
name few things Trump has done so far in America

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>visit PTG kike shill memeflag faggot

He became their president

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While I'm sittin here goin... ok well I got a big dick. I gots the big muscles. I play a mean guitar. How the FUCK do I not have a girlfriend? I'm excellent with kids and I'm excellent with animals. I'm excellent with elderly people. How the FUCK do I not... have.. a gi- ya know I'm sayin? Like I'm sittin there scratchin my head goin ok a lot of chicks would kill to have a dude with big muscles or a huge dick so what the fuck. And most dudes don't have.... 7000 plus subscribers on YouTube... I'm just sayin. A lot of it's an intimidation factor because they see me as a YouTube celebrity and they're thinkin "ohhhh he wouldn't talk to me" ... really? You'd be surprised.

Not one serious answer, wonder why

Took 38 billion American dollars and gave them to Israel

Because it's a shareblue slide threat

Did a new Creepypasta come up while I was searching downtown for some pussy

Hey man slippery slap to be cop don't say motherfuker you put the motherfuking thing in the motherfuking in the motherfuking go to that game and you know what I'm saying like I do but I don't want to save motherfuker

everything is a slide thread to you retards. try again

No, but memeflagfagthreats are

Exactly what I'm talking about if you don't have a thread talkin about the decline of white birth rates and white women being interested with different people with different skin color then pure beautiful white then this is a very serious problem that must be dealt with and people not talking about it is very indicative of slide thread

He moved the embassy to Jerusalem and that's important to me, important to many Republicans infact (you wouldn't know it on \pol/ but it's true)

It takes a big man to do that, Bush 1 couldn't do it, Bush 2 couldn't do it, Obama wouldn't dream of doing it (he was disrespectful towards Israel) but Trump managed to do it. And that is why I am voting Trump - 2020.

I'm going to go with a lucky guess and assume that your country just by knowledge of colors and color design of specific Flags and Nations I'm going to assume and speculate and guess that your country is Czech Republic am I correct?

Get off our board you shill! And while your at it, get the fuck out of our country.

I am seriously and completely and wholeheartedly supporting your decision of voting for Trump in 2020 on the 5th of November you do that because that is what America needs a big man to take leadership

>3.6% unemployment
checkmate atheists

He's accelerated things desu

I think you're beginning to confuse every single color that's not red white and blue as not American he is from the Czech Republic a very white European country calm down Sandra Lord he's on your side

No, get bombed and invaded
>Get off our board you shill!
It's our board you sharebluefaggot
>get the fuck out of our country
You got that wrong way around sharebluefaggot

- lowered taxes,
- changed the immigration rules,
- took measures to reduce public debt by forcing allies to pay for military protection,
- sold Saudi armament for $350 billion, this money goes to the American factories and its employees
- rebuilt international trade agreements for the benefit of the USA

In the long-term perspective Trump really made America great again.

The tax cuts were supporting the rich people and the unemployment rate should be lower under his term because he's such a terrible president that everybody is simply trying to get their money up and getting the fuck out of America

>that is what America needs a big man to take leadership
Exactly. America needs to be strong on the world stage, we had 8 years of obummer (i refuse to capitalize his name he does not deserve it) making us weak. He went on an apology for America tour even! Disgrace..

I felt the same way seeing Trump get elected as I did seeing Ronald Reagan get elected

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Wait I got it I got it give me a second chance okay it is definitely Gypsy infested because of the colors so nothing super major and fancy something not so bottom tier but not exactly when the class and I'm assuming somewhere on the prostitution table so I'm going to go with a country that is populated by prostitutes and gypsies and a lot of marijuana and supposedly fun the Czech Republic was my first guess and it is wrong so I'm going to go with my guts and say the Netherlands mainly because it's a land that everybody is obsessed with their nether land region and by that I mean their cocks and pussies because your country is a giant whorehouse

gib oil

I know you can't see this because it's basically a text based response but I'm actually clapping right now because of what you wrote good job another smart informed American doing the best for America good good job

What the fuck was I right or was I wrong? Are you going to disrespect the terms of our agreement? Did I guess correctly are you the Netherlands or the Czech Republic?

>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Pedogate has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade

>Full amnesty omnibus Bill

>Summary of bill:

>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act

>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>pulled out of missile treaties with Russia
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'

And the only oil you're going to get is the lube that I'm going to use to rape your anus with

>Sent our money Israel.
>Defends Israel
>Makes citizens pay to cage smelly Mexicans then assimilate them.
>Gives more money to Israel

Why are you hating on the Trump train? He only gave 38 billion dollars which is a water molecule in a bucket that is the American economy so why the big fuss he was just trying to help out another country in dire need of cash because you know how Jews are with money quite cheap

wtf i love trump now

I'm not a sheep or a goat

>gave tax cuts to super rib and big biz that didn't support him
>gave prison reform to people who didn't support him
>gave bump stock ban to people who didn't support him
>still lets companies send jobs overseas without punishment
>had the DHS fly in immigrants from the border and give them working papers
That's pretty much it.
Not very MAGA is it.
Oh, and of course lots of $ and and talk about Israel.

Hahaha that's funny but I think I got you first because if you spend time decompartmentalizing and taking apart response you're going to find a lot of inner insults in between the lines but seriously was I right or wrong are you the neverland for the Czech Republic?

He's making liberals chimp out. Now even moderates can see how deranged the left is. Dems have become known as the anti-white party thanks to Trump. It's about time the sane people see libs for what they really are.

