Chinese kids want to he astronauts; American kids want to be Youtubers

Another product of late stage capitalism you Nazis deny. The mental gymnastics Nazis do for "cultural Marxism subverting western values" is amazing. Capitalisms commidification and branding for profit for anything, including culture, is what allows this.

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Do you even know what the fuck a nazi is you absoloute retard?

Still, look at what late stage capitalism has done. Chinese kids aim for the stars, American kids aim for a capitalistic branding of "culture". Sad.

The new breed of vice watching, tech worshipping, «$cience» loving Ameritards are the most annoying herd of retards i have ever seen.

The collective narrative the retards follow could be summed up by checking whatever hyped bullshit is trending on reddit. These fucking retards are souless automatons in any conversation that requires either critical thinking or a hint of original thought.

This thread is a perfect example of a controlled narrative with programmed reactions. I bet i could predict most of your life decisions with only your subscriptions as the input. Be the simplest DL algorhitim to date

Meanwhile in China the chink version of Jeff Bezos literally created a shopping holiday celebrating people being single and it's the world's' biggest shopping holiday ever despite being only 8 years old.
You could have not picked a worse example than fucking China.

Who the fuck wants to waste their life on a task that is mostly up to chance and would be boring as fuck? You can be the perfect candidate and not be selected for (x) reason. I'd rather invest my efforts wisely.

Why is teacher so high across the board? It's a mediocre job. At least in the US, where it's more about babysitting inner city kids than actually fostering the minds of the next generation

You captured, with that one post, everything that's wrong with the American mindset better than OP did lol.

People still fall for the romantic bullshit about education and “making a difference in the world”
Plus women

The chinese are capitalistic too though.

Chinese kids aim for the moon because their leadership deemed a pointless venture to the moon a worthwile cause. Ofcourse the little chinks are going to look better edcuated. What you fail to see is why the chinese are doing this.

They want to copy the easily programmable minds of American «nasa» lovers. They want a population willing to support pumping cash into space. They want their own version of the bill nye fan base.

The chinese live on copying, dont think it stops at technology.

Yeah you're right fuck youtube

kill capitalism before is too late

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>Why is teacher so high across the board? It's a mediocre job. At least in the US, where it's more about babysitting inner city kids than actually fostering the minds of the next generation

Because they're asking kids in school. Teacher is the 1 job they've all been exposed to. What do you want a 5th grader to say? That he wants to be a petroleum engineer? Database manager? They have no clue what that even is.

Well that's disappointing, when I was young astronaut was my dream too, guess it's time to become the boomer meme.

you get to touch children I assume

>believing data from china

Obviously Chinese kids want to be astronauts because they want to get as far away from China as possible.

Why would anyone want to be an Astronaut in America? So you can work for NASA and help test rocketry for Israeli ICBMs?
>but muh exploration
Wow so we can spread the menace of Judaism and their nigger golems to other planets. Hard pass.

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>Outsource all your industry
>Everyone has to get fake jobs to afford all the cheap shit being flooded into the country
Just goes to show the genius of free trade

Kill (((communism))) and (((capitalism))) before it's too late.


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Well considering Israeli support is at a high point in the us right now.

>late stage capitalism
>the government forces me to hire niggers
Very high iq OP

burger zoomers are more red pilled than chinks, they know the us and russian space programs were faked.

Oh no! The Chinese will be landing astronauts on the sun and we'll be posting on a cheap taiwanese messageboards while complaining about e-celebs. Woe is me.

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What the fuck is wrong with the percentages in the Chinese chart? Those do not add up to 100%.

traditional town picture for all interested.

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>Well considering Israeli support is at a high point in the us right now
lol according to whom? there's anti-israeli sentiment coming from both sides now when it used to be entirely anti-apartheid and anti-imperialist leftists.

china would rape your liberal asses so hard then harvest your organs you stupid pieces of shit. god I want the death of all liberals.

>Implying we Nazis support capitalism

Fuck any pipe dream that's filled to the gills with Judaism. It's time to wake everyone up.

the chinese have boring lives, and forced to get good grades which new gen chinese kids have been caught cheating. But im not saying we arent retarded aswell. But this is probably why they want to be astronauts, they have no fun in lives and want to strike the impossible high which they probably wont ever get. But if they do then thats great, dont give me a fucking insult you cock suckers im neutral to this situation.

Bro the percents don't add up. Fake news

Most Americans won't admit that they are lazy and will do anything for an easy life/fame. Movies brainwashed us to believe that we are all special and will do amazing things.

> nazis
> capitalism


Well when you think about it its very simple, there is no YouTube in China, thus, less people want to be youtubers/vloggers

Neither is going to be either.
Who gives a fuck what kids say?

Nice source.

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In China:
People value their children

People want to rape children

>In China:
>People value their children
ok ming

>In China:
>People value their children
That's not what I heard. Last time I checked they were having abortions to have male children instead.