> I believe there is no such thing as a "bad job". I believe that all jobs are opportunities, and it's up to me to make the best of them.
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey bob, i'mma holla ova yander and tell Bill that u called me a anti-Semite fuck u bud. *sip*, fuck u *sip*
You cannot disrespect Israel like that bud *sip* I support Trump.
Champ, getting a job is as easy as walking up to the manager, giving him a firm handshake, and telling him you're ready to get the job done and done right.
Fuck off entitled millennial. If you're too good to work at Walmart they why don't you have a better job? Be the absolute best you can be at whatever job you have, always be observing and learning and bettering yourself, so that when the right opportunity comes along you are ready. It's pretty simple really. Also don't go into debt, if you have debt pay it off aggressively, and then invest in mutual funds.
Boomers a hypocritical cancer.
In my country 30% of the population literally bank rolls the other 70%.
If we are invaded il probably side with the invaders, fuck these parasites.
This actually made sense 40 years ago when you could actually rank up in your firm
nowadays you'll just work min wage till you die
Hey Lois, Bob and Ellen are meeting us at the pickleball court then we are going to Perkins.
This is now a kike hate thread
thx for the advice when i build a time machine and go back to 1969 i will remember to use it
The B.O.O.M.E.R Pledge
I. I hereby affirm that my generation sold out our posterity for cheap goods and labor, and to pay for that transgression I will spend the rest of my life securing a future for white children.
II. I hereby affirm that I own four too many storage units. I will stop hoarding junk in storage units. I will sell off all my storage units and petition others to do so as well, in order to provide housing for the younger generations that I have ruined by my ceaseless hoarding.
III. Resolved, that all boomers will mow no more than ONE time over a two week period, and that we must give up the riding mowers for our 1/8 acre lawns and buy a lawnmower that is proportional to the actual amount of lawn that is to be mowed.
IV. I hereby resolve to beg every member of the younger generation for forgiveness for my support of Israel at the expense of so many American lives, and that I will wear a shirt that reads "Jews did 9/11" every first friday of the month.
V. I pledge to pay double the normal cost of any service provided to me for I have enjoyed decades of government subsidized house prices, lower taxes and lower food costs of anyone younger then me as compensation for destroying a functioning society and passing the burden onto white children.
VI. I hereby pledge to stand AGAINST the corporations. I am sorry for ruining the right wing by killing the middle and lower classes in favor of large businesses and corporations. I will now respect the state and let it do its job. I understand that I've lived off the state my whole life and will quit being a (((libertarian))) hypocrite.
> I Believe I am morally in the right, since taxation only goes to niggers, single moms, and illegal wars
It's Ironic that Taxation goes to NEETs and NEETs are the Niggers of White People Because Unlike a White Man, Which He Graduates College for 4 Years, Gets a High-Paying Job, Gets Married With a Pure White Woman, and Has White Children, NEETs are Basement-Dwelling Virgin Losers that Does nothing but Play Vydia, Watch Anime, Eat Chicken Tendies, Drink Mountain Dew, Fap-Off to Hentai, Sleep on The Couch.
NEET are Nothing but The Niggers of White People
Your cancer hope you die in a wreck or get shot.
Illegal immigrants are such big losers they don't even have the qualifications to be a garbageman in Mexico, so come here to clean toilets and mooch welfare. Talk about the land of opportunity.
This sounds reasonable if you're stuck in 1970.
If they just pledged to have a mass "coolaid party" that would be great.
i love how these fat disgusting old bastards view themselves as these rugged clint eastwood types that are "real men", they always forget that they did literally nothing to stop their countries being handed over to immigrants and their culture from being washed down the drain and that they grew up and worked in the west's most economically prosperous period
they'll also say this but then when you try to get a job (even as a cashier at a store) you have to do a questionaire, provide references, have past experience, and then you have to turn up to the interview and tell them WHY you deserve the job, despite them being the ones saying you should get a job and stop being a "leech"
I’d love me some tendies right about now
>This actually made sense 40 years ago when you could actually rank up in your firm
>nowadays you'll just work min wage till you die
holy shit you're dumb. Who said you should work at the same firm for 40 years? Did I say that? Nope. If you get a job at Walmart and are still working there 12 months later, you're probably a loser and should stay there forever. You work at Walmart or McDonalds or Target until you FIND SOMETHING BETTER and then you jump ship. During those 12 months you are taking courses online, living on less than you make, setting goals and planning.