HOLY SHIT what a failure

He sent 38 billion and only 38 billion to Israel and the prison reform think was because of Kim Kardashian and who could resist anything that woman could say to you she probably just dropped a pencil in the opposite direction of his eyes and picked it up and he was like yeah fuck it here is the prison reform shit I would give both my testicles to smell the dick that just penetrated her vagina

Not really if you just take your time and look at his accomplishments from your own eyes not from the eyes of others you going to find a lot of things you're going to like so disregard this idiot and do your own research and form your own opinions

Forget America, he's completely changed the political landscape all across the world.

/ptg/ should be pinned at he top of Jow Forums so faggots can stop asking this question a million times

How much do you get paid per post?

Seeing a lot of pictures with him and Epstein and no new walls being built. Also you lost the midterms lmao, where was the red wave? Glad you're proud of theoretical campaign promises like a good goy

Infact I believe Trump will get even more votes in 2020 due to his incredible performance. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a special day and Jow Forums should understand how important it was. That act alone has secured him 2020 in my humble opinion.


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Depends on the thread really

>He only gave 38 billion dollars
the state of Jow Forums 2019

>tax cuts only support the rich
nice msnbc talking point
>people decide to work and get a job to leave a country which is then in an economic boom
shit logic, faggot

>- changed the immigration rules,

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You win the KEK internet kiddo...the DNC SQUAD is gonna be so butthurt...Hey DONKEY BRAINED DEMOCRAPS....How's Mr. President. Trump a reacist when he's helping the holy land for middle eastern jews. Ouch, don't pull a brain muscle now ;)

If people supported him with 1 percentile rate the way they went behind Obama's back and supported him they would have made America the greatest country in the Milky Way but just because of their hatred and Venom towards Trump they never gave him a chance if they gave him a chance he would have done what he had asked for you can't do what is best with America with only 50% of America behind your back that back has scoliosis

So what is nothing compared to what America makes annually in the GDP

Being president instead of Hillary Clinton
Rescuing SCOTUS from more liberal appointees
Tax cuts

do you even know what "slide thread" means?

Just my two cents you don't have to adhere to them all you have to do is just hear me out Satan


Kys (((dutchie)))
Fuck your gay ass puppet


If he doesn't I'm going to inform him by talking to you a slide thread is a distraction tool do not talk about the actual thing that can help America become the greatest country in the Milky Way so instead of talking about ways on how you can help America become better let's talk about some irrelevant celebrity or some bullshit shooting or just anything that is not relating to ways you can help America become the best country in the Milky Way

Okay when you said puppet did you mean because the puppet had a very big large anus so you can stick your hand in and move it as you will was that a reference to gay people and anal sex or was that accidental genius?

Lay off the weed

Look I work in a poppy seed field and we had to dispose of a patch by burning it and I can't stop but inhaling it you know what I'm going to inhale even more and you can't stop me

Look I'm not saying rape should be legal I'm not saying that it's a terrible terrible crime add an abhorrent things to do but if I'm walking downtown and I see two big pair titties giggling and moving in the exact way I imagine how they would move in my wet dream why is a soap illegal for me to rape the shit out of that woman to the point that after I'm done she will just look like a giant sinkhole am I really the bad guy in that situation?

Prevented Hillary from being president.
Everything else pales in comparison.

Hillary would've been better, and that's really sad considering how shit of a candidate she was.

>>Sloppy Job, Trump!
>>Craigslist ad seeks Ameribuddies to serve Israeli interests in the US Congress.

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By raping people I am making my dreams come true so why can't I dream and live my dream at the same time because some dick head some law about rape being illegal matter fact you will never be found because I'm going to chop off your fingers toes and take your teeth and cut off your hair and your entire head not because I'm a fan of Isis but because I don't want to go to prison for some stupid law I do not respect that's the why

You should look up "punctuation" on your preferred search engine. it could save your life.

All the stupid DEMOCRAPS will say he's done nothing for women...lies........his dauhgter is carrying the golden god emporer torch....HOPE YOU LIBTARDS LIKE MORE TRUMP IN 2024!!! #KAG #StandWithJavanka

>Hillary would've been better

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And just because women are such vapid creatures who are just stupid and creatures of habit sometimes I want to experiment have sex with goats and different animals and gerbils and marsupial rats why can't I do that without being judged and critiqued by people?

Not really because it's going to give your eyes some rest and I do not want to do that

And even if I begin doing my rape rituals it's not going to be that many victims I swear if I do it 50 thousand times I'm going to get bored I mean if I raped 50,000 people I would just be bored and just become a normal law-abiding citizen but you guys keep passing judgment and critiquing me and telling me I'm a bad person for raping people what do I have to do I can't help it I have a big penis and everybody's Palms fit perfectly with my cock it's not my fault it's their fault for having perfect tiny hands

Get 'em Donnie! Keep being a good Goy Toy!

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He has been gassing illegals in concentration camps. We won’t know the millions that have perished until it’s too late.

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>We won’t know the millions that have perished until it’s too late.
oy vey! looks like its going to be in the gorillions!

>read it memeflaggot

I have poppies I make into tea also I use heroin lol. Didn't think inhaling the non concentrated straw would do much desu, I've made opium. I'd love to come to the middle east to try the gear. Can you buy heroin on the street over there ?

And you know what I'm a nice guy I'm going to do my rape thing and I'm just going to put $1 bills in their vaginal canal it will certainly be tainted with my semen but most of the world's currency is infused with Coke so no need to get on a high horse have you asked me

I am at no Liberty to comment

Danm, your government that watchful? Fair enough , I can imagine it's everywhere and cheap/strong

No bruv i just donot want to talk about my buisiness kinda personal and i donot really know you that much