Who are the bigger parasite, blacks or jews?

Who are the bigger parasite, blacks or jews?

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jews obviously


ur mom

Nogs can survive in Africa somewhat without whitey. Jews die off without a host.

On a low level the blacks through welfare and stealing, on a high level the jews because they parasite on a unprecedented and frankly mind boggling scale.


Have blacks ever been expelled from countries?

jews suck our blood, blacks are bottom feeders

>Nogs can survive in Africa somewhat without whitey.



Learn the difference between interest capital and labor capital. you are a Jew so I am sure you are very aware.

the only REAL parasites are the ones on welfare (especially drug-addicted hobos and alcoholc tramps).

Everyone else who bothers to get a job and be self-sufficient deserves my applause, and a BEER!

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Jews. The Hasidim take housing, run it down to nothing, and then sell to the blacks. Or if you're in NYC they take up most of the public housing.

Overall both suck, but a Jew knows what he's doing.

can you recommend some boomer-approved anime?

Stupid fucking memeflag faggot. Go back to plebbit

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Jews are literal parasites. They attach themselves to a host and they bleed them dry.
Niggers are just like animals. You put out food for them and they come get the food, they get used to it and they get mad when what they're used to getting isn't given to them. Just like wild animals blacks stay the fuck away unless they see some gibs. If you give them anything or you leave things out in the open, they'll come and take them, and they'll return again and again.

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Both in their own way. Blacks leech off of you, jews control you.

Was really hoping to see this thread spammed with gross pictures of real parasites.

it's like this -
kikes are HIV, and niggers is just some random cold... combine the two... and you get today's picture

I would say globohomo is a cancer-causing virus like papilloma. Sjws and indoctrinated citizens in general are the cancer that lower the immune response. Africans are the bacteria that latched on thanks to the immunosuppression, and it creates boils and sores. Muslims are the virus that goes in after the boils broke skin. The virus is symbiotic to the sjw cancer, and a cordyceps-like stalk can emerge from the brain.

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