PSA: Germans do not for a second think that Americans with German ancestry are actual Germans...

PSA: Germans do not for a second think that Americans with German ancestry are actual Germans. If you haven't lived here for a couple years and cannot even say "Drittes Reich" correctly, then you're not German.

For fucks sake, you can't even say Hitlers name correctly. It's "Ah-dolf Hitlah", not "Ay-dolf Hitle[r]" (German is mostly non-rhotic, so an "r" after a vowel turns into a so-called vocalic "r", or "ah"), and it's neither "Rei[sh]" nor "Rei[ck]", but "Rei[ch]" - one of the *simplest* German phonemes in existence.

What is *wrong* with you?

Attached: Flag_of_Germany.jpg (800x480, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Have fun getting blacked.


>le 49%
nice projection

Where, do you think, will the sensible Germans go?

They'll go to America, of course, and steal useless Millennials jobs because unlike them we learnt how to build power plants when we were twelve.

German Americans are fucking awful, you can have them back

We say it almost like you do

Haven't you read the OP? We don't think of them as Germans. They're Americans a.k.a. they're YOUR problem.

>Power plants when we were twelve
So what? Who are you building them for? Muslims and mutts. Fucking do some Nazi shit damnit

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No the problem is that Germans naturally are susceptible to being deceived because they are aimed at efficiency and not at the greater good, they buy into the ZOG horseshit worse than any Anglo ever would

It's pretty pathetic to see Americans WE WUZ'ing about countries they've never been to and can't even speak the language.

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>Implying real “Germans” exist anymore
Sure thing Achmed Al Shabbat from Berlin.

You say what like we do? Hitlers name or "Reich"?

If the later, then can it be that you're from East Norway? Speakers there, as well as German and 5% of all languages in total have that sound:


And it boggles my mind that people actually have problems with it.

So ein Mist.

Nobody gives a fuck about German. You niggers all speak English. Thanks for making your own language obsolete.

German is in the blood.
The German Aermicans are more German than you or your arab-nigger children will ever be.

They speak German user

Ich wünschte nur die Burgerfetten könnten ihre Invasion mit McDonalds und Burger King aufhören.
Der Mist ist einfach überall und zerstört die deutsche Esskultur genau so sehr wie die Dönerbuden.

Natürlich existieren echte Deutsche noch. Meinen eigenen Stammbaum kann ich bis auf das 16. Jahrhundert zurückverfolgen, ohne einen Fremdling zu finden.

Aber das kannst du nicht verstehen. Wortwörtlich.

German Americans are just less Russian Mongoloid

The funny thing is that I see Americans with 3% German DNA defending Germany more than actual Germans. Why are euros so laughably cucked?

Why the FUCK would any white American want to be a "real" German? A couple of my ancestors were from German speaking places (one was Swiss, and a set of great great grandparents were Banat Swabians), so I have learned about them and the places they came from but I'm not a German. I'm a white American. Germany has a cool and interesting history, but quite frankly, white Americans have historically been better. That's why millions of Germans came here and not the other way around. My Anglo ancestors built a better country than Germany. And we've defeated you twice.

Agree with my le56% fren. We waiting for 4 reich

>Germans hate themselves and anyone of their lineage

Breaking news grass is green

Every German ever speaks English.

No sane person has the time to consult a 4x4 chart to know what letters to put after an adjective or what word for "the" to use. If your language has more than one word for "the", it has been defeated by English.

Why do Americans with 3% German DNA think they have any right to speak for Germans? They REALLY must be envious of European cultures if they fight so hard to be part of what they imagine to be a superior Volk.

Every German speaks German also, It just that because of the superiority of Anglos our language has been imposed on the world, but realistically a lot of ""Germans"" probably speak Arabic

Lived in Germany for 8 years am I german now or what

let the amerimutt hate begin

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Idk what you’re on about. Nothing but Swiss and Bavarian in my family tree. Too many Germans are spineless. Letting everyone shit all over them because “if it’s not happening to me, it’s not my problem”. Just take a gander into our government.

