Vaush is ABSOLUTELY BTFO'ing a NAZI right now!

This is fucking hilarious!

Attached: vaush.png (376x395, 228K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He shit stomped by AltHype, and lost every debate.
Literally desTINY 2.0, and HassanRoids 2.0
>Lose every debate
>Get shilled on Jow Forums

Cope! He's fucking destroying the NAZI on his show RIGHT NOW!

>30k subscribers

Lose weight

LOL! Have sex! He's quickly gaining subscribers, and this is why. He's destroying a NAZI right NOW!




>one study shows salaries slightly increase with immigration in one study
he's very insincere and covers this up with verbal abuse

>LOL! Have sex!
You lot act like a bunch of hormonal teenagers.
Global rule 2 nigger.

watching it right now and hes just shouting like an absolute faggot and using ad hom. please can no one give op any attention.

>You lot act like a bunch of hormonal teenagers.
IRONIC coming from a fucking NAZI, LOL!
This is why parents shouldn't give their children access to the internet at such an early age!
Keep posting from your parents' basement!

gosh this guy is cringeworthy. almost as bad as the tranny though.

He just got destroyed, LOLOLOLOL!

kys incel.

>look at how much this guy is stumbling he must be wrong!!!!111
ad hom using faggot.

I'm more interested in watching Ricky Gervais btfo'ing the "wax the balls" tranny

The DM macro's were literally only being posted by fringe right wing twitter a few weeks ago, now they're mainstream

I‘m too degenerate to be a National Socialist.
Have white children.

He'll avoid people like Jared Taylor or Eric Striker or anyone of actual good debating skills because he knows he'll lose the Race Realism argument. Also i'm starting to think he only has controlled opposition on to make our position look bad. or maybe it's just autists going on lol.

I shall don't worry.

>or maybe it's just autists going on lol.
Yes, it's this!
All NAZIS are autistic. This is an established FACT!

Stop advertising yourself on pol fat faggot.

No one cares faggot

NAZIS? I dont think Eric Striker or Jared Taylor are Nazis....

LOL! Like he would advertise himself to NAZIS! Fuck off, racist.

Is he self-conscious about his ear wart or being fat outweights it all?

Ummmm, no. They most certainly are.

>my dude

Attached: 1548604954968.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

Anarkiddie but that's still miles ahead of anyone who unironically believes in a jewish conspiracy

Sick of these liberals thinking they are socialists

Murdoch Murdoch might be actual National Socialists but I don't believe Jared Taylor or Eric Striker are pro National Socialists. They are race realists.

of course he will. hes just using doing what that jew does where you debate random people where they have none preparation. at least ben doesn't use ad hom and doesn't constantly fake laugh like this faggot.

I get you guys are all conservative edgy-bois but if you look objectively at who had more solid arguments you have to admit Vaush ran circles around this guy.

Seriously this is literally nothing but an echo chamber right now it's pretty sad, lol

modern nazis tend to be absolutely retarded so it doesnt surprises me. nazis stopped existing around the end of WW2 for real.

Of course Striker is natsoc, he is also the only american i heard understanding this kind of ideology

>im a cute boi.
>i always say the truth.

>race realist

A pig by any other name...

Literally, its fucking sad that teenage boys are being tricked into becoming Nazis on here.

You're free to debate here if you think so.

yeah you are coping I saw that """debunk""" and it was just that faggot sperging at vaush pathetic if he were to live debate he would get CRUSHED

Is he? I haven't kept up with Eric Striker for a very long time but I didn't come across him being a natsoc, maybe I'm wrong on that one.

>Also i'm starting to think he only has controlled opposition on to make our position look bad

This right here is some of the most pathetic logic I have ever seen.

Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.

This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”

Source: Michael Bakunin, 1871, Personliche Beziehungen zu Marx. In: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3. Berlin 1924. P. 204-216.

There's nothing impressive about debunking the JQ, anyone who doesn't have room temperature IQ (which most is most of Jow Forums) knows how retarded it is.

He didn't. Also, how about he debates actual debaters? Jared Taylor, Eric Striker, Red Elephants, No White Guilt, Mark Collett.

Why does a live debate make a difference? A debate is a debate.

Do you consider this as some sort of pissing contest?

Are you not paying attention?

I'm down to hear anyone who thinks they have an example of logical inconsistency or dishonesty from Vaush or any factually based arguments defended by the fascist he had on.

*which isn't most of Jow Forums

Please elaborate

I'm not saying it's for sure that, i'm just throwing out possibilities because in the world we live in today, you really never know. I also said it could be some random autist.

So Mikhail Bakunin has room temperature IQ despite being the founder of your ideology?

