and heard that California was such a 'wonderland' my entire life. I saw movies and heard songs about the greatness. It's full of smog, assholes, shitty roads, and taxes. Oregon is beautiful. It's full of suicidal leftists, homeless, and assholes. Washington is humid as fuck, and Seattle.
It's not great at all.

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>At least bums don't vote
Not true. In leftist shitholes, NGO's go around and help them vote.