Everyone knows the greatest German stock came to America in the 18th and 19 centuries. And then America took the best Nazis after WWII.

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I've known some German Americans who were 80%+ German blood, and that's probably more than you muhammed

Fun fact: we have that stuff memorised because our brains work more efficiently than yours. Your ancestors had to drop inflections because they made their brains hurt.

In other words: speaking German natively is a sign that we don't NEED to ease up our language, and we're still better at it than you're at your own language.

In this thread the eternal Jew divides his enemies.

>Best Germans
Fuck off Midwesterner, Everything was fine when Anglos ruled this country and then ""German"" kikes started fucking everything up

Wie gut sprichst du deutsch? Wie gut kennst du die deutsche Kultur?

Das sind die wichtigen Fragen für mich.

>er hat keine slavischen Vorfahren
Oh kurva...

>Trust me bro

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I'm 1/3 German and coming for a vacation, what should I do in my fatherland?

Shame if you can't understand German, huh?

lmao it wont matter anyway considering that you're going to become half arab mutts eventually

What’s the other 2/3?

I’m a polack and I can speak a fair bit of polish, family still communicates with those overseas too. I don’t think I’m LARPing desu.

Aua. Du meinst wohl "Slawen", aber trotzdem, netter Versuch.

Comes from the American colonial mindset that all white people need to defend each other from tribal savages I think. They don't get that Europeans don't see other Europeans as "their people".

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how hard is it immigrating to germany as a white canadian?

what If Im a legal citizen of germany? still not a german? I would accept that. language is what ties a people together. I need to go back and learn the language. soon as im done college im coming over.

I would like to join the german militery. I will have finished my nursing degree so hopefully i can go into the medical corps. then I can learn what the common German man is like. I can learn something of my countrymen.

Du brauchst mir nicht zu vertrauen. Du brauchst einfach nur lesen.

... wenn du's denn lesen könntest. :^)


Real germans do no exists anymore, they all died with hitler. Only true aryan would fight to his death. You parents wer eather cowards or traitors. Their is no way to survive a war without surrender or collaboration. Since you are a live your parents didnt fought till the end for the reich. You are not german.

After the migrant bullshit? Just show up and have a place to live. Idk why anyone even wastes their time coming here anymore. Soon there will be so much tax, that no one will be able to afford anything anymore.

But if i understand can we be fren?:зз

This. My ancestors were German but they must have seen the writing on the wall and moved out of that shithole.

Why are Germans so cringey and unpleasant without exception?

Warum ist Deutsche so schwer?

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sounds like canada. still better than canada because even we dont have a party lie lie the afd

I'm German-American with Spaniard(Mexican) and Scots-Irish , I dream of the fall of the the West and America and the rise of the German warrior class. We have nothing but our fathers founded everything. Let it all burn.

You need to be patient. They have autism. They're really very friendly people when you ask about their favorite train or the latest version of Farming Simulator.

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Assume you know nothing about Germany or Germans.

That sounds so simple and is yet so true.

So how's your southern border holding up?

I've read once that from the perspective of an American Europe is this really weird place where there's so many different languages and dialects on such a tiny space, because in America everybody more or less speaks this really ugly rhotic American English. Is that true?

Come over here and learn the language - and INSIST that people speak German with you. After half a year you'll know.

Brezeln fressen

But they may become germans.

Afd isn’t doing jack shit and will amount to nothing. After media called them nazis, they’ve been put on suicide watch. You’re better off going to Austria or some shit if you want “””right wing Politiks“

Deutsch du Penner

>You parents wer eather cowards or traitors.
Actually my great-grandfather was stuck in the Pacific Ocean when the Surrender was declared. My grandfather was supposed to be trained as a sharpshooter, but deserted because he had to fed the family.