You don't owe those big companies any loyalty - they certainly aren't loyal to you. Your retirement plan won't be managed by your company either, unless you're in one of those rare situations. You have to manage your retirement yourself.
Neets are the next step in evolution. White men aren't going to be your tax slaves. We are going to have 5+ white children each on tax payer money. its time we take advantage of the system, instead of being used.
Good luck keep hoping loser. Meanwhile I'm beating the jews at their own game.
Another 1 post thread trying to divide people.
Cashier is a bad job
Another idiot putting words in my mouth. Did I ever say you should just work a minimum wage job and expect that to pay the rent and buy you a house and a boat? No, jackass, a minimum wage job is what you get when you have no skills to offer in the marketplace, but it's better than nothing. You take that job and work your tail off while live on less than you make and improve yourself by taking business classes online or welding classes on the weekend or whatever the fuck you're interested in.
>living on less than you make is impossibru!
live at home with mom and dad for awhile, or get five roommates, or sleep in your fucking car for awhile. Use the shower at 24-hour fitness. Again, THIS IS TEMPORARY. You can't just show up and get the $100,000 per year job if you have no fucking skills. YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT JOB IF YOU HAVE NO SKILLS. SO GET SOME SKILLS BY GOING TO SCHOOL, in person or online, or teach yourself something by learning online if you're so fucking smart.
>but I'm not smart
well then you're going to have a lower standard of living. Life is an IQ test, good luck.
1. Isn't true because as a low income NEET you'd be better off living in Canada or Europe where if you get sick you don't have to go into debt.
2. Don't agree to 2 or you'll lose access to basic public services we all have access to. One of those basic public services should be healthcare btw.
3. Easy for a guy who's never had a real job to say. If I have to work my ass off for 9 dollars and it shaves years off my life and I could have just worked at McDonalds...that's a bad job.
4. Again, imagine an enthusiastic call center employee. Just a retarded take.
5. Usury is bad, he's right here. However Usury is the reason you'd have to eat beans and live in a tent.
6. No, your employer has a legal liability to keep you safe and without it you'd be forced to do retarded shit to earn money.
7. Wrong, it's to have beers with your supervisor.
8. At my job, complaints are welcomed because we can't afford a high turnover rate. Terrible idea to discourage people from complaining.
9. Library cards are free, which is a form of socialism. But I guess he's ok with that since ZOG never bitches about libraries.
10. We're products of our genetics which influence our choices.
11. Yes the world is not fair, no I have a right to complain and try to make the world more fair. Which is why we have things like "weekends" and "paid vacation days"
12. Wrong, if I was born with no arms and no legs I am not lazy. Also blacks.
>life is an IQ test
it's definitely more about luck than anything else but okay
Retarded boomer.
Get aids and die.
#2 and #5 are 100% correct.
>minimum wage
FDR minimum wage
>I deplore debt
that's actually pretty based and redpilled
>In my Inaugural I laid down the simple proposition that nobody is going to starve in this country. It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By "business" I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.
I do agree with the mindset within this "SWEAT Pledge," but I don't agree with it NOT addressing the faults within this Jew'd system we are currently living in.
> Inflation
> Immigration
> Lower purchasing power
> Lower wages
> Higher cost of living
> Marxist society
> Lawless society
> Etc.
Even if someone did every single thing listed in this "pledge," it's still unlikely to come out ahead in a system that is actively working against your interests.
> It's not "working against" you user
Things like Affirmative Action, welfare, masse immigration, lobbyism, & corrupt private banking practices GUARANTEE it is.
>I do agree with the mindset within this SWEAT Pledge
massive cope.
Lol okay loser, you're right, there's no chance to change anything ever. It's better not to try. Man I pity you.
Thanks for the ad hom, I win!
am I banned again.
fuck mods
I can see your post
>massive cope.
It's a good ideology to have weather you believe in it or not. With that being said, it won't save anyone. To say that our country has lost its work ethic would be to put the current state of our work ethic very elegantly.
>govt should decide how much businesses pay workers
This only seems like a good idea if you have a retarded immigration system like United States and businesses can hire foreigners without consequence. You're completely ignoring the fact that massive numbers of illegals drive down wages for everybody. And a so called living wage law won't affect businesses that are already breaking the law by hiring illegals.
