More specifically, someone from the "alt right"? It seems like he largely prefers the convenience of scripted videos where he plays the opposition and "counters" his own scripted arguments.
Does he ever debate people live?
Other urls found in this thread:
Contrapoints cannot debate, only repeat like a parrot. Because of this, he will only stigmatize the people he disagrees with instead of actually convincing them. Also, he should kill himself.
Blaire White BTFO him a few years ago.
Heres the vid:
what a waste, could've been a chad
CounterCuck is just a commie retard. Drunk with the idea that Big Mother (the government) Will shelter him for ever
A mentally ill man who thinks he’s a woman isn’t suited for debate.
The fuck, he was such a handsome guy. This just makes me sad now
>that hairline
>that jaw
He was a good looking dude. No homo. Sad to see someone destroy themselves in this way.
funny as 90% of altroghter have semitc or askhenazi phenotipe