I got nothing against Russians. It's an Indo-Germanic language with Slavic influences.

>Warum ist Deutsch[e] so schwer?
Schau dir mal Altenglisch an - die hatten noch den ganzen Blödsinn mit Flexionen und Geschlechtern und so drin. Englisch hat's verloren, Deutsch hat's behalten.

So einfach ist das.

Lol, you think? There will be a conservative/green coalition this autumn...

We are fucked.

>What is *wrong* with you?
We don't fucking speak german, that's what's wrong.
We also don't say german words with the accent because it makes you sound like a queer and a fag.
We also don't give a single fuck about germany because germans are literal shit eating cunts.
Come to think, I don't understand why I'm even replying to a german thread, or even go to this board anymore because every other thread is started by a narcissistic lederhosen wearing bavarian fuck that thinks germany is the center of the fucking universe.
Come to think, I don't understand why germans even come to Jow Forums in the first place, it's pretty much impossible for a german to be conservative in the first place when you've had the government dick cumming in your mouth since birth and the very thought of it not being there scares you to fucking death. Now that I think about it some more, almost all european nations are like that.
If this isn't bad enough, we have cunts here that think America should be like europe. Really? All the cool as fuck bros that couldn't stand being around a bunch of shit eating cunts left europe to come and build a nation of rock eating, gun toting, ass kicking motherfuckers and left europe to rot, and we want to be more like them? Fuck that, fuck OP and fuck germany to fucking death.

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Oh. I see. Just like us. Green will fuck the entirety of Europe royally.

How, if they don't learn the language and uphold traditions and believes that actual Germans have no interest in anymore?

At least the fucking language. At LEAST the proper pronunciation of "Adolf Hitler" and "Drittes Reich". But you can't expect those Amerimutts to do ANYTHING.

>We also don't give a single fuck about germany because germans are literal shit eating cunts.
And yet there's so many responses to my OP.

I quit reading there; I had to hold my sides.

>My grandfather was supposed to be trained as a sharpshooter, but deserted because
their we go. you are decendant of traitors xD

OP btfo himself.


>take years to learn German
>can write reasonably well and get most der's, die's, dasses, den's dem's correct
>try to talk to a random German with reasonably good pronunciation
>immediately talks English back, no matter his proficiency in the language
>words like "unhoflich*, gastunfreundlich and "autistisch"come to mind

Die typische Grammatische- und Aussprachsfehler des durchschnittlichen Deutscher mit seinem typisch peinlichen Versuch, Englisch zu sprechen geht mir 100x mehn auf die Ohren als mein leidliches Deutsch einem Deutscher auf die Ohren gehen soll.

Yeah it's fucking weird people in Europe can tell when someone is from the next village over after a couple of words when I visited. You might not like the R's in American English but hearing the G's in Dutch makes me gag.

German reminds me of a programming language. When you make a syntax error the entire conversation collapses and you get an error readout.

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America is Germanic (Mein Kampf, Volume 1 Chapter 11):
>The North American population consists overwhelmingly of Germanic elements which have mingled very little with inferior colored peoples and this shows a very different sort of civilization and culture from Central and South America. [...] The racially pure and almost unmixed Germanic peoples on the American Continent have risen to become the master of their land. He will remain the master as long as he does not yield to blood pollution by mixing with lesser races.

America is filled with the "healthiest and most energetic" Germanic emigrants (Mein Kampf, Volume 1 Chapter 2):
>Experience shows that emigrant groups are more likely to be made up of the healthiest and most energetic individuals. And these emigrants include not only the man who goes to America, but also the young farm-hand who leaves his native village to move to the distant big city.

Attached: all-american.jpg (336x447, 39K)

Hab dich net verstanden xD

>keeping the family alive < dying for the fatherland
I hope that thought keeps spreading in your family; that way they're gonna die out sooner than later.

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It’s like when I try to speak Italian and it all falls to shit.

