The world is fucked

Everyone knows that African population is growing rapidly and Europeans along with East Asians are shrinking rapidly but people not seem to comprehend to what extent. At the end of 2017 the Nigerian population was estimated to be approximately 190 million. Today just a year and a half later the population is 201 million. The population of a single African country grew by 11 million in a span of a year and a half. This is equivalent to the entire Swedish population, actually it’s slightly more than the entire Swedish population.

Watch these numbers change

Attached: FF228051-3514-4E57-9755-C4C9E3036916.jpg (1242x1454, 277K)

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Bump, of course Jow Forums doesn’t want to discuss a real issue

God imagine how bad the world will smell in 100 years

Overpopulation will lead to resource shortages, and this will eventually lead to a global race war to the death. It’s going to be a knockout war with a small population of whites coming out on top

nothing short of a genophage can save us now

All built on debt and aid dumped on them from Wester nations.

The next economic collapse is gonna hurt like a bitch. As soon as the gibs run dry Africa's population will drop off a cliff.

Time to make our own nation in space
Then we drop a colony onto earth, cleansing it

Attached: 1553141766369.gif (1500x1000, 187K)

Every bleeding heart faggot and their traitorous puppeteers are responsible for this.

Men are working around the clock on this
Imagine the libcucks reaction to hundreds of millions of their nigger pets starving to death. Top kek
No need, nature will correct this problem

Daily reminder that “sensitive” animals are violently killed by their own, because they are a threat to the whole group