What post?
yea. will get banned soon. Jannies deleted my posts now a mod will kill me in the next minutes.
these niggers hate nigger hate threads...
Nigger, I work at a golf course. One of these days I will drown myself.
its a slave mentality.
>job - opportunity, yeah no the employer hires you for their benefit, not yours.
>you are entitled to nothing except life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
does entitlement to life include healthcare? of course not.
>dont follow passion. dont seek what you enjoy.
>never complain.
>all people are equal
this is coming from a millionaire, btw.
You are going in a shitty nursing home, one run by niggers in Detroit. You will eat sleep, drink, and play bingo in your own feces 24/7. You wont get your meds, or youll get too much and hallucinate. Youll think youre in a nightmare. Surrounded by niggers, but its reality. You made it happen.
> B-boomers t-told me to be grateful for this job
> There are n-not bad j-jobs
> It's a-an opportunity
>Mike Rowe
>be FDR
>be president before 1965
>user is unaware of where he is on the timeline(its 2019)
Also a khazar
Thats his house you faggot
took a second look
that filthy jew tries so hard to dress like a goy.
Cope harder, cuckservatives. He wants you enslaved to Capitalism, and you willingly enslave yourselves and love being a slave.
Deception, he pretends to do hard work. Much like a jew in that regard, many such cases.
What would an Opera Singer know about this?
Day of the pillow soon
the boomer were brainwashed by capitalists all of their life, it is so sad.
Funny way to say jew
>does entitlement to life include healthcare?
Being entitled to life simply the government is not allowed to control your life. In those days, it was traditional for people to be property of the crown. Free "healthcare" is certainly not what they had in mind.
damn fucking straight. Jobs are only there to provide while you level up in whatever direction you want to go in life. People are forgetting that they need to set a goal to strive for career wise.
My best advice is set your sights on learning a skill or career that will allow you to eventually start your own company. Working for yourself is completely different then working for someone else.
there are capitalists of all colors, including jews.
Yeah its awesome the tax jew takes most of it
A female opera singer on the other hand ...
Nothing is free. Doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals - they're people. The government wants to own them, too, and force them to keep their other slaves from dying while they can still do work, and kill them off when they're no longer of use.
> tfw user is wearing only the minimum amount of flairs
care to explain why India, Bangladesh and other countries with no immigration have such low wages?
boomer here
think I'll sip my single malt scotch while I check my huge retirement account and then my checking account balance that has 3 pensions rolling in
> tfw user is wearing only the minimum amount of flairs
> Being a wageslave is bad
Ok, so how are we suppose to realistically go about not being a wageslave anymore? How are we suppose to function in society without a job and money to live? I'm not about to live in the middle of the woods, alone with no possibility of kids or wife, just to say I don't work for a corporation. What's a realistic way of not having to work for a corporation anymore?
Cant go on forever, they are sowing the seeds of their own destruction.
read a book. how do you think people ended child labor in this country? they protested it.
>Be me
>Work for a billion dollar corporation
>Union employee.
>Boomer Union workers sell-out new employees in contract before we were hired.
>New employees work for 60% of what the Boomers make and little/ no benefits.
>Boomers expect younger employees to do all the work due to muh seniority.
>Boomers tell younger employees that young people are lazy nowadays.
>Meanwhile boomers too stupid and too lazy to learn computer systems, so younger employees help them.
>Boomers tell younger employees to bootstrap themselves up in the world.
>Boomers tell younger employees to buy houses they cannot afford.
>Boomers want open borders, because they think low IQ spics and niggers are equal and will pay boomers social security/ medicare.
>USA id now becoming third world shithole
>Boomers say, they don't care, because they will be dead before full Guatemala sets in.
Boomers are human garbage, and I hope they starve to death in their old age in the third world shitholes they created.