Leider sind es keine Aussprachefehler, wenn es ein Muttersprachler tut. Das geht mir genauso auf'n Sack wie dir (es ist "nächste", nicht "negste"), aber was will man machen.

It's because all that stuff developed before mass media hit the world. In America that caused people to start speaking the same, because people really had no deeply rooted dialects to begin with.

Just look at fucking UK and their thousand-and-one dialects that makes an American's head spin.

Yeah that was years ago, It's not like that anymore and before WW2 America was more Anglo

Und doch hat er auch in den 1940er Jahren gesagt, dass die Amerikaner von Juden und Negern beherrscht werden, und dass man so keinen Staat machen kann.

There are still major regional dialects in the US. I can tell if someone is from Texas, the Midwest, Chicago, New England, Louisiana, etc unless they're hiding their accent to appear cosmopolitan.

>Speaking German
Fuck off nobody of relevance speaks your shit language, fag

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>Regional dialects
That's not a dialect that's a accent

your language its bad copypast from England.

In all den Jahren, in denen du dir ein fünftes Kinn angefressen hast, hättest du genauso gut mal die Sprache Hitlers lernen können. Haste nicht getan. Und jetzt bist du wütend auf andere.

Then tell me how many non-rhotic American dialects there are. I know New England, and that's it.

Your language is a mongrel rape tongue, so fuck off

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You, too, have become ruled by semites and shitskins. Be careful casting stones in your glass house: we're not as different as you'd like to think.
>The reason the German government behaves the way it does has a simple historical explanation. At the end of the Second World War, the victorious democratic and communist occupying powers installed a German government of their own choosing. First, they removed every legitimate official from office, unless he could prove that he had secretly worked against his own country during the war. And they did the same thing with the media and the schools. The Allies made treason the criterion for holding public office, or teaching, or publishing a newspaper in Germany.
>The only people who could run for public office were Jews, who had miraculously survived the alleged “extermination camps,” or communists, or shirkers, who had fled the country during the war to avoid serving in the German army, much in the way Bill Clinton did over here during the Vietnam War. So one had a post-war government in Germany made up of anti-patriots, of people who had a vested interest in maintaining the official lies that were the party line of the Allied occupying powers.

Attached: Merkeld[1].gif (1000x1000, 471K)

Ich nehme eine Deutschklasse, aber ich versuche es nur zu lernen, weil ich es cool finde, nicht weil ich Deutschland oder seine Kultur respektiere

And your language is the common denominator of people who couldn't differentiate between "I" and "me".

>Couldn't tell the difference between "I" and me
weißer als Du muhammad

Native american here...G*rmans are faggots and should take back their cletus diaspora infesting north america.

Begone backs to yurope,failed yurotrash imperialist.

>First, they removed every legitimate official from office, unless he could prove that he had secretly worked against his own country during the war.
BUUUUUUULLLSHIT. After WWII those officials were kept in their place EXACTLY BECAUSE THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING. GDR propaganda focused on the Adenauer government working with all the officials that had been working with the nazi government as well.

If you want to throw around conspiracy theories you want to make sure that the people in the thread didn't pay attention in history classes. Und nun ficke er sich hinfort.

lmao. recommend u learn new USA language. Spanish

Native Americans are so fucking ugly and poor, Every single one of you fat ugly goblins should be exterminated

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I will never learn Spanish that language is awful and sounds shit

Sprache ist aber unweigerlich mit Kultur verbunden ...

Und nun ficke auch er sich hinfort.

But how u well be communicate with boysh from Mexico? After few years white well be minority

IF they do it. Then yes. IF not, then they can't, obviously.

Ihre Kultur wird in 30 Jahren keine Rolle spielen, weil Sie keine Nazi-Sachen machen werden

Why though, I feel like we have the best chance of taking over North America if things turn ugly.

Nigger "english" I believe is non-rhotic.