Do you support war against Iran?

Do you support war against Iran?

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Other urls found in this thread: oil producing nations&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS807US807&oq=largest oil producing nations


nah, it would be fun if we zoomers got drafted but I think it's another pointless desert funtime for the lazy israelis.

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>Do you support war against Iran?
Geopolitically inevitable. Iran is the last holdout in the ME. Once we have Iran, most of the world's oil is ours.
>War with Iran will unironically happen

Only if it leads to the whole region being irradiated.

War waged by Isreal - YES
Anyone else - NO

make a strawpol and spam it in all boards and threads

Yes I support Israel.

Only if we draft boomers first and foremost



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Yes because I am a good goy and Israelis are gods chosen people, unfortunate for us we were not chosen so we have to die for our masters

OP is a kike and you faggots are being datamined

Fucking moron. The United States is the largest oil producer in the world. Why do they let turds like you express an opinion. They should shoot you.

Nice tranny gif

>muh datamining

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I’m not totally against it.

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Nope. Leave the sand niggers alone and they will leave us alone.

>The United States is the largest oil producer in the world.
Stupid cunt. Our petrodollar empire doesn't exist because we sell all our oil to others. It exists because we sell other people's oil in dollars.
>They should shoot you.
As long as you're holding the gun, I'll take my chances user.

You think Iran wouldn’t put a nuke in fed ex and blow up an American city?

>Our petrodollar empire doesn't exist because we sell all our oil to others
So, that’s we gas is so cheap everywhere but California?

>thinks it takes intelligence to aim..
Wew lad

>So, that’s we gas is so cheap everywhere but California?
That's just California taxes user. That state is a fucking desert. It was never meant to hold 55 million people (not counting illegals). The only way that state can be sustained is through high taxation.



yes, just because of the proximity to israel
hey israel, mind if we keep these aircraft carriers over here whilst we protect you from iran?

also iran said they'd attack israel if they are provoked

You've never held a gun in your life, have you?

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As long as it involves the death of American youth I'm all for it

Wetback retard. If you're too stupid to do a simple google search before you reply, you are obviously to stupid to understand the petrodollar system and how and WHY it works. KYS. oil producing nations&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS807US807&oq=largest oil producing nations

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of course

Whatever you need to tell yourself

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No, why would i yet another war we have no business being in?

>Wetback retard.
I’m an Appalachian redneck.

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nicker nation has entered the building

I support war against all shitskins.

>I’m an Appalachian redneck.
Sure spic. Sure.

i support against that ass with my dick if you know what i mean

knowing this place thats probably a dude with a plastic ass

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Ok, disabled Eskimo

Whatever gets you through the day beaner.

Yes, the environment needs it.

You sound upset. Did a Mexican touch you, Nanook?
Show us where.

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Anyway, heres how it stands spic. The United States is the largest oil producer in the world.

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Sure. Hopefully they'll sperg out on Israel

>The United States is the largest oil producer in the world.
No shit. Wanna post where I disagreed?

I support retaliation by the UK over the tanker. Whether or not war is called for depends on Iran's response to said retaliation. If Iran escalates again, then yes. Full scale mobilization.

we all want it, but just because israel could be btfo forever

so she fucks her dog, nice

>No shit. Wanna post where I disagreed?
He was referring to my post, but replied to yours instead. And you were wondering why one needs intelligence to aim? Kek.

Yes, i just want to see the world burns

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Leave the brown people in peace in their natural habitat.

>Geopolitically inevitable. Iran is the last holdout in the ME. Once we have Iran, most of the world's oil is ours.

We don't need Iran's oil, and they have been off of the Petrodollar for more than 10 years.

>And you were wondering why one needs intelligence to aim? Kek.
I’m pretty sure he’s a redditor, so he doesn’t really count.

Yes, yes because they beta beard :)

You don't want to see the middle east turned into a sea?

I support a war against all of the middle east,isreal,iran,uae,just glass the entire place and make the world a happier place.


Yes. Hope all zoomer fortnite playing faggots get drafted.

I just want to stay comfy.

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You'll be fine, Iran won't be bombing Australia

>We don't need Iran's oil
I don’t want it.
>they have been off of the Petrodollar for more than 10 years.

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Equality for all the middle east. Turn it all to glass. Amen.


>A swede calling anybody else a faggot

maybe you should unfuck your shit first before you start commenting here Sven

>>Geopolitically inevitable. Iran is the last holdout in the ME. Once we have Iran, most of the world's oil is ours.

So your statement is baseless shit.

wtf I hate iran now

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No, that's why the American stock market is inflated and why American debt is so cheap.

Agree it is geopolitically inevitable, but it has nothing directly to do with oil of our use given we (US) are a net exporter.
It is inevitable because the Islamic State intends to be the dominate power in the middle east, and there is no denying that they foment violent movements that threaten and actually attack our allies in the region, as well as years of killing American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. A nuclear armed, hegemonist Iran is a destabilizing factor that the world can ill afford.
NATO and/or the US will not need boots on the ground. We don't want to hold their territory, simply neutralize their ability to obtain nuclear weapons, and establish a DMZ in an important waterway. While the US is a net exporter, our Allies in Europe and elsewhere are not, and their continued economic stability will be impacted if the Gulf does not remain open.

Of course you do, you filthy fucking nigger

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63. Ready, willing and able.

>Geopolitically inevitable. Iran is the last holdout in the ME. Once we have Iran, most of the world's oil is ours.
I never said that, dipshit

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That worked in Afghanistan right up until 9/11/01

No, the West has already fought enuff wars for Israel.
Let Israel bomb Iran if they want to, but they won't, b/c they know they'd get their shit pushed in and have to go nuclear.

I support 2.0 american civil war against liberals


>I want my fellow country men to die for israel so that my country can have oil

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Alot of the region is already irradiated with depleted uranium shells

A nigger supporting Israel. What a surprise. The cune of race mixing

Your Ozarks Cousins all be right beside you. Lets take 'em!

Only as an absolute war of conquest, extermination, and resource acquisition.

No more of these ideological wars where we waste hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of lives to institute "democracy" only to have the country elect hostile leaders within a few years.


Thrash iRAN to dust

>do you support support a war against Iran?
Who do you think is behind all of this?

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It ends up being bad for everybody.

9/11 resulted in insane airport security.



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>do you support fighting Israel's wars for them?

Agree 100%. Reduce their oil and military infrastructure to rubble and let them sort out the pieces. If they put the pieces back together wrong again, repeat until they get it.

no i dont want to contribute to greater israel

Only if Israelis fight it.

Nope, we got bigger issues, especially domestically.

Fuck no

>yeah.. Iran would never sneak a nuke into the USA, stoopid racists

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Iran should have been vaporized in 1979. Of course Carter fucked that up too. Any reason, no matter how insignificant is a good reason to utterly and completely annihilate Iran and exterminate the iranianiggers.

You can just tell.....

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Maybe if an idiot president didn't blow off an important intelligence briefing to go play golf, New York wouldn't have been Allah Akbar-ed

Whatever. Why you chose to respond to a comment that wasn't directed at you is beyond me.