Ultra based, (You)
see pic
who wil get the money when you die cuz ya know its the only reason your kids even keep you around
Mike Rowe is just a lucky genx slacker. He was a opera singer who's friend made a bet with him he couldn't get a interview with QVC. He proceeded to get a job with QVC and turned his gig into a low level talk show. He was fired and rehired multiple times for this. He then got a job with the news in SF. Wanted to do a segment on jacking horses off on tv for the 6:00 pm news. The boss said no and sent him to the dump. Discovery seen this segment and gave him a job doing jobs all over (for one day). He then became a corporate shill for Ford and the pyramid scheme Amway.
boomer here
we survived all kinds of hardships and economic downturns
work for 4 decades and you will see
most of your post is a flat out lie
quit whining buttercup
> Protest
> Banks are bad
Listen, I get that these are bad institutions. I'm not saying they aren't. What I'm asking is, how do we break the chains of having to be a wageslave in a realistic way? What can I do about this personally?
> Protest
Protesting won't do anything, nor will it specifically help me now or in the near future.
Again, what I can do to quit being a wageslave in a realistic way? I'm not about to be a farmer in the middle of nowhere without the possibility of ever acquiring a family. That's not a realistic thing to do.
>I'm not about to live in the middle of the woods
if you're too addicted to the world to leave it, then die. your blood will not be on my head
>we survived all kinds of hardships and economic downturns
during the most prosperous time in the west ? yeah no
Also, Corporations would still be using Slaves today if the Union had not won the Civil war and you would be defending their use of Slavery, because its "beneficial to the Slaves"
Zoomers and Millennials have the worst work ethic in USA history. They project all their issues on Boomers when nobody is more entitled and lazy.
So he basically followed his own advice.
>A jew getting a job with QVC
of course he took that bet. jews are notoriously cheap and that's easy money.
>if you're too addicted to the world
user, you're basically saying that I should forgo acquiring a wife, a family, friends, basic relationships with ANYONE, a home, plumbing, electricity, etc., just to say that I don't work for a corporation. That's unrealistic. I'm not about to be a caveman somewhere living like I'm one of those lost tribes in the Amazon rain forest just to say "screw you" to the big banks. That's autistic and unrealistic.
> What if's
> Might be's
Be realistic user. Is there any realistic way of going about this or not? Eventually the system will crash or go into another "Great Depression." Which will most likely spur some kind of revolution that will bring this corrupt system to an end. With that being said, what can I do about getting out of this wageslave system NOW?
fuck this fuck you and fuck boomers.
You would support child labor if the republicans supported it. Hint: they did in the past and were forced to change their stance. Basically, you need to realize that you are inferior to wealthy people. thats a good start.
you won't do anything because you are reactionary.
When the SHTF, then Boomers, leftists, affirmative action subhumans, and RINOs get the rope.
you're either a twisted liar or a dead man walking. either way, you won't find the gate to life.
plenty of wives live with men offgrid.
Work is not inherently rewarding. If you choose to pretend it is, you will be taken advantage of by irrational men. Working hard is very rewarding when you pursue goals that lie within your value set
boomers are so gay lmao, every single one of them
hilarious you think the "Great depression" will cause a revolution.
you could buy more bread in the great depression with a years salary than you can today. We're worse.
My values are pussy, marijuana and vidiya
>you won't do anything because you are reactionary.
you are right about him. Reactionaries are like rats in a maze.
>get zapped
>turn right
>get cheese
being reactionary is the base state for a controllable subject.
Goddamn this hit hard...I'd kinda be fucked without my 15+year walmart job.
>having your kids grow up poor
Holy yikes!
Agreed, and this is coming from someone whose family was essentially destroyed by welfare.
This. It ain't gonna kill you to take the Martpill. I've been here long enough to show you the ropes on how to not fuck up!
>You would support child labor if the republicans supported it.
Let me tell you something, if you purchase anything at any major retail store you've most likely supported slavery in some form or another.
Aside from that, you still seem unable to tell anyone how to free themselves from this wageslavery in a realistic way. Which basically proves my point that it's pretty much impossible to go about this in a realistic way nowadays
>you're either a twisted liar or a dead man walking
I'm "twisted" for not wanting to isolate myself alone in the middle of the woods by myself?
> A woman will live with you out there user. Just forget that I'm not living like this either.
Yeah, the only place that's happening is in your imagination.
>We're worse.
The only thing that held society together during the first Great Depression was the fact that most people had Christian morals during that time. Nowadays, most people don't have any morals at all. All that would need to happen is probably another 2008 bust (or one slightly larger) and you'd see this entire system crumble. More people than ever are looking for a legitimate reason for a revolution nowadays.