He debated Vaush didn'it he? And didn't vaush rage quit or something?

that's what I meant. he usually just debates college kids and when he debates an actual skilled debater he loses. like id imagine with this guy

In the modern area where you have the benefit of hindsight dipshit

>It's literally scientific consensus
>No actual consensus

This. He won't address a single thing AltHype says and will just write him off as a nazi

This guy is a joke. Absolute ego maniac who surrounds himself with desperate normies. He's debating some rando who shouldn't be representing what he is representing. Just ignore this guy.

>fat retard who contradicts himself and shouts ad homs
By "btfo", you mean "being that fucking obtuse".

>He won't address a single thing AltHype says
He's literally planning to do that; he said it in a stream the other day.

Cringe JIDF, cringe.

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I will also say that it's not always "the jews". It's the antiwhites. Keep it simple. There are non jews actively against the European people. So the whole "it's all the jews" was a meme that some people fell for but yes in a decent number of cases you'll find a jew behind it, just not always.

Why do these people all look the same

Something tells me you're not an anarchist

What topics does he discuss. Saw him debate for 10 minutes and he seems butthurt all the time. Basically autistic screeching tier

It's not a conspiracy, it's group behavior. A conspiracy theory would be believing that an Israeli asset is really a Russian asset because he doesn't spit in Putin's face when they meet

I hope American Nazis put a bullet in your head.

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>he wasn't crushed! I swear!

Is this the guy that spends his time debating low tier anons on discord instead of debating actual 'nazi' content creators, he's literally no different to Ben Shapiro only debating feminists and college kids

How about he actually debates someone like Eric Striker, or respond to Alt Hype.

Calling him a Nazi and saying his sources are nazi sources isn't addressing anything he says, it's him using (yet another) appeal to authority fallacy to protect his cognitive dissonance. Show flag

bro, you're posting cringe.

Leftists "debunk" it by intentionally misrepresenting it. They lie that it's about "jews controlling the world". When in reality, it's about jews using their political/economic power to benefit their own demographic instead of the majority demographic of the nation that they live in.

Why is it illegal to boycott a foreign nation while being legal to boycott ours and other nations? It's because of Jews in power prevented that.

There is no longer a debate to be had, its just talking past eachother. These people all need to be against a wall and shot with due process and fair adjucation and blahblahblah.

>I approve of any laws which support my axiomatic values in the long run
Your axiomatic values are retarded and nobody should care what you think, you pseudo intellectual faggot.

this guy has a mullet and talks like a fag

Why would I bother wasting time on some creationist who denies race realism?

He's extremely NatSoc to the point of being against mercantilism and international trade.

lose weight fat ass piece of shit you are worthless in the eyes of everyone until you do


B-but user, it's worthwhile to support open borders and child drag queens!

Nonono goyom national socialism is pro capitalism and inherently reactionary right goy?

>Marxist who refused to debate Alt hype but would rather talk to some random guy from discord

>jews using their political/economic power to benefit their own demographic instead of the majority demographic of the nation that they live
Evidence of this happening in ways that don't apply to other races?
>Why is it illegal to boycott a foreign nation while being legal to boycott ours and other nations
Fuck do you mean

I'll have to look into him more, been a long time.

Althyp didn't want to debate? And also he's said he's preparing a detailed debunking of his video

>This is fucking hilarious!
is it really! is it even worthy of a thread?

im not even watching that cuck or giving him views

Attached: Einsatzgruppen soldiers shooting Jews who are in a ditch.jpg (1996x1381, 262K)

Literally who

Never heard of this sperg.
Never going to care.

>Evidence of this happening in ways that don't apply to other races?
Look at demographics of all the groups that are suspect of being Jew-ridden. Especially big entertainment.

Look at the ethnic makeup of journalism and what agenda it pushes.

Basically a third rate knock off of the leftist equivalent of Stefan Molyneux. I guess he's getting a following from some dumb pseudointellectual communist incel corner of the internet.

I mean, thats the point. It happens with all races when they get to the top, its about who you want at the top.

This retard is a Racist Monarchist

How about Vaush actually debate an Ideological National Socialist like Eric Striker or maybe Mike Enoch

He's shut the door faster on Striker than a middle schooler caught jerking it

>obese neckbeard who uses terms improperly vs drooling retard
Shame on you /leftypol/

You're a moron and your channel is boring.
Fuck off back to youtube.

Holy shit this dumbass is advocating for the War in Iraq. Fuck Conservatives


Do my emotions matter when you get put in the same ditch as the jewish capitalist?

>its a fat guy with social science degree wanting to liberating the working class episode
these people are so out of touch its insane

How the fuck would you start a business if everything is done democratically like electing managers?

>Mike Enoch
>Eric Striker